What does the state of BEING mean to you? .

What does the state of BEING mean to you? .

If youre anything like me, what you initially identify with as your default setting is to DO things. The state of doing becomes something that feels like fuel as it is what society identifies with. It is what leads you to believe it is what drives you and motivates you. .

The irony is that by continually doing things, I lost sight of what I was doing them for. Was I doing these things just for the sake of keeping busy or was it fueled by a higher purpose?
Was I running away from Fear?
Fear of inadequacy…
Fear of being alone with my own thoughts…
Fear of fading away… Fear of becoming redundant… . .
Still in the process of acknowledging those fears but it is making the journey of being so much easier. To find comfort in the stillness of existence as that, in itself is already pretty spectacular!

Inviting you all to check in with your fears or feelings of discomfort. If you feel like sharing, would love to hear about your own journey with this.