Most definitely one of the highlights to this trip.

Most definitely one of the highlights to this trip.
Climbing up the ancient staircase of a cliff overlooking the seaweed gardens just off the shore line. Before you have a chance to catch your breath, youre splashed with holy water before you can enter the goa giri Putri temple.
As you take in the view you notice there is a small hole inside the side of the cliff just large enough for a full grown adult.
As you lower yourself down feet first, you take one last look out to the human realm, and back down to enter through the mouth of the mountain and into the cave realm. The sounds of waves crashing are replaced with the distant screech of bats and a haunting tone of a single bell echoing throughout the mountains bowels. Statues of gods and dragons line the walls of the belly as if swallowed and never set free.
The haze of incense floats through the air and into the nose brings a welcomed sense of calm in a dark ominous abode. .