1, 2, 3 JUMP!

1, 2, 3 JUMP! says the most popular photographer in Bali every 2 minutes, who’s job is to sit in front of the Gates of Heaven from rise to dawn to take the record breaking insta photos!

He’s an ordinary local Balinese guy (not a photographer) whose job is to make the most beautiful travel photos with travelers’ smartphones. These pictures in front of the Gates of Heaven have broke all the records on Instagram. It’s probably the most popular destination to take the ultimate insta photo. Mostly because of its view to mount Agung.

It takes approximately 3 hours to get to Lempuyang Temple from Ubud on the bike. We woke up at 5 am to be there as soon as possible to avoid the long ques which sometimes last for 3 hours. It’s a perfect chance to stop by Candidasa beach for breakfast and visit Tirta Gangga temple to have some rest and then continue the ride.