Dreams come true I started my freelancer web design business,

Tomorrow its exactly 1 year i left Prague and start my travel adventure 13.02.2019 It was always my dream travel the world and live on the places like Bali … and guess what?

Dreams come true I started my freelancer web design business, quit my office job, rent my apartment (actually I was moving all my stuff from there the day before my leaving ) and left the city I have been living in almost all my life. I left alone.

I have never traveled alone before. I left to Asia I have never been before … and look at me now here I’m living in beautiful Bali, surrounded with breath taking nature, ocean, sunsets and an amazing people traveling the world People telling me that its impressive, that not that many people can leave everything and move to another country thousand miles away and alone.

But for me …. I have never been so sure about something like I was about this. And I’m thankful EVERYDAY for all this I have Hope guys that your dreams come true too! Never stop chasing them.