So excited to connect with you tomorrow from my home.

So excited to connect with you tomorrow from my home. You can join @livingessentialfreedom & I Thursday 7th May (Wed eve for people in the USA) 10.30 am Australian time for an introduction to KUNDALINI YOGA with Sunne and Myself.
Here are the times respectively :
10.30am Syd/Oz time
12.30pm NZ
1.30am UK
2.30am Germany
8.30am Bali
2.30am South Africa
USA New York ( Wed night) 8:30pm
USA LA ( Wed night) 5:30pm

Here is the zoom link for the FREE beginner 90 minute Work Shop:

We will record this discussion and workshop via zoom so if you can’t make it or the time doesn’t suit, please contact SUNNE via DM @livingessentialfreedom & she can pop you on the list to ensure we can send to you to you to watch at your own convenience. SAT NAM

P.S. ..unfortunately this range is still not ready for release. I dont know when. . Soon hopefully.