
Its a shame those beautiful animals have to spend their lives in a cage so people can drink a cup of coffee

Susan Anderson

Yawn – looks just like all the other videos with Lady boy girlfriends – dirty dogs!


The Hindus escaped to Bali island from Java under the assault of Islam. thats why bali is hindu

Mathieu Tallard

Why getting nice allover tan not there….

2P. Nak dern tang

nice vlog

Rusdianto Simangunsong



I was enjoying your videos until i saw your support for this type of business, this animals don’t have a real life, for rich people can drink that stupid coffee.

Amol Bharmoria

Hey Chris, its amazing to see your digital nomad journey in Bali. Could you please shed some light on monthly expenses for staying in Bali at a decent place. It will be great if you can make a video on it. Thanks. Keep up the good work.

Wisata Bali Bali

Nice video…

Moe Jameel

It’s definitely the BEST Bali vlog I have seen so far! Well done!

Rizky Akbar

This video made me miss when I go to Bali last year with my family:(

Vicky Wen

well i hope to meet you guys when u r visiting indonesia againπŸ˜„ im from jakarta btw πŸ˜„

D. Corona Originals

What were you smoking t 5:40? Not that I thought it was pot but just got curious about the coffee and if had anything to do with it haha.

Kieran McCusker

Great stuff guys πŸ™‚

Tara Loker

Awesome video. Thank you!

Blair Owens

Great vlog, bali looks beautiful. Loved all the water shots and your music. I’m curious how you came across that artist for your videos? Did you contact them or anything? Just looking for something better than Youtube Audio Library

Luke Underwood

awesome, how long you been doing this?