This is why we need masks.

This is why we need masks.

It really irks me that people are stealing masks from hospitals, doctors offices, everywhere.

We need these masks to protect critically ill patients. We need these masks to perform procedures. We need these masks. You dont need the mask to stay healthy.

So, if you worry about Covid-19, please do the following:

1. Relax. The mass panic caused by the news media is really quite frustrating. The news has done the human race a terrible disservice during this time, inciting panic. There are far more practical things we can do with our time.

2. Social distancing works. If you, an otherwise healthy person gets this virus and youre in a large crowd, you might give it to everyone in that crowd. Dont. Stay home. You dont know to whom you may spread this disease and how each of those people will respond. Covid-19, like influenza, like every other virus that has ever existed and will ever exist, is dangerous to some. You dont know how the virus will affect others, so dont spread it.

3. Wash your hands. With soap and water. It bears repeating.

4. This ones from me, while youre at home (because everyone is working from home now), take advantage of your downtime. Enjoy time with your loved ones, get to work on that business idea youve had for 6 months, cultivate some new hobbies (or some old ones?). Regardless, take of advantage of this time at home. Do something good with it.

Oh and again, wash your hands.