I think its brave that you rise – again and again.

I think its brave that you rise – again and again. even when life feels like a maze with many walls and no end. I think its brave you breathe through the breaking. the shattering that follows when you leap high enough to touch on the moon. I think its brave you break your own caccoon. I think when you continue to continue, its the most brave thing you could do. to hold hope in your heart even when the lights in other humans have gone out . i think thats brave. to feel your way forward- moment by moment when your not sure how to go another day. brave. for miracles dont need to move fast to move mountains. I think its brave to sit still and melt, for everything beautiful will find you and everything holy is you. I think its brave to keep planting seeds in the concrete, to let your tears speak like falling rain. i think its brave to listen to your longing, to be present with your pain. I think its brave to bloom in the dark
brave to begin again when you dont know where to start. keep going, brave or not. Its something you will always be to me