In Bali we found out that I become unbearable.

In Bali we found out that I become unbearable…/ , …( )
When I am hungryThat was a new fact even for myself. Until that trip I never noticed that. I guess I wasn’t that hungryBut in Bali we were sometimes lost in places with nothing around us. Thanks to my husband who has to deal with me at these moments for his patience

We started doing our bike-trips around the island having (at least) waffles in my purse!We could be in the middle of nowhere between rice terraces and volcanos when hunger was waking up in me and then right on the bike I was chewing themThat saved me a lotOtherwise I was turning mad and behaving like a kid. A furious kid

At some point I got scared that my sugar level probably makes me behave like that. But when we were in the clinic for all this coronavirus sh*t all my test results were perfectapart from Corona one

After this trip my husband started teasing me in a special way. I remember when I was sick, lying in bed… He was opening the door throwing me a few Rafaellos shouting ‘Feed the Beast’ and running away

We don’t have Rafaello anymore (and it’s tough to get in Argentina, we only found once a small pack of 3) but ‘Feed the Beast’ is forever with us