Don’t do this in BALI, INDONESIA 🇮🇩

M naheedl Ali alfatah

Hi im from indonesia thank you


One of the best advice videos on Bali I’ve seen- so many people just upload “vlogs” that entirely consist of their zoomed in faces, without actually showing Bali or saying anything of substance. Thanks for uploading!

Neil Harold Dawis

Wow! bananas & nuts are so very nice….😋

Bali Age Balina

Dont drive and drank ok

dennis 13


wartika chanel

Very nice in bali

avesh jarbandhan

How is the Nusa dua area on new years eve?


You guys are good!


There is definitely road rage in Bali, absolutely 100%, it just comes in a different flavour than in the west. The Main Street in Ubud, oh you’ll see locals getting impatient during rush hour and ripping past people on their scooters in ways that even a local would see as insane. Be careful especially on busier roads! It’s gotten a lot worse in the past few years as well.


#1 don’t swimm in poluted beaches full of garbage

lost& found

$100,000 = $10

Nila Rahma Sudarsono


Anthony Coca

If you’re American or British, beware going through customs as it’s not uncommon to be pulled out of the line and harassed by custom agents attempting a shakedown in order to extort cash. I’ve experienced this personally during my second or third trip to the island. I was pulled out of line and they went through my passport claiming that I didn’t have enough room for their stamp. They told me that I was going to have to fly back to Singapore which was my previous destination. When I told them that I didn’t have the ticket because it was with my partner and he had already went through customs ahead of me, they said they were going to send me to their jail. The custom agent immediately rushed me and grabbed my arm, twisted it behind my back and pushed me face first into the wall. My immediate, instinctive reaction was to swing around and pull my wrist from his hand. He then grabbed a binder from his desk and slapped me across the face with it which caused my lip to bleed. I was in such a state of shock I didn’t know what to do. It was then that he exited the room and another customs agent came in and told me that they wanted to help me so long as “I helped them”. I had no idea what they were talking about until he repeated it another time and rubbed his fingers together as to suggest money being exchanged. At the time, I was carrying two 17 inch Mac laptops, and a small satchel full of gold and platinum jewelry from Tiffany. I thought they were going to take it all. Instead, they had me rummage through my carry-on bags till I scraped up what ended up being about seven or eight American dollars that I handed over to them. Being happy with that and proud of themselves, they sent me back to customs to go through and be reunited with my partner. When I was leaving their office I saw an Indian family consisting of a father, mother, and daughter sitting directly outside and I knew that they were going to go through what I just went through. The experience soured me towards Bali forever. I was later told by a friend in London that it’s typical that they do that to Americans and Londoners. What my friend wasn’t aware of is that I seem to be pulled out from the customs line regardless of where I’m traveling to in the world. I don’t really blend and tend to stand out. It’s not because I dress shabby. I’m most often in Prada and am part of a global express club which offers premium experience above and beyond what regular passengers receive due to my having now traveled over 2,000,000 air miles. Whatever the reason is, it’s made the customs experience in airports the worst part of traveling for me. It’s usually when I get through customs and get on board my plane that they start kissing my ass once they learn what I’ve gone through. It doesn’t make up for the aggravation though…..


Why do all you Americans have to say expecially instead of especially – sounds lazy & uneducated & I am sick of hearing this bastardisation of the English language.


You need 99 driving skill if you come to indonesia

Made Putra 12

Wkwk bhsa indonesianya pray kok shalat ? Wkwk .. google translate bgd ni trjemahannya


I highly recommend this documentary:


Here in Australia it is (a lot of the time) cheaper to go for a holiday to Bali than to somewhere in Australia.

Huna Ka

I‘ve been there once and totally agree with you guys

Event Horizon

The Bali 9 were setup by the Australia Federal Police. Absolutely disgusting!

Eka Rally

Eminem is that you??? Too much magic mushrooms??? LoL…. Bali is not perfect but sure you can find something good for you.

Jaffa Joffer

So insurance not pay rabies shots?

henry widjaja

Sangeh (monkey Forest) monkeys here is very aggressive n territorial, it’s better don’t feed them

Leonardo Dicaprio

Just think about wonderful earth trips if you gonna to bali. Drugs are ilegal everywhere. So you will be the happiest one in the world if you would be here

Mark 87

She laughed so excitedly when she realise banana and nuts …lmao


And don’t pat kids on the head, the top of the head is sacred because the soul enters the body through there. And don’t show the soles of your feet to a gamelan (musical instrument, sort of big xylophone).

Eren 05

In Indonesia If you use drug you dont get death penalty, just get jailed. but if you are drug dealer you will get death penalty.. Its all clear?

Just Stuff

Narrow streets … That’s a typical road in the UK!

Kemas Wijaya

Just dont do drug anywhere period

Hasan Apo

In indonesia dont drink alcohol


Orang indo mana nih?

Gatot Kaca

Me from Indonesian 🇮🇩 , i don’t like Narkoba

Muji Jibu

it’s been a year This video always been on the top if searching with keyword bali. How did you make this video man

Kai Schmitz

Nice video guys 🙌🏻

Redhouse 100

I’ve had rabies shots, they’re not bad! Also, I’m licensed to work with wildlife – most people get hurt because they are too hesitant. They want to feed the animal, and put food in their hands, but then they refuse to extend their hands and they cringe back, which makes the animal have to lunge for the food. If you’re afraid of animals, then don’t even try to interact with them. Second thing I’ve seen are people who tease animals. I think people have a mean streak: they’ll hold out the food and when the animal goes for it, they inexplicably (I think it’s really passive-aggressive!) pull the food back, and they’ll do this three or four times….and then they get surprised when the animal lunges. Animals have had to be killed bc of stupid people like this. If you are afraid of a wild animal, or if you are a passive-aggressive person, do them a favor and stay away. But if you’re well-used to animals and aren’t afraid and are full of compassion, then go for it! Interacting can be really rewarding for both species.


Where your stay.
Im restu from bali, mengwi tani

Ben Menzel

Wtf guys. The bali 9 ve been arrestet for over 5kg of drugs. Thats why it got serious. Driving a scooter is the best and only way to traval in bali, you just have to be carefull but its not this dangerous.

sri purnami

You can step over the offerings when the incense doesn’t light up. Or if it seems like it’s been there for a long time. 😊
Suksma! Nice video!


Great info. Thanks. Also, that must be the world’s record for using the “word” ECKSPECIALLY.

Nathan Kempf

Hi! I’m just curious about renting a car: I’ve never driven a scooter bike and I’m therefore very scared to try for the first time in a place such as Bali. Is renting a car worth it if you plan to move quite a lot? Or is it better to go around the island using uber-like apps?

Nick Smith

Is that you not riding WITHOUT a helmet at 8:40?! That’s silly… 😕

Yang Shen

You two are a fun couple, I enjoyed this. Thinking about teaching English in Bali, and doing some leg work to see if it’s worth it. Stay safe and have fun on your travels!

Lil K Smo

Hearing Americans say Bali names. Its so funny.

Ruiz Torreb

So much stupid things. They are repressed and cheated by money.

peace lover

Love you Bali from Odisha India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳.we selebrate Bali Yatra in Odisha due to our ancient trade with Bali

Agus Setiawan

We step the canang sari sometimes in Bali, after we offered it😁. We sweep it after the ceremony, and everyday if it is daily But don’t step canang sari that offered higher than your feet or when it is being offered, it looks expressly you want to step an offerings😂
So it is okay if you step on it accidentlly. 🙏 from bali

Mr Potato

You live in a crowd, loud big city, decide to go to bali to party? Dude.. 😂😂

Raymond Necke

Been to bali 5 times , never had an issue ever , get a phrase book and learn a few phrases including basic manners . It goes a long way

Aanadसंजयकुमारखुटेल Kumarसंजयकुमारखुटेल

मिस जस्मीन की रिपोर्ट चाहिए ठीक है महोदय जी

Lee Johnston

Think I’ll pass using drugs and trafficking is two different things. Shame cause it looks like a lovely place.

Khan Ali

Anything is possible in bali . As long as you have money . Bali people only love money .

Peter Preis Dinslaken

Klasse gemacht gefällt mir außerordentlich gut LG.Pidi


Where is the Temple at 10:58


Anjay dapet cowok bule, duet banyak ya mbok

Michelle Allen

Super helpful! I love your blog! Just got back from a month long trip in Thailand. I was well informed on the areas, the DO’s and Don’ts, and AMAZING food because of you guys, so thank you! Saving up to Bali next.

saikat nandy

Actually Buddhism is a tributary of Hinduism…. Mahatma Gautam Buddha was born in a Hindu King family….

Frederic Diaz

I would like to use your videos as a basis for English courses. I need divert living to grant me copyright permission. Would you please send an email at I’ll give you more information (please delete this message as soon as you’ve sent me an email) Thank you.

Victoria Hunt

Yall are cute….

Vina Kanya

Such an amazing video!, im glad to see this video, im a balinese and i proofed this video’s explaining all right things abt what you shouldn’t do in Bali!!


Which Bali site is the best for snorkeling?

Pip Corteen

What a sweet couple! And thanks for the useful information. Happy travels!


Honestly.. Bali is overated.

Fuzzy O’ Dummy

Im an indonesian and i stepped one of those outside a gelato shop :v

Gerrit Smit

another tip, not to do in Bali: Respect their culture and wear cloth, also when you are a man and ‘top-less’ may be macho with your 6-pac and tattoos, but not appreciated.

123 dodo

The money thing is what i as indonesian think especially have to look at the colors rather than the amount

Btw thats not only apply in bali

khanti devi

Hello there.. I just wanted to correct you its called ubud and not boo boo 😂😂

Caesar Zeppeli

As an Indonesian-Australian, Lombok’s better. It’s more peaceful, not too wild, more quiet, not many parties, no drunks

Outdoor activities

Arak = langkau

Leo Levitt

this should be called common sense. do your research before you travel. simple as that. and dont be fucking stupid.

jinchuriki_ 214

Nice vlog im loolking forward to experience Bali this year

Leondra Yslas

Any tips for getting around? I’ll be going for the first time next month! (Not experienced on a bike!)


Great tips for a Bali trip. Everyone who plans to travel to Bali should have seen it. The video gives a good feeling for the culture and the conditions there.👍😀

Dark Shadow

The is actually a line for the roads check it out in kuta

Dark Shadow

By the way if you want to be sure that you don’t want to be scammed. You’ll have to make sure in your phone check it out.

Dark Shadow

Lol my father friend is the ceo of beer bintang 🤣🤣 ceo group yeeeet

joel felix

Its so dumb that in Bali its so strict about drugs but they let you get super wasted on alchoho


never been there but nice place… come and visit sabah ^_^

Via Novianiiee

Hallo ilove you from tegallalang bali❤


Wow, guys. Very well made. Not only the video but also that you added such a huge comment-section with tips, info about your gear, further reading etc… Excellent!

Selamat Sentosa

Come on dude, nothing wrong with arak, i drank it daily, perfectly fine

Cannon Ryuzaki

A friend of friend’s peed on the offering, and his leg got swollen and he can’t pull his pants up 😅.


good place – BALI

terence sipersan

thanks god I watched this video

Virginie Tête talks

Very cute you too, well done thank YOU

Achmad Aziz

I don’t know why but, your face is remind me of John Cossack 😂😂

Titin Kustinah

“Do not ride motorbike if your not really good on it” Very true hahaha…I was in Bali with my friend from London and he said he can ride motorbike,but he smash the trees for the first time 😂😂😂

Sri Asthinni

im’a balinese, that canang sari means ia to express our grateful to god, the little one or we called ‘canang or canang sari’ we put it everyday, but if there a big sacred ceremony that will be much of things that we called with ‘banten’.

about why we don’t allowed to step on ‘canang sari’ i can’t explain it clearly but maybe u can understand if i tell because it sacred kinda holy things so we need to keep it up. but if accidentaly you steped there it’s okay. you may not get ‘bad luck’ or we called it as ‘karma’ too. 😊


click bait

Solo Travel ni Christian

Good thing for me about searching do’s and don’ts in Bali because I will travel there in solo. Thanks so much for the info.

Ahmad Faisal

U look like eminem.

Mark Scott

Great video, nice couple, he was cute, been to Bali twice now, thinking of going Christmas and New year for 2020, fantastic time s over there, Off to Thailand for the 4th time in February this year cant wait now, Drugs anywhere in the world is a NO NO. The Balinese are great people and I respect them all such a beautiful country and beautiful people, stay safe guys wherever your holidays may take you

james jarman

Bali was my first time driving out of the states but i drove a car, I’m not ready for a scooter in Indonesia. The only accident happened near the toll road going back to kuta square i was in the roundabout and someone flew without warning from the far right and hit my right fender. love driving around bali or jakarta, theres a method to their madness and i prefer it to the states

sumon shil

She is so pretty

oktri yogandini

I just accidentally did the 7th point one this afternoon, and I really am sorry for it. I am just afraid whats gonna happened next. Pls pray for me:(

Todd O’Brien

I live in Australia and have been to Bali about a dozen times. Last time we used a driver we’d been recommended and it was the best thing we’ve ever done there. He took us round the island and informed us about Bali culture and the Hindu religion: why are the offerings outside shops, why do all houses have the two pillars at the entrance and much more. Do it. Cost us $AU60 for the full day! We tipped of course :o)

Nayra Dharma

Hey I’m sorry but in our culture, showing off money like that its not a good thing. Mostly it makes people feel uncomfortable. It would’ve been better if you just showed one 100.000 rupiah to the camera. It would’ve been just enough. Thanks for the video regardless. I’d like to show it to some friends of mine.

LKSM tude

And dont forget with the crime,they are everywhere

Luke, I’m your father!


Aage Vdvet

Driving on Bali is fine with something like a scooter. I never drove a scooter before, my first time was on Bali. It takes a little time to get used to, but my main rules are:
1. No sudden movements. Be predictable and everything will be fine. Its better to miss a turn then to end up as street pizza.

2. Do what the locals do. (Only things you feel comfortable doing.) If you’re in a busy intersection, sticking close to a local in front of you will help getting through the mess.

3. Always have your international driving license ready. As a tourist you will get stopped, showing it will most of the time save you a fine.

Belechel Wilhelm

Is weed legal and available in Bali??..especially in Gili island?

Aarish.’s world Pst

Your partner indonesian or not coz she is pretty beautiful


This place sounds like a nightmare.

T Music

Terimakasih telah datang ke Bali❤️

Alit Arya

We call it “mebanten” a way we thanking god for everything we have (grateful). Balinese believe that what you give is what you get. Hindu Bali also believe in Tri Hita Karana, TRI HITA KARANA (3 reasons of happiness) it’s all about “connection” between human to human, human to nature, and human to god. We keep the harmonization to reach happiness.

prashant sharma

You cannot step anything you offer to the god.its not a strict rule but that is expected as a morality Hinduism

Ozzie O

Fuck you with you disbelief

yessie primadi

Im from indonesia

Rino Ammar

Who is her? He’s was laugh so hard 😂

Khan Ali

Wow .. and you still alive in Bali ?

Jitendra Sangal

My 2 cents: Always exchange currency at registered government operated currency exchange centres in Bali and dont distracted with better rates elsewhere, as local cu-ex can fool you with your money. Its worth trying them though 🙁 because u can see the magic of hiding a stack when they give it you but when they are counting its always the right count.

then benagcz

I wander when Australia travel agency gonna post warning about Sliwowica only 70% of alcohol or about Polish vodka. We live in times where government knows better like in Comunist times!!


How do you guys pay for your travels?

Saira Star

ha ha ha

kitchee tam

Thank for putting out these warnings. But I think too much time was spent explaining Canang Sari. Way too much time.

Nathan The buster

do you know Bitang means star in indonesia to this year the traffic is bad

gold miner

Like your vlog in bali..vlog so epic..

Clemens Lucca

so smoking a Joint,is the same like,to be a Terrorist or Murder!!

Richard Setiawan Luminta

don’t show your milk factory in Bali ( . )( . )

Jho Zu

Never thought that monkey would be the first issue 😆


nice video created by you,great job,keep it up and merry Christmas,enjoy

alexa Lynlee hope

Drugs in kuta legian street it’s fake asf …when they offered u chrystal meth they brought u sugar n mix with something if we look bit far n if we were drunk those fake crystal meth legit look real..
But when u found out it’s fake n we cancel they still ask money for cancel which is half price from how much they was offered it or not they will called his :gang” bunch guys to fight u or to be exactly to ripped u off
Some of western still scared n terrified of them
Ps : sorry my English not really good



John B

Why on earth does this video have over 1 million views and only 18k in likes? These 2 young people are very informative and very helpful. Thank you to you guys.

John B

What was the name of the area that have stunning water falls, jungle atmosphere and cheap food? I listened to it 4 times and did not catch the name.

Angel Cho

I don’t believe in prayer soooooo

kenneth yi

Maybe use your eyes to look where you walk. This video is so bad

Wira Adi Gede

You should put drug at the number 1. Things you need to avoid when you are in Bali. I might give you more list.

– do not pet/pat/touch a wild animal that you find on street (except they have a special necklace tags ) .
– most of the case, do not call for an online driver to pick up ( if you are in the tourism area/or like iconic 5 stars hotel) , you might find yourself in big trouble. Dispute between conventional and online driver is becoming a big issue in Bali recently.
– Especially for women, do not go to the temple if you are on period.
– do not climb , sit or stand on the temple 🙏

Better Safe than Sorry

Charles van Dijk

1 is nice 2 is good and 3 is too many. Boring but sound advice in regards alcoholic drinks. Ice was introduced to the world by the German army 80 years ago. They called it Pervitin and the world never looked back. How Indonesia fight the world drug problem is their domestic business. You can visit the place as a tourist, I repeat as a tourist not as an activist and you don’t have to go there in the first place. I expect foreigners to go by that rule when they visit where I live but they call my views racist. What people think about my point of view is however none of my business.

Jemmy Siauw

DO NOT order online car ride like GRAB CAR / GO CAR in an area where you see a lot of local licensed taxi waiting for passengers especially tourist spots if you don’t want to face awkward moment where locals will order you to step off the car and rush the driver away.

Solution: better to rent a car with driver who can also act as your tour guide for full day if you travelling between town to town in Bali.

Rudy del pardo

good advise guys , thank you

alex zylstra

I really love how informative and true this video is as I’ve grown up in Bali for the last 14 years, and noticed all these things. Also a note for any tourist wanting to go to Bali, be careful on the road for not only your safety but the safety of others, because I’ve seen many tourists ignore the rules. Also in general don’t do drugs ANYWHERE, and make sure to enjoy Bali 🙂

Wanderlust Warrior

This video was very helpful! Thank you for sharing all the tips. Now I’m worried to visit the monkey sanctuary haha!

Kusuma Wijaya

like you shoot, local balinese mom give back your money..
im local, and im apreciate that.. this my mom always do

Bayar Sum

Thanks for your important messages cheers

gede geni

Thank you for this “dont” video….
The point is, respect the place you visit….

Anthony WorldwideTV



Anthony WorldwideTV



n k

bali is part of indonesia and locals are very conservative. due to the exchange rate, bali becomes an attractive place for holiday. but the place is tainted with non stop parties, alcohol, sex, prostitution which never would have happened if not for the type of tourists comes to bali,

n k

actually, please go crazy on the arak. the more of u die or go blind, the better.

Sly Shippy

13:15 Oh, man.

Erwin Rommel

you will see…



Wellcome to indonesia

Mark Hidalgo

Extremely informative video🤙🏽 watched 3 videos so far and am now subbed

David G Sasmita

Hi.. I’m from Bali. I found that your explanation is very accurate. Seems like you’ve explored this island. 😄





Rio Herwindo

don’t ride? you must try ride in jakarta….😂

Wiwin Nababan

Dont touch head a person indonesian people,

Teguh Lumban-Gaol

Indonesia not that crazy to just kill everyone that caught have drugs.
Theres a different penalty between only using it or selling it.
Theres also a different between have few grams or kilos.
99% of the people that get death penalty is a seller and courier that have over 1kg.
While most people that only using it and have only few grams can go to rehab facility.
Im just trying to clarify, please dont do drugs.


I learned about ASEAN and it includes Indo which ia my country in ASEAN it is very strict that in ASEAN countries are drug free countries