Coming full circle . .

This time last year, I was moving to Bali to base myself from there for the past year. When I first arrived, I knew no one, nothing, and was figuring out the lay of the land. As I arrived back in LA yesterday, where I will be based from (once again.) I couldn’t seem to shake a feeling of coming full circle and just having an appreciation for taking a leap this past year into the unknown. We spend so much of our lives waiting for the perfect moment or opportunity, which often never comes unless you say ‘Screw it! and go for it. You feel me?
During my year in Bali, I met some dream people, life long friends, spent way too much money, traveled to some fantastic places, taught myself to ride a motorcycle, taught some amazing yoga retreats to sum it up, it was a bloody amazing year! But, it made me realize we often wait until we have it all figured out, we wait for the right time, the right person, the right place, but what if those things never appear? At some stage, you have to create your own opportunities and go for it! So, if this post serves as anything, let it be a piece of inspiration to someone who wants to go to that foreign country, start that new job, or go on a date with that quirky person. Because there are no second chances, this is it, so leap, and I promise you, the net will appear!