Postcard from Bali what is happening here now is truly special.

Postcard from Bali what is happening here now is truly special. The last time I experienced this kind of sense of community was after the bombs in 2002. I am so moved by how many people have grouped together to help feed people with no jobs and literally nothing to eat.
My job is telling stories. I can hardly keep up with the pandemic of kindness that is spreading out across Bali. I am moved to tears every day. Its not only money, its a smile, a hello, a small thing that connects us. Richer, poorer, we are all affected. What is happening on this small island that I call home, fills my heart to bursting.
Help if you can, ask if you need help, we are in this together, and we will be stronger and better when we find our way out of this.
Today was the first time in weeks that I have left home. I needed this so badly. Lockdown syndrome is real, I had it. A simple sunset with a friend restored me, the mango daiquiris helped too. Love is in the air, can you feel it too? Im Sarah of 360Bali and people have asked me to share my story. Thank you for listening