Oscar Ismail
WATCH IT OR LEAVE IT,kbiasaan orang indo selalu manjang2in masalah ga penting 🙂
Mifta Tsundere95
boleh sekiranya wisatawan asing menikmati pemandangan indah indonesia tapi bisa ya tidak mereka menghormati nilai2 moral yg berada di negara ini jaga sikap lah dinegara org seperti org indonesia gak pernah neko2 di luar negeri
Lehans Junior
jangan sok MUNAFIK kalian asal ngomong BAIK DAN BURUK itu semua ada pada MANUSIA ngak usah SOK SUCI ngak suka jangan di lihat KALIAN COMAND itu aja berarti kalian juga liat dan menikmati DASAR BAGIAN ORANG ORANG YANG MUNAFIK LO GAN NOH MASIH BANYAK ORANG SUCI TAPI MUNAFIK BANYAK CONTOH CONTOH DI TV PARA KORUP KORUP itu SIAPA DIA APA AGAMANYA IH
budi ariasa
Familie Hakim
Rai Deglut
Klok itu menurut anda tidak bagus ya jgan di lihat.. tutup telianga ajj.. eeh salah.. tutup mata n jangan pergi ke bali..
murat alakus
Jean Fox
Nice Video wow Amazing..aku mau kesana untuk party mmmm berapa itu ticketnya??
Jean Fox
Nice Video wow Amazing..aku mau kesana untuk party mmmm berapa itu ticketnya??
adit m 777
Nice vidio
kiman obras
alah,manusia pengikut dajall semua itu,anjing semua.
YukStays Hotels in Bali, Indonesia.
Looks like fun, we also have lowest cost hotels in Kuta Beach Bali, close to all the action.
Rai Deglut
Tapi knapa jg orang muslim bnyak yg suka ngintip2 bule mandi yaa?? Munafik bangeet
Dino Notopuro
bla bl a bla life is beautiful
Haikal Hayat
bali adalah surga dunia
bukan surga akhirat…
bagi kita umat muslim itu bukan target kita bro target kita adalah dapat surga ALLAH yang abadi selamanya 🙂
Rizal Yushar
Husein Ali
Miss Putri – Sastrawan Bali
see you again.
Peter Bayer
https://itunes.apple.com/id/app/travelling-bali-ultimate-bali/id854338491?mt=8 Free to download! The ultimate Bali Holiday Application! Learn about Bali’s culture, find hotels, restaurants and spas in Bali. Get information about Bali’s best wedding and meeting venues and let the gps guide you through the island of the gods! enjoy wonderful Bali with this fantastic holiday App!
Fakhrur Razi
iblisss smua
ابو علي الدحيم
botak batik
wajar bali di bom
iqwan kl
so good
hady audric
masa iya ini bali..
Eliza June
oh well
Eliza June
ew everybody is old
Reza Saputra
Wow.. i like it
by tyutyu
Anytime you see a Video Ad about a bikini party in a non-White nation the majority of the people they show in it are White people and not the indigenous people of that country.Welcome to Bali White people walking on the beach,welcome to Jamaica White people walking on the beach,welcome to Thailand White people walking on the beach,welcome to any White nation however and they don’t show any non-white walking on the beach they still only show themselves. Even with the fact that non-Whites travel to other countries just like they do….interesting
Ammar Firdaus
I dont mind..we’ll see abt that..
Ammar Firdaus
Elevator to hell..congrats
franken frank
i like so much
Azhar Mokobombang
For those hypocrites in this video, you’re all the possible threat to this country and need to be exterminated from Indonesia. Fashion TV and those people in this video has paid for it, explored our hospitality, and it all contributes to our taxes and our tourism industry. Itu budaya mereka dan gak maksa kita ikut2an kan? Semacam kata Gus Dur “Gitu aja kok repot!”
bella ringga sandita
Indonesia bukan negara islam siapa tadi yg bilang?
Maksudnya Mungkin indonesia mayoritas islam, karena bali masih menggunakan agama hindu ya gak papa, kan ini pulau bali bukan aceh.
Bayangkan saudara-saudara orang-orang bali mana pernah ganggu kita orang islam, tapi yang terjadi dahulu-dahulu bom bali itu karena orang islam, jangan menunjuk-nunjuk orang liat pada diri dulu. sebetulnya kita itu iri pada orang bali, kenapa dibali maju tp kita enggak. Kita harus mengikuti zaman, ilmu itu gas dan agama itu rem kalau kita melewati batas kita harus mengerem tapi jangan seterusnya mengerem kita akan ketinggalan zaman. Kita harus bersukur punya saudara yang ada dibali. Jangan saling menyalahkan.
Schapelle Corby was framed by the Bali police
Suroso Aee
Tinggal nunggu bencana saja ,kalau begini caranya…
yanke dee
wuis enak tu klo gabung
budi cahyono
astafirullah haladzim
tea chek
Rui Costa
do you guys remember the fist music of scketch of fashion tv in 1997 between every space of collection woman! I remeber than man was prodigy-smack my bitch up! but the woman was somthing like “come on come on come on babe…”
Ley Close
Yg suka dngn ini jngnlah mrsasa trsungging, krena yg sprti inilah yg gan merusak to mencemarkan budaya bangsa negara kita.
Trlalu trpengaruh dngan budaya Orang ya bginilah jdinya.
Sok beritisS :*)
Peter Bayer
Don’t miss THIS!!! Bali’s only FREE interactive travel guide with plenty of slideshows, direct links, pop ups, google maps links and many, many more. Available for iPads completely FREE of charge… https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/travelling-bali-balis-interactive/id737627431?ls=1&mt=8
المتيم المنسي
Muhammad David
budaya anjing…., pamer aurat dan sex bebas.
Tom Sokoya
and this is the same indonesia, where those religious extremist assholes dont want the miss world contest to be held in their country??
so much for their true islamic country, if all these stuffs are actually happening in that place lol
Mas Bro
Bali is the best..!!!