How are you feeling about future travel? .

How are you feeling about future travel? .
Has the pandemic changed the way you feel about travel, or can you not wait to walk down the aisle again? .
We are itching to get travelling again but we also realise that this whole experience may change the way the people feel about travelling internationally. .
How do you think we will see the industry change? 9/11 we saw flying change dramatically, do you think it will be the same after this?

Weve seen images of airline uniforms that are full PPC wear, read about possible COVID-19 testing before boarding and blocking the middle seats to allow for distancing (we are all for blocking that seat ). .
Let us know your thoughts on how youre feeling about travelling (be kind, its ok if everyones opinion isnt the same). For us as a family we dont feel this will change the way we travel or deter us from travelling, we just cant wait to be able to travel again! .
How are you feeling?