A Solo Travel to Bali

ikky Chann

saya juga solo traveller


Henry carrera


Christian Biedenharn

Incredible story and video!

Lost Soul

Wow.. This was amazing!! I’m planning to visit Bali next week and I’m inspired by your video. ☺
Great work man. 👍

Rakib Noushad

Liked your video and subbed your channel. Your channel have my support. Please support me back

Uriel Art

lonely. 🙁

Digital Dre

Amazing edit! You seem to have an eye for great shots!
The atmosphere of your edit transferred very well to the viewer, keep it up! 💪🏼
I do editing too and I create what the pictures in my imagination look like, sometimes a bit crazy, but if you want some more inspiration, feel free to have a look 🙂


this was great man! you did a good job! i just went to bali alone to film some videos!

Justin Romeyn

Beautiful film man. Great storytelling and shot selections!!

King ගැමුණු

Well done!

Brenton Parry

That’s a gorgeous video Thiago! Well done


really great storytelling!! and the cinematic style is on point!

Ron Palacio

Damnnn this is good! I went to aberdeen scotland by myself as well.. Best experience so far for me! Check out my video..anyway very good job!

Anthony Palanog

This is amazing, you deserve more views and more people needs to see your work. Your videos and content are just amazing, thank you for sharing this with us. Keep it up!

Jérémie Schuler

I get hope again in amateur video making when I see this. Well done man, you’re a nice story teller

Justin van Tol

Damn, this was insane! Even more amazing realizing you’ve shot everything alone. Amazing capture of culture, people and nature. Good work, Keep it up!



Rosalie van Veen

Great job on the filming!!

Weekend Willie

Absolutely captivating. Please make many more. So much depth and maturity.

Filmmaker Sam

very very good video! 👍 Hope I can up my game and make something like this. Keep making these videos, truly great work.


Awesome bro, some true words in there about solo travel!!

Mikko’s Adventure

Awesome dude! I’m watching this as travelling alone in Portugal and trying to make a travel film! Not nearly up to your level yet but maybe some day. Your video made me feel all the feels!

Henrique Albuquerque

Gostei da história Thiago. Bom vídeo! 1:39 pânico!! 😂

Richard Lam

This is beautiful man! Can’t believe you filmed this with the Sony A7II – the video looks so good and crisp!

Travelling Artist

Dude..this is freaking amazing. The shots are beautiful.
You have a new subscriber 🙂

Redgate Production

Im trying to create a documentary about happiness and world travel. Please click the link if your interested or want to help out. https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/travel-for-happiness/

Life Of Chris Taylor

Very captivating film Thiago! Great job man 😊

James Blackman

LOVE ALL YOUR VIDEOS AND SUBBED TOO. Please checkout some of my videos would mean alot to me

HarvyDanger Films

Excellent work! I share this capture addiction, love the feeling of being, at home, in someone else’s and feel that push/pull of solo travel. ✌️


Wow! This is amazing! I was captivated through the whole video!

Geoffrey Lau

So sensational, no fancy transitions simple yet amazing, I like your video (recommended by VisualRev), great one. Thank you for your journey!

Malith Waniganayake

Really good vid 🙂 Keep up the good work 🙂 Cheers!!

Alexander Anastasov

Aamaaazing video, man.. I feel your love for our mother Earth ^^ I share the same love. I share the passion for capturing her beauty and sharing it in order spark respect and care for her. Also, I’ve both on purpose and by chance, immersed myself in different cultures for quite a while. I love it because it’s like meeting a new me every time. Thank you for this beautiful short ^^

Peter Farkas

wow, did you use 60fps?

Daduk Pranata

oh man its so touching and amazing video , thanks for sharing .. inspired me

Omri Lavi


Francesco Celauro

This is, without a doubt, one of the best videos I’ve ever seen. Simple, direct and meaningful. Now I want to make videos again, it’s been too much time since i last pressed that record button. Thank you very much man

Jamie Fenn

This is amazing. Great job man. I traveled solo last year to Bali and I could connect with this video and you’re experiences in so many ways. Amazing job my friend.

Jakub Chlouba

Great video man! 🙂 it really caught my attention! keep it up!

Gastón Luna

Amazing bro!! I felt bali!! Great work!

Renata Kiss

Great travel video. So refreshing to watch:) keep up the good work!

Laura x

This is so gooood!! 👏👏

Matt Mckenna

Finally a travel film with a story and not ridiculous transitions , nice job man. Great footage

Philipp Klein Herrero

Wow, this was amazing! I came from Visualrev but stayed to subscribe! I too have a travel video from Asia in my channel, maybe you like it 🙂

Tom Bradshaw

VisualRev shared your video on his channel

Mridu Mousam Neog

it’s videos like this that’s keeps me motivated! great job man 🙌🙌

Northern Heart

Wow, this video is amazing, looooove it! you are very talented and you def made me feel something. I just wanted to be a part of your video, be there, meet all of those people, experience the flavors, sounds, smells. Amazing!

Eric lau

This is what I call really travel story… Love it so much man 👍👍👍


Great video bro!!! Found you from visual reviews. He was right you deserve way more views on this

Shreya Jha

A great video, love it. Gives a lot of inspiration to travel more. 💙🙌💖

Suanggara Dana

so touching 😍


Hey Thiago, have you shot the video in MP4 or AVCHD? I have a similar camera so just wondering… 🙂

Andrew Star life

Big thumbs up, music goes so well with the visuals.. Bali looks incredible


I really enjoyed this! Your explanation of solo travel is very accurate and the video is high quality.

Giorgio Ghiotto

sick video dude, colour gradig is just aweosome here
If yoy want check out my channel and let me know your feedback
Keep it up dude!

Vedana filmes Content

Cara tá show, eu faço vídeos nesse estilo é ainda não alcancei o nível de captação que eu desejo. Ano que vem na minha próximo viajem vou tentar ter um olha fotográfico mais apurado. Só uma coisa me incomodou nesse vídeo, além da narração (podia abaixar um pouco, e fazer algo mais impactante) além dos efeitos sonoros ambientes, etc! No geral ta show, Parabéns!

Fred Figueiredo

Amazing video!! Cheer for all solo travellers, i had this experience for 40 days in central america and it was just incredible.


ahh…you made me want to go back so badly… loved your words, as well as every single second of the video.

Priscilla Nissie Andrew

i feel u …..
salute to the all the solo traveler

Alexandra Lezcano

Thank you for sharing your amazing experience, I admire people that dare to live with such and adventurous spirit! I wish I could do the same, a hug from Panama xoxo.

Tiago Manzatto

Sensacional, vídeo muito bom com imagens fantásticas, parabéns Thiagão, sucesso sempre 👏

Choo Xuan Guang

A different vibe compared to the previous videos but the shots are still epic af.

Jéssica Liar

it’s amazing. really.

Solanger Honegger

Amazing video! when I saw it at the first time, its took my mind travel and wanted to be there immediately. <3