BALI Travel Vlog – Nusa Penida, Pura Lempuyang & more


you are so cute, welcome


Videos about Bali deserves 500M views. This one also deserves 500M views.

Muchlis Muchlis

I love Indonesia is my country

Tank The Pitbull

Jesus wept, Iโ€™m so fucking jealous this place is dope !

Dylan Amble

keep the fire content up! sub + like ๐Ÿ˜


You said a couple of activities you were possibly going to do were “TBC” , what does that mean? Did you mean “TBD”, To Be Determined?

Nice video, unfortunately I think I’ve gotten a little too old for such exotic travels but you can do them for me.

Khaled Majeed

You should go backpacking for a year. Not only would you love it cause it suits your personality, but reckon your channel would grow considerably.

Richard Huddart

Wonderful travel vlog!!! Beautifully done!!! Totally professional. Loved how your personality shines through to enhance the viewing pleasure of the spectacular scenery.

Christian TESS

Hi !!! Congrats for your nice video and for your great Channel !!! Love it ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

I have a Travel Channel ๐Ÿ and it will be a pleasure to stay connected !!!

Greetings from Switzerland ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ญ

Pa Jo

You look nice without make up ๐Ÿ™‚

Marie LovesLondonMeier

Sandy this is so beautiful that sunset! Bali is my number one dream destination in the world!!!!!! I will go soon with my best friend. We are saving money for it at the moment.

Jack Launders

Oh my god I thought it was going to be this many tourists at PuraLempyuang!


Yeah those insects bring back memories.

The nets around the beds are there for a reason.

Did you see any lizards in your accommodation?

Gary L

HAPPY NEW YEAR! And thanks for sharing your spectacular visit to BALI. I think its the first time your sister has appeared on your channel? What is her name? You two are really beautiful! So alike- yet so DIFFERENT! I imagine you could not wait to return to warm and tropical London!(lol) Hope 2019 is a great fun year for you with lots of travel videos and vlogs!


Motorcycle ‘feather’ I think you meant good ‘suspension’.

Wombling Wurzel

Thanks for sharing this trip with us Sandy. Were the others with you except your sister fellow vloggers? I have never been to Bali so cannot say anything apart from this video has given a bit of a taste of what the country has to offer. Where is your next trip going to take you? Happy 2019


Did u climb that volcano? Walk around barefoot in a rice paddy? Eat local fish?

