Don’t do this in BALI, INDONESIA 🇮🇩

M naheedl Ali alfatah

Hi im from indonesia thank you


One of the best advice videos on Bali I’ve seen- so many people just upload “vlogs” that entirely consist of their zoomed in faces, without actually showing Bali or saying anything of substance. Thanks for uploading!

Neil Harold Dawis

Wow! bananas & nuts are so very nice….😋

Bali Age Balina

Dont drive and drank ok

dennis 13


wartika chanel

Very nice in bali

avesh jarbandhan

How is the Nusa dua area on new years eve?


You guys are good!


There is definitely road rage in Bali, absolutely 100%, it just comes in a different flavour than in the west. The Main Street in Ubud, oh you’ll see locals getting impatient during rush hour and ripping past people on their scooters in ways that even a local would see as insane. Be careful especially on busier roads! It’s gotten a lot worse in the past few years as well.


#1 don’t swimm in poluted beaches full of garbage

lost& found

$100,000 = $10

Nila Rahma Sudarsono


Anthony Coca

If you’re American or British, beware going through customs as it’s not uncommon to be pulled out of the line and harassed by custom agents attempting a shakedown in order to extort cash. I’ve experienced this personally during my second or third trip to the island. I was pulled out of line and they went through my passport claiming that I didn’t have enough room for their stamp. They told me that I was going to have to fly back to Singapore which was my previous destination. When I told them that I didn’t have the ticket because it was with my partner and he had already went through customs ahead of me, they said they were going to send me to their jail. The custom agent immediately rushed me and grabbed my arm, twisted it behind my back and pushed me face first into the wall. My immediate, instinctive reaction was to swing around and pull my wrist from his hand. He then grabbed a binder from his desk and slapped me across the face with it which caused my lip to bleed. I was in such a state of shock I didn’t know what to do. It was then that he exited the room and another customs agent came in and told me that they wanted to help me so long as “I helped them”. I had no idea what they were talking about until he repeated it another time and rubbed his fingers together as to suggest money being exchanged. At the time, I was carrying two 17 inch Mac laptops, and a small satchel full of gold and platinum jewelry from Tiffany. I thought they were going to take it all. Instead, they had me rummage through my carry-on bags till I scraped up what ended up being about seven or eight American dollars that I handed over to them. Being happy with that and proud of themselves, they sent me back to customs to go through and be reunited with my partner. When I was leaving their office I saw an Indian family consisting of a father, mother, and daughter sitting directly outside and I knew that they were going to go through what I just went through. The experience soured me towards Bali forever. I was later told by a friend in London that it’s typical that they do that to Americans and Londoners. What my friend wasn’t aware of is that I seem to be pulled out from the customs line regardless of where I’m traveling to in the world. I don’t really blend and tend to stand out. It’s not because I dress shabby. I’m most often in Prada and am part of a global express club which offers premium experience above and beyond what regular passengers receive due to my having now traveled over 2,000,000 air miles. Whatever the reason is, it’s made the customs experience in airports the worst part of traveling for me. It’s usually when I get through customs and get on board my plane that they start kissing my ass once they learn what I’ve gone through. It doesn’t make up for the aggravation though…..


Why do all you Americans have to say expecially instead of especially – sounds lazy & uneducated & I am sick of hearing this bastardisation of the English language.


You need 99 driving skill if you come to indonesia

Made Putra 12

Wkwk bhsa indonesianya pray kok shalat ? Wkwk .. google translate bgd ni trjemahannya


I highly recommend this documentary:


Here in Australia it is (a lot of the time) cheaper to go for a holiday to Bali than to somewhere in Australia.

Huna Ka

I‘ve been there once and totally agree with you guys

Event Horizon

The Bali 9 were setup by the Australia Federal Police. Absolutely disgusting!

Eka Rally

Eminem is that you??? Too much magic mushrooms??? LoL…. Bali is not perfect but sure you can find something good for you.

Jaffa Joffer

So insurance not pay rabies shots?

henry widjaja

Sangeh (monkey Forest) monkeys here is very aggressive n territorial, it’s better don’t feed them

Leonardo Dicaprio

Just think about wonderful earth trips if you gonna to bali. Drugs are ilegal everywhere. So you will be the happiest one in the world if you would be here

Mark 87

She laughed so excitedly when she realise banana and nuts …lmao


And don’t pat kids on the head, the top of the head is sacred because the soul enters the body through there. And don’t show the soles of your feet to a gamelan (musical instrument, sort of big xylophone).

Eren 05

In Indonesia If you use drug you dont get death penalty, just get jailed. but if you are drug dealer you will get death penalty.. Its all clear?

Just Stuff

Narrow streets … That’s a typical road in the UK!

Kemas Wijaya

Just dont do drug anywhere period

Hasan Apo

In indonesia dont drink alcohol


Orang indo mana nih?

Gatot Kaca

Me from Indonesian 🇮🇩 , i don’t like Narkoba

Muji Jibu

it’s been a year This video always been on the top if searching with keyword bali. How did you make this video man

Kai Schmitz

Nice video guys 🙌🏻

Redhouse 100

I’ve had rabies shots, they’re not bad! Also, I’m licensed to work with wildlife – most people get hurt because they are too hesitant. They want to feed the animal, and put food in their hands, but then they refuse to extend their hands and they cringe back, which makes the animal have to lunge for the food. If you’re afraid of animals, then don’t even try to interact with them. Second thing I’ve seen are people who tease animals. I think people have a mean streak: they’ll hold out the food and when the animal goes for it, they inexplicably (I think it’s really passive-aggressive!) pull the food back, and they’ll do this three or four times….and then they get surprised when the animal lunges. Animals have had to be killed bc of stupid people like this. If you are afraid of a wild animal, or if you are a passive-aggressive person, do them a favor and stay away. But if you’re well-used to animals and aren’t afraid and are full of compassion, then go for it! Interacting can be really rewarding for both species.


Where your stay.
Im restu from bali, mengwi tani

Ben Menzel

Wtf guys. The bali 9 ve been arrestet for over 5kg of drugs. Thats why it got serious. Driving a scooter is the best and only way to traval in bali, you just have to be carefull but its not this dangerous.

sri purnami

You can step over the offerings when the incense doesn’t light up. Or if it seems like it’s been there for a long time. 😊
Suksma! Nice video!


Great info. Thanks. Also, that must be the world’s record for using the “word” ECKSPECIALLY.

Nathan Kempf

Hi! I’m just curious about renting a car: I’ve never driven a scooter bike and I’m therefore very scared to try for the first time in a place such as Bali. Is renting a car worth it if you plan to move quite a lot? Or is it better to go around the island using uber-like apps?

Nick Smith

Is that you not riding WITHOUT a helmet at 8:40?! That’s silly… 😕

Yang Shen

You two are a fun couple, I enjoyed this. Thinking about teaching English in Bali, and doing some leg work to see if it’s worth it. Stay safe and have fun on your travels!

Lil K Smo

Hearing Americans say Bali names. Its so funny.

Ruiz Torreb

So much stupid things. They are repressed and cheated by money.

peace lover

Love you Bali from Odisha India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳.we selebrate Bali Yatra in Odisha due to our ancient trade with Bali

Agus Setiawan

We step the canang sari sometimes in Bali, after we offered it😁. We sweep it after the ceremony, and everyday if it is daily But don’t step canang sari that offered higher than your feet or when it is being offered, it looks expressly you want to step an offerings😂
So it is okay if you step on it accidentlly. 🙏 from bali

Mr Potato

You live in a crowd, loud big city, decide to go to bali to party? Dude.. 😂😂

Raymond Necke

Been to bali 5 times , never had an issue ever , get a phrase book and learn a few phrases including basic manners . It goes a long way

Aanadसंजयकुमारखुटेल Kumarसंजयकुमारखुटेल

मिस जस्मीन की रिपोर्ट चाहिए ठीक है महोदय जी

Lee Johnston

Think I’ll pass using drugs and trafficking is two different things. Shame cause it looks like a lovely place.

Khan Ali

Anything is possible in bali . As long as you have money . Bali people only love money .

Peter Preis Dinslaken

Klasse gemacht gefällt mir außerordentlich gut LG.Pidi


Where is the Temple at 10:58


Anjay dapet cowok bule, duet banyak ya mbok

Michelle Allen

Super helpful! I love your blog! Just got back from a month long trip in Thailand. I was well informed on the areas, the DO’s and Don’ts, and AMAZING food because of you guys, so thank you! Saving up to Bali next.

saikat nandy

Actually Buddhism is a tributary of Hinduism…. Mahatma Gautam Buddha was born in a Hindu King family….

Frederic Diaz

I would like to use your videos as a basis for English courses. I need divert living to grant me copyright permission. Would you please send an email at I’ll give you more information (please delete this message as soon as you’ve sent me an email) Thank you.

Victoria Hunt

Yall are cute….

Vina Kanya

Such an amazing video!, im glad to see this video, im a balinese and i proofed this video’s explaining all right things abt what you shouldn’t do in Bali!!


Which Bali site is the best for snorkeling?

Pip Corteen

What a sweet couple! And thanks for the useful information. Happy travels!


Honestly.. Bali is overated.

Fuzzy O’ Dummy

Im an indonesian and i stepped one of those outside a gelato shop :v

Gerrit Smit

another tip, not to do in Bali: Respect their culture and wear cloth, also when you are a man and ‘top-less’ may be macho with your 6-pac and tattoos, but not appreciated.

123 dodo

The money thing is what i as indonesian think especially have to look at the colors rather than the amount

Btw thats not only apply in bali

khanti devi

Hello there.. I just wanted to correct you its called ubud and not boo boo 😂😂

Caesar Zeppeli

As an Indonesian-Australian, Lombok’s better. It’s more peaceful, not too wild, more quiet, not many parties, no drunks

Outdoor activities

Arak = langkau

Leo Levitt

this should be called common sense. do your research before you travel. simple as that. and dont be fucking stupid.

jinchuriki_ 214

Nice vlog im loolking forward to experience Bali this year

Leondra Yslas

Any tips for getting around? I’ll be going for the first time next month! (Not experienced on a bike!)


Great tips for a Bali trip. Everyone who plans to travel to Bali should have seen it. The video gives a good feeling for the culture and the conditions there.👍😀

Dark Shadow

The is actually a line for the roads check it out in kuta

Dark Shadow

By the way if you want to be sure that you don’t want to be scammed. You’ll have to make sure in your phone check it out.

Dark Shadow

Lol my father friend is the ceo of beer bintang 🤣🤣 ceo group yeeeet

joel felix

Its so dumb that in Bali its so strict about drugs but they let you get super wasted on alchoho


never been there but nice place… come and visit sabah ^_^

Via Novianiiee

Hallo ilove you from tegallalang bali❤


Wow, guys. Very well made. Not only the video but also that you added such a huge comment-section with tips, info about your gear, further reading etc… Excellent!

Selamat Sentosa

Come on dude, nothing wrong with arak, i drank it daily, perfectly fine

Cannon Ryuzaki

A friend of friend’s peed on the offering, and his leg got swollen and he can’t pull his pants up 😅.


good place – BALI

terence sipersan

thanks god I watched this video

Virginie Tête talks

Very cute you too, well done thank YOU

Achmad Aziz

I don’t know why but, your face is remind me of John Cossack 😂😂

Titin Kustinah

“Do not ride motorbike if your not really good on it” Very true hahaha…I was in Bali with my friend from London and he said he can ride motorbike,but he smash the trees for the first time 😂😂😂

Sri Asthinni

im’a balinese, that canang sari means ia to express our grateful to god, the little one or we called ‘canang or canang sari’ we put it everyday, but if there a big sacred ceremony that will be much of things that we called with ‘banten’.

about why we don’t allowed to step on ‘canang sari’ i can’t explain it clearly but maybe u can understand if i tell because it sacred kinda holy things so we need to keep it up. but if accidentaly you steped there it’s okay. you may not get ‘bad luck’ or we called it as ‘karma’ too. 😊


click bait

Solo Travel ni Christian

Good thing for me about searching do’s and don’ts in Bali because I will travel there in solo. Thanks so much for the info.

Ahmad Faisal

U look like eminem.

Mark Scott

Great video, nice couple, he was cute, been to Bali twice now, thinking of going Christmas and New year for 2020, fantastic time s over there, Off to Thailand for the 4th time in February this year cant wait now, Drugs anywhere in the world is a NO NO. The Balinese are great people and I respect them all such a beautiful country and beautiful people, stay safe guys wherever your holidays may take you

james jarman

Bali was my first time driving out of the states but i drove a car, I’m not ready for a scooter in Indonesia. The only accident happened near the toll road going back to kuta square i was in the roundabout and someone flew without warning from the far right and hit my right fender. love driving around bali or jakarta, theres a method to their madness and i prefer it to the states

sumon shil

She is so pretty

oktri yogandini

I just accidentally did the 7th point one this afternoon, and I really am sorry for it. I am just afraid whats gonna happened next. Pls pray for me:(

Todd O’Brien

I live in Australia and have been to Bali about a dozen times. Last time we used a driver we’d been recommended and it was the best thing we’ve ever done there. He took us round the island and informed us about Bali culture and the Hindu religion: why are the offerings outside shops, why do all houses have the two pillars at the entrance and much more. Do it. Cost us $AU60 for the full day! We tipped of course :o)

Nayra Dharma

Hey I’m sorry but in our culture, showing off money like that its not a good thing. Mostly it makes people feel uncomfortable. It would’ve been better if you just showed one 100.000 rupiah to the camera. It would’ve been just enough. Thanks for the video regardless. I’d like to show it to some friends of mine.

LKSM tude

And dont forget with the crime,they are everywhere

Luke, I’m your father!


Aage Vdvet

Driving on Bali is fine with something like a scooter. I never drove a scooter before, my first time was on Bali. It takes a little time to get used to, but my main rules are:
1. No sudden movements. Be predictable and everything will be fine. Its better to miss a turn then to end up as street pizza.

2. Do what the locals do. (Only things you feel comfortable doing.) If you’re in a busy intersection, sticking close to a local in front of you will help getting through the mess.

3. Always have your international driving license ready. As a tourist you will get stopped, showing it will most of the time save you a fine.

Belechel Wilhelm

Is weed legal and available in Bali??..especially in Gili island?

Aarish.’s world Pst

Your partner indonesian or not coz she is pretty beautiful


This place sounds like a nightmare.

T Music

Terimakasih telah datang ke Bali❤️

Alit Arya

We call it “mebanten” a way we thanking god for everything we have (grateful). Balinese believe that what you give is what you get. Hindu Bali also believe in Tri Hita Karana, TRI HITA KARANA (3 reasons of happiness) it’s all about “connection” between human to human, human to nature, and human to god. We keep the harmonization to reach happiness.

prashant sharma

You cannot step anything you offer to the god.its not a strict rule but that is expected as a morality Hinduism

Ozzie O

Fuck you with you disbelief

yessie primadi

Im from indonesia

Rino Ammar

Who is her? He’s was laugh so hard 😂

Khan Ali

Wow .. and you still alive in Bali ?

Jitendra Sangal

My 2 cents: Always exchange currency at registered government operated currency exchange centres in Bali and dont distracted with better rates elsewhere, as local cu-ex can fool you with your money. Its worth trying them though 🙁 because u can see the magic of hiding a stack when they give it you but when they are counting its always the right count.

then benagcz

I wander when Australia travel agency gonna post warning about Sliwowica only 70% of alcohol or about Polish vodka. We live in times where government knows better like in Comunist times!!


How do you guys pay for your travels?

Saira Star

ha ha ha

kitchee tam

Thank for putting out these warnings. But I think too much time was spent explaining Canang Sari. Way too much time.

Nathan The buster

do you know Bitang means star in indonesia to this year the traffic is bad

gold miner

Like your vlog in bali..vlog so epic..

Clemens Lucca

so smoking a Joint,is the same like,to be a Terrorist or Murder!!

Richard Setiawan Luminta

don’t show your milk factory in Bali ( . )( . )

Jho Zu

Never thought that monkey would be the first issue 😆


nice video created by you,great job,keep it up and merry Christmas,enjoy

alexa Lynlee hope

Drugs in kuta legian street it’s fake asf …when they offered u chrystal meth they brought u sugar n mix with something if we look bit far n if we were drunk those fake crystal meth legit look real..
But when u found out it’s fake n we cancel they still ask money for cancel which is half price from how much they was offered it or not they will called his :gang” bunch guys to fight u or to be exactly to ripped u off
Some of western still scared n terrified of them
Ps : sorry my English not really good



John B

Why on earth does this video have over 1 million views and only 18k in likes? These 2 young people are very informative and very helpful. Thank you to you guys.

John B

What was the name of the area that have stunning water falls, jungle atmosphere and cheap food? I listened to it 4 times and did not catch the name.

Angel Cho

I don’t believe in prayer soooooo

kenneth yi

Maybe use your eyes to look where you walk. This video is so bad

Wira Adi Gede

You should put drug at the number 1. Things you need to avoid when you are in Bali. I might give you more list.

– do not pet/pat/touch a wild animal that you find on street (except they have a special necklace tags ) .
– most of the case, do not call for an online driver to pick up ( if you are in the tourism area/or like iconic 5 stars hotel) , you might find yourself in big trouble. Dispute between conventional and online driver is becoming a big issue in Bali recently.
– Especially for women, do not go to the temple if you are on period.
– do not climb , sit or stand on the temple 🙏

Better Safe than Sorry

Charles van Dijk

1 is nice 2 is good and 3 is too many. Boring but sound advice in regards alcoholic drinks. Ice was introduced to the world by the German army 80 years ago. They called it Pervitin and the world never looked back. How Indonesia fight the world drug problem is their domestic business. You can visit the place as a tourist, I repeat as a tourist not as an activist and you don’t have to go there in the first place. I expect foreigners to go by that rule when they visit where I live but they call my views racist. What people think about my point of view is however none of my business.

Jemmy Siauw

DO NOT order online car ride like GRAB CAR / GO CAR in an area where you see a lot of local licensed taxi waiting for passengers especially tourist spots if you don’t want to face awkward moment where locals will order you to step off the car and rush the driver away.

Solution: better to rent a car with driver who can also act as your tour guide for full day if you travelling between town to town in Bali.

Rudy del pardo

good advise guys , thank you

alex zylstra

I really love how informative and true this video is as I’ve grown up in Bali for the last 14 years, and noticed all these things. Also a note for any tourist wanting to go to Bali, be careful on the road for not only your safety but the safety of others, because I’ve seen many tourists ignore the rules. Also in general don’t do drugs ANYWHERE, and make sure to enjoy Bali 🙂

Wanderlust Warrior

This video was very helpful! Thank you for sharing all the tips. Now I’m worried to visit the monkey sanctuary haha!

Kusuma Wijaya

like you shoot, local balinese mom give back your money..
im local, and im apreciate that.. this my mom always do

Bayar Sum

Thanks for your important messages cheers

gede geni

Thank you for this “dont” video….
The point is, respect the place you visit….

Anthony WorldwideTV



Anthony WorldwideTV



n k

bali is part of indonesia and locals are very conservative. due to the exchange rate, bali becomes an attractive place for holiday. but the place is tainted with non stop parties, alcohol, sex, prostitution which never would have happened if not for the type of tourists comes to bali,

n k

actually, please go crazy on the arak. the more of u die or go blind, the better.

Sly Shippy

13:15 Oh, man.

Erwin Rommel

you will see…



Wellcome to indonesia

Mark Hidalgo

Extremely informative video🤙🏽 watched 3 videos so far and am now subbed

David G Sasmita

Hi.. I’m from Bali. I found that your explanation is very accurate. Seems like you’ve explored this island. 😄





Rio Herwindo

don’t ride? you must try ride in jakarta….😂

Wiwin Nababan

Dont touch head a person indonesian people,

Teguh Lumban-Gaol

Indonesia not that crazy to just kill everyone that caught have drugs.
Theres a different penalty between only using it or selling it.
Theres also a different between have few grams or kilos.
99% of the people that get death penalty is a seller and courier that have over 1kg.
While most people that only using it and have only few grams can go to rehab facility.
Im just trying to clarify, please dont do drugs.


I learned about ASEAN and it includes Indo which ia my country in ASEAN it is very strict that in ASEAN countries are drug free countries

Puji Poe

Say No to Drugs! It’s a strict rule in my country, Indonesia. And I do agree with it. I guess you do as well.


Arak Lombok > Arak Bali

harse Star

Vy dva jste fakt tragicčtí. Nechapu jak bilej gádžo dokazal nabalit tu šikmookou holku.

Big Bullet

I’d fuck the shit out of that Asian in your video

Paul Miller

Very informative video. Thanks, you two.

Lonesome Lenny

Rabies? I’ll pass on Bali for a vacation….🤪


“Don’t Duct tape 18 pounds of heroin to your body when you travel to Bali” Good tip, I will try to remember that one!

Kevin Cantrell

I just returned from Bali and I would say this is a very accurate video about Bali! Thanks!

Vitor Loiola

Get this don’t do .. don’t rent a motorbike in canggu of a guy who doesn’t work at a shop, I forgot his name, but he operates calling ppl on the street, after signing everything he told me I couldn’t go farther than 2 kilometers from there, probably the bike was illegal, I hadn’t paid yet so I walked away listening to his shoutings … something else is avoid withdrawing from street ATMS, I got a friend 600 US$ stolen from his account this way, use bank branches instead. Bali is awesome but full of scammers of all sort, as any too touristic place I guess

Tanvir Alif

They should increase the value of their currency by at least 150 times.


More important things to add:

If you are riding a scooter, always wear a helmet. If you get pulled over by the police in Bali, you will have to bribe them personally. I use Grab when I can to get around (except for when I was in Ubud and Jembrana), but it will take more time to get around Bali using Grab and of course, cost you more money than renting a scooter.

There are many reported and unreported cases of HIV in Bali and Indonesia as a whole. So if you are going to have sex with a local prostitute, it goes without saying to be smart and wear a condom.

If you are in Kuta, people on the street will offer to sell you drugs all the time. Within 5 minutes of being in Kuta, I was offered sabu (aka meth). When I declined, I was offered coke. When I declined that, I was offered Xanax. I’ve never been hit up so much to buy drugs in my life until I visited Bali. I’ve been told by locals that the drugs they are selling are fake which is why the cops don’t go after these supposed drug dealers.

Darker Than You

I’m a kid in Indonesia after wachting this it supprize me I never knew this
And we are not rich cuase I want to go to America but it cost a lot more than you think and 1 dollar is 15.000,00 Rp

Jiraiya Sama

And, never visit a foreign country alone. And go with people who’s already been there. That’s how you get trapped.

Randy Raharja

when i ride motor bike,i always honk to say hello 😀

helmie zack

no only in bali
evry road in indonesia is nightmare


Fucking sexy abs 0:17

Aragon Farseer

when i visited Bali i stayed in a place called Echo Beach, it was awesome!

Roman Poh

90% of Indonesia doesn’t do drugs
10% of them do
I assume

Doni Rumaja


Lisa Pikko

Love your vlog. And you both are cute


wow summary of a lot of things😊 would you like to have a visit in my channel too


Pretty cool video, will be in Bali in 4 Week..

Vincent .w

Totally true, advices, we experienced them as well.

Lia Kim

To much muslims now in Bali, not good !


Me as javanese visiting Bali: “woah so many haram things…” try” (just once, mom)

Maya Gurung

They are Hindu and Hindu and Buddhist culture are pretty similar

moe mountain

I have to show you a picture of my grandfather. Weird resemblances

Arista Diana

As an Indonesian, honking is no big deal for me. I sometimes see a youtuber doing a prank to someone that made them honked at a lot. And I always think “what’s the big deal about it? That’s normal. AND NOW just I understand how Americans do not honk as frequently as we do. Thanks for sharing!

Sunset Dawn

Indonesia is the 4th country with most population so many used motorcycles!

Joseph C

I am not sure if it was in Indonesia, but I remember someone telling me a story of how someone tried to plant drugs on them. Don’t pick anything up and always double check if you think it’s something you left lying about, or someone hands you something… Etc.

Antony Ogar

Should be called “Advice for Dumbass Young Americans that Visit Bali”


Indonesia is so shit…… Go to Thailand or Vietnam..,….omg you are American like these cunts …. So just to understand ….. Bali is in Indo and New York is in USA.
You suck


I disagree with number 4

I went to indonesia with 2 friends, one of the best experiences was driving with the scooters there… was so amazing

Diane Bradbury

If you think you might have rabies, you should deal with it right away. Shots are cheaper in BKK, but you should get the first one immediately. Thanks for the video.

Yujiro Berrada

Hello thanks you for this video!!
I’m actually in Bali
And you say there is a problème to drinks Bintang? It’s dangerous???🤔
Thank you

AD 9422

the shopkeepers are very rude in bali !!

Trang Do

Your voice is so sleepy bro

Kamel Mebhah

Please don’t do drugs anywhere on this planet. Be safe than sorry. Some people get mugged or even raped
Ps none of the motorbikes have insurance. You can hire a new car for eight euros a day.

Crazy Clown

Since Australia donated millions of dollars to your country after your Tsunami disaster it’s time for your country to help them

abc games

As an Indian I am excited to go to Bali, they follow Hinduism! My religion ! 😘🌹🙏

Vania R.

The thing is, Indonesians drive bikes since 12-14 years old and even less, so they’re used to driving madly like that lol. For foreigners who maybe just started riding it when they got to bali or a few months prior, ya’ll wont be able to beat us😂

t c

“and the needle not small”

Greed is Bad

Im from Indonesia, and one of my friends once tried to take a picture of the monkey and the monkey snatch her phone, took it to the top of the tree and just droping it
Careful arround those


you shouldn’t try to smuggle 8 kg of heroin in europe too!

aye adelaide

proud balinese australian:)


Amazing rich culture

Ameetorres 9

Do we get weed and can we smoke weed therr ??


The exchange rate in 1983 was 2500 rp to $1US


I love the offerings. They lift my spirit.

Papa Stalin

me: Ubud

English sub: boo boo


Baby Monkey is cute.
Don’t wave a stick object to the baby.
The mum will call for help and you will regret.

Roopa M

Very useful thanks for sharing

Lemon Creme

I’m from Indonesia!!! And i have never been to Bali before but i think my Lesson Teacher (Guru Les) have been there!

सनातन गाथा

Bali is hinduisam island in Indonesia

Michael Boylan

Do you need any vaccinations to visit Bali?

stella manurung

you need to go to other island in indonesia..bali is too mainstream now

Siti Nur Bahiah Ros Zamri

Dont trust the monkeys. They will chase you is groups. I experienced it and it was horrible.


The first time I went to Bali I didn’t know about the smuggling laws and an ass friend of mine told me to stash a 8 gr of hash in my luggage. When I found out about the laws I about had a heart attack! I ended up throwing “it” all away on arrival but I did have to take it through costoms… It sucked… My relationship w’\ my friend and I was never the same…

Summer Leigh Miller

Holy crap, I love you two.😍 SUBSCRIBED

Yabba Dabba

The Bali 9 was an Aussie sting. The lead criminals were all well known mules. They got greedy. Doing deals with your life as your down payment is pretty rich. Bali people are beautiful people. Committing drug crimes in Bali is a terrible disrespect to their culture.

Ryoichi Watanabe

Yeah Indonesian law is retarded, more retarded than southern inbreds


Thank you its helped a lot

Helen of Destroy

i like these videos on what not to do…good for over-traveled places like Bali where there are a zillion travel guides already. Ubud is beautiful & you can get a really nice room for like $12. Kuta is…not nice. only place in southeast Asia i’ve ever felt unsafe as a woman traveling alone, & it was because some dude cut me off in a motorbike as i was walking back to my hotel, offering me drugs. lacking a death wish, i told him to get lost but he was very persistent. i’m guessing a cop was around the corner ready to shake me down, but i was able to get away after a tense few minutes. i would advise travelers seeking an authentic experience in Indonesia to go further east than Bali, or at least outside the tourist centers on that island – it’s unpleasant to be seen as a walking bag of money

Dwik Suwarnata

If you want come to Bali again, just call me for tour😋

Russell Clement

Huh,,, the needles for rabbis are the same ,, I know, Ive had my shots

Allen L

Rabies are dangerous.. A Canadian guy recently died of rabies after touching a rabies infested bat


Watch out for Indonesia that’s not a friendly to foreigners they are the worlds largest muslim country!

Ferren Joseph

The myth says that if ypu do bad things in Bali like pee everywhere,saying negative about Bali
You will get distrubed by bad spirit becuase in that island,they were very holy
Which their religion is Hindu
Be careful out there 😀😀😊

Adi Ariantika Dunia

Not all of the information they told are true….for instance…”do not walk over the offering that has put on the street is not true”
I am Balinese, I consern to make this information right, the truth is, It is not important to do this as long as the offering has done. The offering was dedicated to Bhuta Kala, the spirit we respect who owned the bellow world than ours. To the author, please find more proper information, before you published it. It is much more wise

Rob P

Lovely young couple enjoying the world. Should come to Australia and visit the out back.

Loke KCG

I expected Muslim Indonesian port officials to board. I was taken aback to see the officials greeting me with a Namaste, saying “ Om swasti astu.” ( may God shower grace upon you ) knowing that I was a Hindu Indian. They were glad to meet me.

They said Goodbye saying “Om shanti, shanti, shanti”–“peace, peace, peace.”

Suddenly I realized that my ship was in Hindu Bali. Bali is one of the last places of spirituality on that hemisphere of the planet, which had been corrupted by new sprung religions– Islam by sword and Christianity by deceit and sops..
Before 7000 BC, India ruled the whole world and if at all there was a religon it was only Hindusim. After 7000 BC, India ruled from Jersusalem to Urals to Vietnam.
Make no mistake that Hinduism existed in Bali , much before the dates attributed by the fake immoral western historian. These are the same Christian historians who were trying to fudge history just because their Bible said that the big bang happened in 4004 BC, while it actually happened 14 billion years ago.

When my ship was in Phillipines I met a Muslim Filipino.. On my ships I sailed only with Christian Filipinos. So I asked this man, before you became Muslim, what religion did your family follow.
He said Hinduism. It was he to told me that after Christianity came to Phillipines all the Hindu temples were systematically destroyed and the stones were used to build churches in the same place. He also said that the Muslims too destroyed a lot of Hindu idols , and some private homes have these idols hidden even today.

Photo Story Channel

yes Bali shall be protected from drug

Divert Living

▶︎ Don’t Do This – What To Know Before Traveling To Asia :
▶︎ GET TO KNOW US BETTER : How we met, How we afford to travel full-time –

Dewa Harimbawa

do not driving scooter while you’re naked or wearing bikini, that may cause the accident and bad injuries


Fuck Bali

Ganna Nestrerenko

thx guys <3

Cookie Master

Itu namanya sasajen bukan?


If only these people knew that they worship idols. But that’s their choice.

Arpandeep Singh

Being an Indian, Bali is like our smaller brother. We are so used to everything you said in the video. So I think I am gonna love it in Bali ♥️

Putera Usman

Indonesian branch Japanese motorcycle companies are the major sponsor for 3 big MotoGP teams. but please stop riding on the pavement.

Z!boom Park’

Omnia bali is good


ah she’s Thais


i can’t really understand the girl’s english

That Indonesian Dude

This video goes deeper in Bali. Loved it!


Did the contrary of nearly everything they said 😭😭 I love bali but your holidays didn’t look so great, live a bit bro

Eriko Ferdian

Yea I would say
welcome to indonesia my dude
Where the street always crowded and full of motorcycle and car
Not only in bali,
But it appear EVERYWHERE around indonesia


Great Video

Miao Miao

Thanks for the informative video! Also I wanted to add If you go on cab you could ask for price first. And also I think actually app would be slightly cheaper. But the cab drivers might drag the app drivers out to argue with them if they see foreigners inside the car. This is speaking from my friend’s experience but happened in another island in Indonesia, called batam .

Jazman G 2

Id be straight sending Kratom to myself instead of importing it

greig joseph

Loved the banana and nuts part lol 😁😂 😂

Nikolai Irinov

Thanks guys!! Cant wait to go to Bali!

Nadia Villar

What is the name of the place you mentioned that are party free??? Boo boo??

Dipa Prayana

Hi,your video is awesome and true,keep watching our island,and keep it clean from the plastic bag

lisa Flower

I have been to Bali many times, initially the 00s confused me but then I worked out for $Au the exchange is often close to $10.00 = 100000 Rp so just remove 2 zeros and you have pretty close to Au cents.
The other thing that helps me is to take some small clips with me and I keep all the notes seperate.

I have stayed all over Bali but I now always stay in a small village, 15 min out of Ubud.

If I may add one thing, please don’t be rude if you stay in Kuta, or other busy area, to the people trying to sell you things. A little humour and politeness goes a long way. Try to sell them your scarf! Or thongs! Laugh and wish them well….I’ve made so many friends this way.

The Bootleg Bowie and Rarities channel

my son got bit by one of those little buggers 10 years ago…never got rabies shots though…

tu blelok

good video by the way, im balinese people and im tour guide in bali, thank you , you are very kind person, god bless you

Dian Bastiyan Kurniawan

Thanks for your advice bro 👍🏼👍🏼


Don’t drive a bike at all
Drives a bike all the time, even over the sidewalk 🙄


Hey seems like you guys really improved your videos! Good job!

Croz Raven

Be respectful & don’t be such a-hole, that’s it. Literally the same thing all over the wherever you go.

I putu agus putra Utama

Arak is the best alcohol in BALI dude🤙🤙🤙😎


Good advise on the drugs part. Come to India for that stuff. In east Asia they got too much evangelical bullshut from USA after ww2. Otherwise in 20s, 30s, 40s drugs were considered OK and ur individuals choice.

Alfred Yip

It’s not about bad luck. Even in Buddhism, there isn’t such thing as bad luck. It’s just disrespectful to one’s religion/belief


“Banana and nuts” lol
what a cute couple


thank you for some advices


Yeah burning plastic in the backyard is perfectly fine. But when a tourist smokes some weed he needs to be killed! Stupid third world countries! 🤮🤮🤮



Juan Alvaro

Im from bali🙂🙂🙂

Prudence Duncan

Don’t have an affair

Navin Rohra

seminyak street is full of drug lords specially at few famous clubs on seminyak street

Navin Rohra

i had visited bali year a go…. seminyak street i asked this girl about offering it was all over on walk way street, her reply was its a offering to sun wind water and fire. if i am possitive this is what she said if i correct please like my comment

Lisa HIE

Hi! I don’t know if you’ve already been answered but concerning the offerings in the streets, they are made to drive away demons from houses, shops or whatever it is. Indeed, by putting flowers, money, incense, cookies or sweets at the door of properties, Balinese make available everything a demon would need so that this one would have no desire to enter in.
In brief, if a demon have all he wants outside, why would he comes inside?
By the way, your video is really good!

Agenda Sembiring

Definitely we need to respect on the people and the culture where ever you go or visit then the rest your fun will take on the right place

Mohd Soffi Md Saad

I had been in Bali in 2012.Ngurah Raj Airport wait for me again. Don’t forget the big Bat/Keluang Gergasi. Nice video mate

Julie Tran

I took all of your advice when I was in Bali. Thank you!


Thank you guys, great video!  Going to Bali in a few months for the first time and this was very helpful.  Really looking forward to the trip!

Hello Goodbye

Don’t do #1: NEVER go anywhere white Aussie, American, or European Millenials are located. Stay away from them at all costs. They ruin anything they touch, talk about, or go to.


do you know that you looks like eminem? lol

Wes Polley

Bali has never been on my list & never will be, I’m in China love the history of the place & it’s safe

Cynthia Forde

Guys, you are amazing…. I am about to start a 4 week stay in Bali for yoga teacher training and your tips are SPOT on!!! thank you for this!


yeap for the motorbike in Bali is a mess, I totally agree with you, I am Indonesian, and I am trying to avoid driving motorbike if I have to

Floriana Lihit

I love your video 😍 and for that, I don’t skip 2 ads for 15 seconds on your video 🤣👏

veronica huang

#4 : AGREE !!! DO NOT drive motorbike if you can’t, and have no lisence. lots of accident happened here even the fatal one (barely drive and still get drunk and drive) even anoying one is the youngsters , first time with motorbike and feel that its cool and they are looks cool with the motorbkie then drive like shitt – think all will just find, make a noise sound with the power then speeding on the small alley (local housing area that have some villas around) and mostly end with loose control, fall to dirt, hit wall, even worst hit dog & people.
IF you DO want to try the motorbike, just dont speed up. always drive on the left side slowly, knowing where you want to go is better so when you need to turn right you can slowly move to the right side. and if you not sure wich road you will turn on but you already on the right sight juts turn on right sign and drive slowly, the locals will understand your move.

DO NOT FOLLOW LOCALS , WHY? Bcz they know what are they doing, and you don’t, they know how to control their bike and they know how to do it. like, it’s our playground, we know where we can turn, we know where is the holes, we can read posibility to pass over other cars. and you cant just follow locals just bcz they do it.

#3 : the Honk, yea it’s some warn that other will pass over you, but doesn’t mean you can play with the honk with your friends on the road , especialy trafic road or in trafict light just bcs you think its fun to make sounds and laugh. it can end with a fist on your face. Its better if you Honk when you will pass a BLIND corner and make sure you are always on the left side of the road.

Darren Walsh

Im married to a filipino with two little girls..I love travelling to bali from darwin atleast once a month…So much better than the Philippines…

A Yafi

I hate when the motorbike driver drive at pedastrian way, somrtimes i mad at them. Even i’m indonesian, i still don’t know what to not do in Bali except to not step the present to god

Lil Min

Please don’t pat children on the head or walk on the offerings on the footpaths as disrespectful. Please treat people with respect and the country with respect.


its ethanol, thats whats in the alcohol, ethanol…..The only way to prevent posioning like that is to do as the aus gov said, drink bottled commercial drinks from trusted areas, some places in that place also recap bottles and water down beers so be aware. and what kind of stupid utter.dumbshit takes drugs in a country where they kill you for it???

Woozi is Short he only 164cm

“the traffic is unbearable”

and there’s Jakarta

Batman 2

Coming to visit Bali tomorrow for couple days I would like to see you guys.

Valerie Mac Fair

Not iKspecially. * Especially

NoV Phone Service Solution

ada yang tau jamban di mana?

Bagus Aji Setyawan

Our currency has so many zero, so to make it simple we just simply this by using “k” or delete the pas 3 zero. For example, 25.000 rupiahs become 25k or simply just 25! its normal even in Supermarket or Mall. haha

Yudirman laia Yudi

Saya orang nias from indoeesia


eminem,, is that you??? 😀


Were in bali now and everything you say is spot on! You guys are awesome!

Muhammad bernard

Is your girl a Thai ? She looks like South East Asian

Nadiva Qirani

Aku Dari indonesia Im from Indonesia,been to Bali 7 times, glad to know its getting popular on youtube!!!


one more thing,
don’t bring anything from Bali that u didn’t buy or get permissions from the locals.

June Sxmmer

Mr Jokowi is Iida Tenya

John Peter

Indonesian airport customs are disgusting…. staffs ask tips, otherwise they deny to get in, and let you go back where you r from? Do not go to travel in this low third world country.

Alan Gen

For those who want to go on holiday to Bali, introduce my name is Alan, I’m from Bali, maybe I can help you find cheap but high quality lodging and transportation, and I can help find a girl.

My instagram :

Anthony Lara

Yooo the backpack kid grew up

Sin Corazon

I might have to travel all around Bali you described all of the areas great, they all sound so fulfilling!

Sir lolallot

I got bitten by a monkey in monkey forest. I kicked it like 3 meters.
Had to take rabies shot after.

Leo King

If you are concerned you may have been bitten by an animal infected with rabies you must go immediately to a medical centre for jabs within hours. Not wait until you can get to Bangkok (by which time it will be too late for you if you have indeed contracted rabies)

Cazie Clement

Hi. Can u suggest place to visit in Bali including accommodation, transportation? I had plan to visit 5 days there. Thanks. Love your video by the way!

ivan nicolle

Don’t drink or do other dumb things. Problem solved!! Simple!!

M S Creation Work’s

Love from India Hindu to Bali Hindu


Very good coverage and useful information

Fred Raymond

First time hearing Eminem talk so slow here

Pet Mot

YOU ARE SO RIGHT ! …..Do not pay ticket as police will stop you and ask for £40 ticket than you say “sorry do not have it take my bike ” than they will ask for £20 – foregin people can not (apparently) ride scooter on driving licese unless you have international d.license..Do not travel to Bali on Temporary passport – they will send you back for sure or get visa on your temp passport before..PEOPLE IN BALI ARE HONEST…great no rules on the street…needs skills to ride….agree..

Agus Wira

This is great video
When will you come to bali again?

Mrr Song

hello . can you recommend me about where should We stay in bali . I have plan go there for 3night. but I never go there …


Bali surfing chanel

U Lay brooooo

Sivana Putra

Im from bali

Mr. President

Thankful for this list … great couple!

Angelina S.

Hey! I am going to bali in a few days and I was just wondering because he mentioned cheap alcohol😂 I’ve heard that it’s actually very expensive because of some special tax they have on alcohol… so is that only a recent development or are happy hours an exception to the high prices?


And please wear a shirt.

Mitchell Butler

I’ve been here nine times.

Sonia Dinh

Hi! I am Hindu but from India, and I can share that offerings to gods is considered very sacred. If you step on it or handle it with dirty hands or without cleansing yourself is considered very disrespectful and also believed to bring you bad karma. Buddhist and Hindu believes are very parallel.

Teguh Pribadi

1 thing you’re forget to tell…DONT GO TO BALI ON NYEPI (only if you just want to stay at the the hotel all day long)


Banana and nuts ?? Omg lol

Cletus McFartypants

I’ve travelled around the world. Bali is the most dishonest place where i’ve suffered unprecedented levels of harassment on the streets.

Be extremely cautious and vigilant here and read about all the known scams they run there, Ignore all the people trying to sell you drugs they are working in conjunction with the corrupt police force to force you to bribe your way out of a situation.

Download the bluebird taxi app and just try to stay calm when 50 taxi drivers try to rip you off each day.

Ignore all the crappy souvineer shops, they have no price tags with the purpose of trying to rip you off and pressure you into making a purchase. Stick with upmarket shops in areas like Ubud.

Be advised that when you book a tour the price advertised is *only* travel cost and they will ask you for additional admission fees and costs which can double the advertised price.

From the moment you land to the moment you are leaving the Island people are trying to prey on you. Ignore people in the airport under the guise of officials, the whole Island is a scam. Don’t let airport porters near your luggage when you are leaving (another scam).

Overall Bali has incredible beauty marred by all the thieves and opportunists that live and work there. Be warned if you are a person who likes peace and doesn’t like being touched and harassed this place is *NOT* for you.

Chonky Raccoon

Don’t ever eat with you’re left hand, you’re left hand is use for body hygiene if you use your left hand it is considered disrespectful

Imelda Tobing

I miss bali.

Angela Arbab

lol y’all being funny , stay safe but heaps of drugs happening all over indo , chill! just be smart and u’ll be ok

Svetlana Eltsova

I think any person, going to Bali for the first time, should watch his video!

I would say that a few points are not quite accurate though:
1. Arak (as any product) is not a “bad and toxic” spirit as it was described at the video. Everything depends on how, where and by whom it was made. Arak, the “proper” one, is just a good traditional drink from Bali. Any other “spirit” made from god-knows-what cannot be called Arak even though someone’s selling it as one..
2. Bali is not crowded (you should go to Java, Jakarta and Bandung, to see THE crowd). Touristic places are crowded, yes. But not the whole island. If you need a quiet and calm place just go to Amed, Laguna or to Menjangan island (Bali province) on the north-west of Bali..

Wish you all the best with your travleings and vlogs!

Alex Sunderland


Mikey BHF

So never go to Bali…. Got it👍

Becca Ram

now im afraid of monkey 😀 😀

Sarah Myers

You guys are great! Very useful information! Loved watching you both.

John Doe

that’s why i love American money,
2s aren’t very common anymore, they have been taken out of print, but you still get them once in a while.
they have really started bring the dollar coins back, i am seeing them A LOT now a days.

Gustaf inhocsignovinces

Great video, i now know one who enjoys nuts and banana🤣


Thanks for the tips, good video 👍🏼
We’re off to Bali for first time next week 😆


I can see a lot of similarities to India even driving wise xD

I think I will have fun when I go there lol.

Saleh Altolihu

I have a question please what camera you use in photography


tatoo = hepatite C. do not do this.

ilham mawazirul

I love your background music bro, where your wife from?, look like asian people

i’m emotional

Lol dont do drugs at all

nhan nguyen

Nước mà ở dễ nhất chỉ có vn

Sunil Ipe

I am amazed that the food and all lifestyle like kerala

Nobody knows

FUCK indonesian rupee has the most zero on their bills? IT BLEW MY MIND AWAY

the truth

Buddhism is also part of our ancient vedic culture…
Following are the parts of our Vedic culture-
1. Hindus
2. Buddhist
3. Sikh
4. Jain
They born in India flourish and spread a across the world…


If you have a death wish on your bucket list, just bring drugs to bali. You will fullfill your wish and got famous for getting a death sentence for being so stupid 🤣
Indonesia people are famous for being kind to tourists but when that tourists bring illegal drugs to indonesia they will kill you without mercy 😏


I am new your subscriber. 🙋

Kenzy Mask

We were there in Ubud Bali Indonesia.

axl vorlauf


Noam Chen

THANKS!! So Helpful!

Ezra Travel Blog

Hey guys, I am a 17 year old kid from Vancouver BC who is passionate about traveling the world and creating videos. I try my best to post videos I think you guys will like and as often as I can. If you guys wanted to check out my vids that would be much apreciated. Hope everyone has an excelent day (:

Robert Hilbert

Weeds more safety than alcohol… All people idiotic to be drink


I’ve encountered motorbikes and scooters on sidewalks in Thailand and China, too! China drivers do the horn blowing routine like Balinese, it’s like being in a flock of geese flying and honking. When Yeo Ming moved from China to Houston, his fellow team-mates had to warn him not to blow the horn as Houston drivers may shoot at horn blowers. In Thailand, blowing the horn is supposed to be reserved for emergencies.


ride motorbike in bali
improve riding skills

Cookie_ Gacha1234

I’ve been to Bali 3 or 2 times and it’s a beautiful place and I’m going again this year 2019 on the 8th of October I CANT WAIT!

Toto Of Rivia

The monkey not just give rabies, they can still steal your wallet and phone.

Любовь Солер

So boring. Why is it in my recommendations? :/

sangey gyatso

The 4th point is happening in india also😂😂😂

Tracey Stent

Here’s a tip for the druggies of the world….. DON’T USE DRUGS ANYWHERE!

Nur Alim

The only reason why drug restricted in Indonesia, because we already over doses of religion.


Im in bali right now in ubud in suprasa home stay …watching this video…really help full guys…appreciate it👍

Pete Hurley

Stepped on an offering within first 2 hours . 12 days later I slipped and broke the same leg ..

Never Ending Exploration

Great info! We will definitely keep these in mind while there!

Gaming Nar

Whats cocktail?

Ali Tay Gay

I’m in Bali right now, this video is very helpful.


The Bali Nine are an example for death penalties for using drugs? WTF! They smuggled heroin worth of 4m AUD 😀 Do you know any European or so-called western foreigner who ever got a death penalty for smoking a joint? C’mon guys…

Harry Murphy

$100 is 1,000,000 not 100,000

Phoebe Chong

Are they against holding hands in public?

Ritu ritu

Thanks for the information !!

Aim Patrick

You guys are cool. Wish I had seen this before I went to Bali in 2017.

Fun bus quick tour

Looks like a great place to smoke weed sadly doe … it Death 💀 seems like a bit much

Zouwuu Visuals

I’m going to Bali soon and this is so so so helpful! Thank you so much, you both are lovely! (-: x

Kikísek Scótermann

Dat videor disreption.. amergawd O_o

Jordan Fisher

This is fantastic. Thank you so much 🙏

Yacc Fonoti

What a stupid list. You lost me when you said not to drink happy hour. Of course it’s homemade brew. If you want your normal western shit stay at home.
People die from alcohol poisoning all the time.

Putra Palguna

It just doesn’t feel right if i step on canang or banten (offering), i dont know about bad luck, but seeing my mother making canang or banten for 2 hours and stepin it doesn’t feel right.. does it?

My Name

Is there anybody who wants to learn Indonesian? Im not a native but i speak quite well. I always ready to help.

jasper budiono

It’s a bit hard (or extremely hard) for westerners to get their way out in Indonesia, especially Bali if they got caught with possessing drugs. Because it has been a culture that westerners like to low balling law enforcers and think they will let them go or by playing American style of “… I want to call my lawyer (or Australian Embassy)”. That will only make you in trouble because in the eyes of law enforcers, you are acting tough even you are the criminal. Paying lump sum of huge money is way better to get you free asap, compared to years of jail term in foreign soil or getting death penalty due to politics in Jakarta. There are tons of tourists caught with drug smuggling or possession in Bali and yet they get away because they know how to make law enforcers tolerate their crime. Also make sure never ever post your shits on social media because doing that, it will only make the law enforcers have 0 option except putting you in jail for sure. Getting yourself 10 minutes fame or 1million likes is not worth it, if you have to sacrifice your age by dozen of years in jail.



Abigail Daniella

Heyyyy i live in indonesia i can talk indonesia🙃🙃😝😝😋 halo! Ada yang baca alkitab tidak😇
Semoga semua sehat yaa

Who can read indonesia 😅😅

IKA Gaming

Bacot anjing

zac ohler

Hey, Would you guys recommend traveling in Bali during September – December ? Planing on doing my first backpacking trip around that time in south east Asia.

Ian Marks

Loved her; hated him.

Wira Si Palkon

sok tau banget

Dorje Fjolkunnigr

4:36 is in ubud, lodtunduh, bruh


This is VERY useful! thanks!!

Twiddle and Twaddle

Just an Australian watching this on a trip in Bali getting my country dissed


JAHvx Tv.

Thanks… funny too lol


Also in Bali don’t say anything bad about vegimite because half of the people there are Australian

Becca Blum

I have been to Bali and was told not to step on those things

no_name!? ?!eman_on

hallo i am in indonesia and i want say to you is say to peopel indonesia “kamu berak dimana”

Layl S

Thank you for this video. It kinda removed all the tourist site illusions,

Luc Hof

do not insult the culture. respect it

michelle collins

Pretty sure the Aussie government has put out warnings on Arak due to possible methanol contamination. Several young aussies died over a short span of time all over the island. Its not over drinking, it is bad alcohol. You can’t be sure of whether the arak you are getting is home brew and therefore more hazardous.

Siluman kampret

Hey semuanya saya berasal dari Indonesia


Thanks for the most important Information,,,, but one thing you should know,,,, tourism area in Bali not the only in the South area of Bali,,,,, you should try explore in North West Bali,,, who can bring you more experience about bali culture and many more,,, also North West Bali is Quite enough area who can make you feel free from traffic, and many more,,, and the last thing is,,,, North West Bali area is one of the best area for Snorkeling and Diving,,, we also have best island for that,, name is MENJANGAN ISLAND & PEMUTERAN VILLAGE. i hope one day you can explore that place so you can share information about Bali more Completed 🙂

Kerala Tour Packages

People,Culture, Nature, makes India unique!

Putu Adeari


ComicBook Guy

Looking at the bunch of WHITE DOUCHES in that bar @1:45 is enough to turn someone off from going to Bali


Is Ubud the place to go for Yoga enthusiasts?

Ohsehuniee Kis

Jangan kapok datang ke Indonesia, Bali 🙂

Kampusra In Japan

very nice informations… great video

Anya Auxentia


Cletus McFartypants

Careful with the taxi drivers on the main street. I was randomly insulted and threatened for simply refusing politely.

kyle watts


Jethro Davin

actually i live in bali and not only that you shouldnt step on them but also dont step over them it is considered rude

jojo pratama

Indonesia not using currency 1,2, 3 rupiah..but start from 1000 rupiah…goverment actually can redomination rupiah $1= 13 rupiah but inst importan rigt now.

Raeed Chowdhury

This dude looks like Lip from Shameless

Yugandhar chowdary

Ok about motorbike, that’s how we ride in India too 😂😂

ItzCool Gamez

Drugs in Indonesian language is Narkoba

Suyog Parab

Loved your video, beautiful places.
Bali is emerging as a favorite tourist destination among Indians.

Zaldy Stark

Woow thank u and welcome to Indonesia, hope next u explore another island at Indonesia


Kuta has been very Quiet for the last 12 months. People now head to Seminyak and Canggu …. Kuta is still my fave place 🙂


Cute couple


In sacred monkey forest, i think monkeys are disease free, they are monitored by an health organization, thats what i read, not sure though, what do others think?

Begir Bigger

You’ll not get a trouble for stepping on the canang. We’ll not get crazy because of that. Lol
But we’ll respect you for not stepping on it, or simply show that you’re sorry for accidentally doing so.


thanks for tips!
Going to bali in 1month for my honeymoon, cant wait to vlog from there!

zizoboy heaven

interisting video …

Agung Ratnadewi

With the canang (offering), just make sure you dont step on it intentionally. If you walk and accident stumble on these little offering, it is okay. Just remember to say sorry 🙏🏼

Sujatha Gokhale

We have a plan to visit it’s very useful one

Aminah Edwards-Rusli

Also Ubud is the Busiest place on the island if you wanna chill, go diving and swimming go to Padang Bai Bali and don’t ask Siri for directions because she will bring your to random places just ask people Padang Bai.

Andrea_The Science B!tz

Thank you for the tips cause were goin there

Ruturaj Shirsath

Thanks for this informative video. I think you’ve covered most of the points that should not be done in Bali. I am currently in Bali for vacation and loving this country so much. Love you Bali! Love you Indonesia!

One Indian 🇮🇳

Joe Kichiraou

yey indonesia


Eminem do traveling vlogs now, rap doesn’t pay much these days.


rabies kils you!

Lee Steal

Sweet tan dude. Both of you.

Aloi Lee

Banana and nuts eh 😂😂 great video m8, helps alot

Erika Gomez

Thank you for all this information! And I’m reading through the comments as well. 🤗 all information is greatly appreciated. Love you guys!❤

Deb adams

A lot of need to know bf I head to Bali in a few months. I’m excited.

Deb adams

Great video. Thank you!

Nicholas Krisna

Why they got dead penalties?

So if people bring drugs to Indonesia they will get arrested and police will give them like a First Warning , and after they finish their jail time they will get free but with some private rules and if they do what they did before which is bring Drugs.. Government will meeting about this and give punishment to them..


Rupiah is like tissue for me

Olive Primo Design

They ride scooters on the sidewalks in Thailand too. Have to keep a watchful eye so you don’t get run over as a pedestrian. 🛵🛵🛵

Lucy Mullins

I went and to the monkey zoo and got bitten


If you’re going to try to make an informative video please do the following: 1. WAKE UP! Sorry but you sound like you weren’t quite awake yet and someone handed you a script to read with words you’re not that familiar with and unsure how to pronounce. 2. Please learn how to pronounce the word
“…ex pecially…”
or “ek specially”. Otherwise, Liked for info. I’ll do further research to corroborate👍

ko sal

so much bullshit… I have been there, and the monkeys are super small and quite, it seems like you are talking about leones!!!

Therka Marka

Because Indonesian don’t fucking know how to get rid of Methylalcohol when they destilate the booze and that’s the poison that can make you blind if you take little more and easily get you killed if you take just a little more than that!!! It’s so simple to do and I could help with that.. On the coolant instrument within destilation you just need to include 1 little instrument called waste valve… I’m going to Bali and i never drink anything so I’m safe..


You two look great together.

Mirah Dana

I’m half Balinese and I can really recommend this Tips!
Balinese people are the kindest and warm hearted people I was allowed to meet and be part of it, but in tourist areas they can get really tricky. Indonesia is corrupt, the country is bankrupt and thats the reason why you can do literally EVERYTHINg in Bali, if u pay the right price and thats what some locals are up for.
Stick with some official organizations when it’s your first time in Asia or Bali or go with someone who already know the culture and also the backside of this beautiful paradise.

About the offerings:
It is common to put them everywhere, especially in the front of the doors, to keep away bad spirits. As a good shield for the house and the family.
You usually also put some food aside (in the garden or somewhere else, just not in the house) before you eat, so the demons and low energy creature are calm, and don’t want to eat with you on the table.

These are some of many little gestures and rituals, that seem really strange to non locals, but it is the energy they put in and that makes this Island so unique.

The last thing I just want to tell you, and this is really personal:
If you are traveling for insta tour (they take you to spots, take pictures and take you to another spot to take perfect Instagram pictures) then I would beg you to stay away from Temples and ceremonies if you can’t respect or even recognize the spiritual meaning of all this.
The Balinese Religion is something unique and I wouldn’t say that they are Hindu, more likely a Naturereligion.
If you are interested, inform yourself, ask locals, they love to tell you about the culture. But please do it with respect, and the information, that it’s way bigger than you could ever imagine.
And all the stories where you touch your head, laugh or even can’t believe it because it sounds like a really made up child story… are often the realest, most honest things just made up in a story to understand the meaning of it.

I hope you liked these informations 🙂
Maybe we’ll meet someday in Bali
Have a great day, whoever read this 😀

Selamat jalan!

Anna W

I’ve seen most of the clips of Bali in this video when I went a few weeks ago, no joke 😂

Felix Deer

Thank you for your wonderful video. You are a lovely couple and this film is very helpful.

caitlin hill

Do you have to have a license for motor cycle riding?

Ray Nawan

Good for you visit LOMBOK bro


Your girlfriend is cute …

Gusyandi Channel

You are profesional video maker. I like your shooting and editing at this video. Thank you for sharing your video.
Succes for you and your team. Have a nice day.

Dimas Ridho

I from indonesian😍

slamet andik

Rupiahs is too many zero,,,agree LOL

Decky Fatah

Transletnya pakai google translete kayaknya. Sulit dipahami kalimatnya..

Angry Guy

dont go to shithole countries
thank you very much 🙂

Mallu Flix

hi, you guys are great…………… Lovely video, great piece of info


Referring to #4 last time I was in Bali I was walking along the side of the road I think it was in ubud not too sure but this australian couple sped suppeerrr fast past us and before the women could scream stop at the guy they clashed into a local who was just leaving his house. They were all on the floor the girl was having trouble speaking which is a sign of brain damage and their faces were just non stop bleeding luckily a doctor was across the road in a cafe but it still worries me to this day if they’re okay especially the local who got carried back inside his home as he was just knocked out ):

David Carter

I always go the doctor prior and get a letter showing of all prescription medication im currently on, sleep pills from western countries are one of their banned/controlled substances. I gave 2000 idr instead of 20000 idr to a ferry driver the 1st day we were there, but no one got angry just laugh and explain to me. I would highly recommend if you want to hire a scooter, you have the correct licence back in your home country as this often a condition of your travel insurance, we also bring Australian approved helmets as the helmets there are often of worse quality than push bike helmets, so thin and like a ice cream tub

Henry Chun-Sang Ng

Thanks guys, info very helpful.

Hornet Gaming

I’m in Bali now, good tips. The currency is pretty confusing! And Grab/Gojek is a money saver! We went from Seminyak to Rock cafe for AUD $6 as opposed to getting a driver for $50 who waits for you.

iii_ocean rxse

If you accidently step on carang sari or run it over with your car its ok

Princess Stigsson

i love bali i live there


the real danger with Arak is not just that it’s strong, it’s that it often contains methanol, due to often being homemade, a bit like moonshine. Methanol is a poisonous alcohol that can make you blind or worse.

Yash Enumulla

Good tips guys! Better than what heard a Brit couple talk of.

Pragitha Yoga

you miss a beautiful place in Bali, which is in Kintamani, there is a soothing place with views of mountains, lakes, places of worship (temples) and other nature, and there are also hotels, restaurants and more

Dinislam Gozhoiarov

Hi guys can i sell my handmade jewelry in Indonesia?)

Queen Elizabeth

but u forgot to mention that there is some beach/shore that u can’t swim in it. such as tanah lot and others that u aren’t allow to swim

a jalal

My house in canggu

Tina Fuaivaa

The honk is like in Samoa when you go to Apia or Savaii. It’s polite not a bad thing. This is a great video I’d prefer knowing what not to do then can do. 😀

Ilya Kokine

Very educational. Cheers! 😉

Nick Spiecker

Don`t forget to “hunk” (or bring an offer) when you pas a temple near the road cause you`re asking that local God for safety on that road.


thank you so much for this video…i’m going for my honeymoon in july. this was very helpful


if you love massages you should go to bali, i payed 6 euro including tip for 1 hour full body massage and in the netherlands it cost 50 euros per 30 min :/


i also went to some ape temple in bali and everywhere where broken sunglasses and little flowers from hats that the monkeys stole, used for 2min and then threw away XD


ive recognizes some places in the video, like that temple and some streets looked familier… (been there last year)

Chris Chuck Travel

Very straight forward and well done. Thank you for your vids. We are in Bali now and watched this and many other of your videos before we got here. They have helped out a ton. You both have actually inspired my partner and I to do our own simple vids of our experiences here. Thank you for that. They are nothing special but still share our unique Bali story. Cheers guys!

Sachin Puri

17:44 indonesia was hindu and Buddhist kingdom before converting in islam those people’s are not want to convert in islam they torture by converted peoples those peoples now living in Bali Island

Avijit kumar Mitra

lombok is much better

LokiZ 007

This guy kind of looks like Jeremy Allen White.

Han Bulban

Drug laws have been introduced by stupid western governments

Micky Drew

My partner had to go through the rabies shots…you don’t look the monkeys in the eyes… I have bought bananas every single time I have been and never had a problem. Just don’t hold on to the banana…when they try to take them…let them. Dont look them in the eyes. They will give u notice that they’re not happy and just walk away

Micky Drew

Oh god, the hangover after Arak cocktails is terrible. It tasted like ass… it is brewed in bathtubs and can kill!!! One drink and it could kill.

It is also really hard not to step on canang sari… they are everywhere on the footpath…as long as you aren’t stepping on the fresh ones, you are all good. They are stepped on constantly

More tourists die from scooter deaths in Bali than anything else.

Ps. the monkeys can bite but there hasn’t been a case of rabies in yearsssssss.

cool guy

Thanks for information.

Sapphire Orchid

What are the temples at 10:58 and 11:05?


Better yet, just stay the hell out of that smelly sh*thole. They love your money but hate your guts.
Nothing says “free money” more than some goofy moron vomiting in the street, passing out.
Bali is s stinking disease ridden sewer. Go there at your own peril.

seurin Francois2

u can walk on offering because they all ready offer no big deal

Dan Vaught

They actually announced on our flight that a drug conviction can get you the death sentence… that was sobering.

Mood Swings

When I was there, the locals and the guide said it was okay to step on the offerings and for dogs to eat it because after it was given “the spirit had already consumed it” and it doesn’t matter anymore.

Leelou D

There’s only a few of the Bali 9 left. A few have already had the death penalty. Taking drugs in any Asian country is the dumbest thing you could do. They are so corrupt over there and will throw you in jail and then you’re in deep shit. But great video thank you. Heading to Bali in a few weeks

Joe Haight

Excellent vid, lots of great info 👍🏻

lex mark

I wonder how many drug dealers we would get rid of in the United States we start executing them?

Aaron B

This is funny what people do in cultures to avoid facing their own karma, prop up a religious person as their karma and offer them something tangible and get mad/angry if someone steps on it but they put it on the floor where it can be easily stepped on. This seems like an easy/lazy way out to me. Why not confront what you did wrong to others and make up for it and ask for forgiveness?

ICRh link

Hope me..u come to north Bali and review.., make sure to try watch sunset at there

Gopi Krishnan

Indians get the temple rituals easily . they are so similar to India

Google User

The whole vlogg could have been summed up into: don’t behave like an Australian. Otherwise it really sounds like its aim at really naive travellers.


The Native Balinese are caring and easy going people. Not so much the other rude obnoxious Indonesians that have invaded their little island paradise.

Adam Rosema

Great information

M. M.

e*S*pecially …(not expecially)

Dinda Junianti

Hi Balinese here,, I would just like to add some info for number 3 in your list, we balinese sometimes even honk when we pass by small shrines or the cemeteries by the roadside, just to say a small prayer saying that we would like to pass through “their teritory” and not to disturb any spiritual being

Leonil Carreon

Am in Bali btw (by the way)

Johnny C

i dunno if the Chanang Sari is that important to them because i see trashed in temples. Why don’t they clean it up if the temples are so sacred?

Andrew Johnson

The ‘not stepping on offerings’ bit is not true. Balinese believe that the Gods take the offerings as soon as they are placed on the ground. It’s understandable if you accidentally step on one and will not be considered offensive.

Michelle Engelamm

The bottom line….respect other people, or don’t travel.


10th, don’t mess with Balinese once you’re drunk. You’ll end up disintegrated!

Gerhard Rinkens

you were talking about the Bali 9 but fail to say clearly what these were…
what I understood is that these were druck traffickers…. but you fail to say do not do drugs in Indonesia as harsh penalties are applied to it there. Just be clear and unambiguous about it.

nick p

Helpful video

andy nelson

love bali we go there each year we love to stay in Sanur very nice place to stay

happy happy

Good people attitude is important

Schöfer Film

Very cool 👍🏻😊 great content, best regards from a small 🇩🇪 film maker 😉🎬🎥

Chloe Bishop

Dont do drugs period im not against having fun, but there are other ways
.definatly dont do drugs on holiday so many storys when i was in auz of people geting put in jail proper 0 tolerance. I wish it was like that in the uk. Dont be nieve when traveling and stick with m8s

Kemas Wijaya

Simply dont do drug anywhere….anytime at all

Lizzie Catford


edwin rivas


Cynthia Ang

Guys come to check this place out. Hidden paradise in Southeast Asia, you will never find anything like this. It is my hometown, ANAMBAS!

Afiq Piguet

Lol. the monkey in the early video doing their daily monkey thing…

gazzi buzz

Every country has different rule,,,,,just follow that u will safety and enjoy journey

Rian Afsanzani

Love her accent😘

Emma Novita

Yes, don’t ride motorcycle in bali if you’re not used to it 😂
I’ve seen too many tourists got accidents


Awesome video

Noor Sihan

actually honking is part of the traffic rule, before you taking over the way and you have another vehicle close to you, you must honk. if by any chance accident happen you didn’t honk then you’ll be the wrong one.

honk means friendly greetings among people that know one another on the road. so we basically honk because we like people. Lol….

अपनी भाषा पर सदैव गर्व

I hate Bali. Very rude people. Always Mess with tourists. Don’t know how to talk. Especially those shopkeepers

gatorrollu 2

Thanks guys, that was awesome.


thank you. keep smiling u’re so cute 😉

Natiq Mohamed

Which months of the year do you recommend for visiting Bali?

Stephanie Love

Can you bring Medicean to Bali or will you get in trouble

Jollybeans 3011

What about shroom and marijuana?

Bill Carson

I heard people of getting sick more so In Bali as compared to other destinations from eating the food ?




I visited the monkey forest unknowingly during their mating season…

I was 7

Regalia Quail Home Farming

Both you guys are super smart travelers. Salute to both of you. Love to see ur video in malaysia again, probably sabah n srawak ( borneo ).

Joan Lillo

Im not that agree with you fro step on Canang, bascically its a respect to not step on it, but it didnt bringyou a bad luck, honestly it has nothing about it . cheers

Hazel Ann Diaz


Michael Souhoka

One more thing! Never ever exchange your dollars or rupiahs on the money changers at the streets in Bali, they will fool you with the exchanges. Do the exchange in the official Banks.

MauiGirl 888

Cute couple.

MauiGirl 888

Going to Bali 4/11-4/25!!!! Happy Birthday to me.

Robert MacRitchie

Heading to Bali in a couple weeks. Thank you for this!

Lemon Lord

I’m from Bali, people step on canang all the time…just don’t get caught doing it

salman alfarisi

Don’t smile at the monkey because if you’re show your teeth that’s mean you challenge him and I’ll don’t think they’ll will fear you

hemicy lim 1043

honestly just becareful
-indonesian people

dreaming falls

Im an Indonesian,And You cant drink some wine in bali. Its Disrespectful to the balinese culture.

Ranjeet Singh

Your tips are geared towards western naive travelers

Ranjeet Singh

Dumb to go to travel and spend the nights drinking and getting drunk.

Geoff waterman

The risk of methanol poisoning is serious in bali from non professionally made arak.
Dont be stupid thinking local cheap hooch is just a party. If you’re not lucky to die , you’ll go blind and horribly suffer the rest of your life. They also top up vodka etc. With arak. Just drink beer or sealed bottled drinks.

Viresh Surat

Buddhism and jainism come from hinduwism

Viresh Surat

Bali and Buddhism all are in fluenced by hinduwism

Barbara Stepien-foad

Not great information, you’ve not been there long enough
Bali is IN Indonesia it’s not Indonesia AND Bali
Why promote taking in drugs? Drugs is a No-No
Nothing is for free you always have to offer something for any service, I hate it when foreigners take advantage because the rate of exchange is in their favour
You don’t mention corruption or how the politics works
You should mention the treatment of animals, cockerel fighting,bull racing, eating dogs, chopping cats tails,etc it is crucial that tourists are made aware so that pressure is put on to put a stop to these dreadful things, don’t support marine parks,the poor dolphins are confined and unhealthy.
It’s far cheaper to live in Java

Kill Me

Dont sing a song named cikadap

syiva shakti

all true here…some are forgotten though. Changu and Kuta is in the same Area…be careful there…too many morons and drunker there.

Hasim Arfah

Air Terjun Barassang, Surga Tersembunyi Desa
Bissoloro Gowa

rifki alamoudi



Love bali but if you go to brasil dont miss Jericoacara 😎. Best sunset in the world


Liam Murphy


Zeeshan Haider

Hi, very informative video..! Just wanted to ask that Is it safe for women to explore less crowded areas/ waterfalls.?

Putu Yoky

just a heads up it”s Ubud not boo boo :D.

Gede Pasek Susila Nadhi

Dont look at the cop too long
Especially if you not using helmet

The Linux Vector

They never gave me no helmet

The Linux Vector

How can they be spiritual and expect respect when they perpetrate scams on people


Number 1 should be DONT drink Tap Water. Bottled water only at all times

Adwitya Gunottama

In general, Hinduism and Budhist are came from the same root since Budha is another represtation of Lord Visnu in Hinduism believes. That’s why Budhist and Hinduism are similar in some aspects

Moon Slayer

I am born in Bali and I live there till this day but I’m Muslim so I don’t know what it the chanang means

JP Parvez

Bali and other Asian countries traffic laws/rules don’t apply… It’s all about instinct and respect as it should be. Western countries are blinded by rules, for example when the traffic lights hit green people go off without looking because its green and boom no instinct. Respect ur fellow driver even when he is wrong we all have sometimes things on our mind that distract us, you never see roadrage in Asia, only respect❤️.

Okta Andi

This boy looks like eminem wkwk

Axel Stewart

My family and I have been to Bali nearly 200 times since 1984.
I know exactly what to do and what not to do, go to and stay on holiday…
Love Bali, Lombok is good to visit too🤩

kan le

actually, indonesia have so many beautiful islands..


The last 5 years..there is SOOOO MUCH PLASTIC GARBAGE in the waters and beaches.
Thanks to indos themselves and the awful chinese mass tourists…


beware of dodgy money changers…
If you see a street advertisement (Kuta mostly) for a rate that is soooo much better than the rest (say 20% better) it comprises a scam.
For one thing…when you arrive at their booth they say the value is old, from day before…and now you are only presented a value..perhaps 5% better.
That may not be so bad…but then….1 or 2 shady friends come to the booth too and hang around you…distracting you..
you put down the foreign bill, he counts the indo bills..makes a mistake ..takes it from your hands again..recounts it…then hand sit back to you…but this time you are short some 100.000 rp bills…or false bills.

Solution, dont go to off streets, stay on the main road and go to respectable (nice shops, office) offices…

Fresh Lasagna

heey im from bali C::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;

just making a ednit un related to my comment the canang sari are offering to the ground god to appease them, so steping on them is like showing disrespect to them


Hey guys today I saw your video … damn now I’m little bit nervous of all 9points of Bali … I fly this year to Bali 🤪


I’m from Dubai, I’m looking for a GF to travel with me to Bali 🥰 I’m 28 YO.
My snap (Australia_Lover)


Awesome informations, thank you

Sesi L.

I love Bali! I love INDONESIA! 👊❤️🇲🇨

Johnny Besa

We are planning a trip to Bali in June, and your tips are quite helpful. Thank you.

A. Âqil

Drug taking doesn’t get you Death Penalty, right ? Only Drug Trafficking.


Want to travel bali one day. Lots of history fm my ancestors. 🤔🙂

Nathasya Devina

Can we lower the tourism it’s so crowded plus trash is everywhere now…

Nathasya Devina

I’m not spiritual ;3

Gus Dewan

Nice 😍

Prabhu Raipuria

Which camera to use for vlogging

Anouk van der mark

You don’t have cash at the time? …you always have cash with you!! Travelling without any is crazy!


good info
both of you are beautiful

Salim Yusif

is pussy hard to find in Bali ?

Baskoro Akbar N

I’m from Java island
In 2014, when i’m at middle school, my school make a study tour to Bali. When i’m at one destination in Bali, Tanah lot, i’m accidentally step on an egg in canang sari in the front of a store, the afternoon later, my phone is missin, friends of mine literally said it was becouse i’m steppin on egg that noon before, its so weird for me, i know that just little kids though, but if its true, is there a signal on a mystic dimension? Why did they take my phone? Are they know how to us that such thing?
Ohh RIP my English, i’m so bad

Christina White

thank you guys for sharing these tips,lovely both of you!

Christina White

just don’t drink and don’t use drug。 I’d rather do some Yoga and meditation instead。


Well Uzbek money has more zeros ^^


I wish I got “bule” boyfriend in Bali hahaha


you guys awesome!


Very interesting video!! You guys are a great team! Cheers 💚

Dark Megumin

If you have drugs even just a little bit justice will rain over you with no shelter, even the locals hate you if you have drugs and reported you to the police

Jaya Prasanna Lakshmi Koppisetti

just like us Indians.

Suzon Lommel

Thanks though now I’m going through Bali withdrawals again. I miss the backcountry

Panji Agustian

No #5 proves you guys never been to Vietnam LOL


Indonesia and bali?? The most ignorant statement that I ever heard. FYI bali and indonesia is the same. You can’t make a different about bali is an island that is still part of Indonesia. Educate yourself would you. 😊😊

aaron lee riadi

Weh mantap

Mark Plunkett

very interesting

Hilman Jourdan

Respect 👍🏻


Just relax lah.

Christian Galesias

But what the fuck happened to that dog’s ears.

Nash N

Hey many Blessings to the both of you, I can really feel you were born for each other, great video!

Kevin Van Noortwk


Sterling Archer

Good video. This actually is one od the better travel videos on YT. Most people waste time with crap intros, and being narcisist. Thanks for the intel.

Amerigo Vespucci

Highly spritual aka superstitious

Taito Soko

thank you so much guy’s…it’s very helpful….I’m traveling soon to Bali n explore there culture and this video will definitely guard me all the way…

Pankaj Shaw

She is super duper cute <3

Spiritual Franz Awakening of the Soul

You were riding on the opposite side of the road .. are you crazy .. stick to the left it’s not the US

John Brougham

Bali’s a shithole.


Because People are so much into these fake offerings and all the wrong doings only there is so much natural disasters ,,,

Nγ- Channel

Love Bali, Indonesian


RUPIAH IS DOWN.. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

miskaa nns



drugs are bad

Lovely Genia

bali is the city but the country is indonesia because im from indonesia

Yaros Yari

They are not highly spiritual, they are highly pious men. I didn’t saw even 1 ashram at Bali but a lot of temples, didn’t saw even 1 seeker, but a lot of festive. But of course everyone can told the word carma when you aren’t ready to pay. It’s just the truth but as a traveller I like Bali island pretty much so far…


I’m going the whole month of April and staying in Kuta can’t wait!! Thanks for the video!


Just remember do not said bego or bangsat they will angry

D Maan

how much would be a good budget for a 6 days trip? nice video guys

M. Frances Fontaine

The earth is the Lord’s the fullness thereof and they that dwell therin. While I will never disrespect the Balinese by defending their right to believe what they believe, let us be clear ,neither will I acknowledge that there is any other God but Jehovah; and I will enjoy the beauty He created in this part of His world!
Respectfully….The Rev. Dr. M. Frances Manning-Fontaine.

Ross Blandon

Dude has a rockin hot bod. Need more shirtless 🤣

manuel antonio Serodio

Nice video. very interesting. I really liked it. Thank you for the video, especially the last part.

Janine Cordova

You should visit Philippines 🙂

I Gusti Ngurah Adhi Baskara Putra

Offerings can be for the personification of the environments (can be working environment, living enviroment), or manifestation of brahman (ultimate non-dual reality). Balinese Hinduism is a mix of pre-hindu balinese-javanese spiritualism, hinduism and buddhism. Many people including Balinese don’t realise that balinese has some buddhism elements in it. Balinese Hinduism has buddhist elements in it just like Hinduism in Nepal. Buddhism in Thailand also has more Hindu elements than typical Buddhist cultures. Buddhism in Thailand use more sanskrit words compared to the others and there are many statue of Brahma. That’s why you would feel familiar if you are from Thailand.

SHY toys

We loved Bali!!! Come and see our VLog!!😍

Patrick Pfirrmann

Great content over here. Definitely worth to subscribe.
You guys are amazing! 🙂

Doodly Bunny

Never even go over the flower..
I remembered gettimg sick puking almost often going back home from Bali and when i went to the doctor they said i had no problem or issues with my body but then i went to a specialist and he asked me if i went to Bali and stepped over the flower , i mean i know about the flower thing but i never step it thought but i realise thst even if your not stepping it but going over it can cause a spirit to be triggered even if its already a damaged old flower

Casandra L P

I´m a first timer in Bali, and this video was SO helpful!

Arnold Jeharu

You have to go to flores, Flores has lot of beach, waterfall, volcano ,
Forrest,, and there is no crowded

[ Bubble Pop ]

You should visit borobudur

[ Bubble Pop ]

Tumpeng is a tradisinel food

[ Bubble Pop ]

Indonesia is a popular contri

Roberto Cailing

Amateur Tourist

Si Badu


Dwi Darmawan

For no 7, if you step it intentionly, sometimes you will get “Kerauhan” or bad luck. Kerauhan means being possessed by evil spirit. So, watch your step, and good behave with that because it’s local religious of Bali.

Savage Beauty

Yeahh i had a bad experience with monkey in monkey forest ubud. The monkeys try to attacked my father and even called all of his friends! It was a nightmare!

Manaswi Dutta

That is true. No road rage. Very polite and honking is just a kind gesture for safety!!! Amazing place. Been there two weeks ago. Loved it.

Issy Smith

i once accidently stepped on their floor flowers and got hard stares from everyone there i had no idea what i had done

Jasper Ferini

Stepping on a canang is bassicaly stepping on a cross

Ocean Blue

They offer half of the price if you’re local

King_ Spade

Don’t drink alcohol for muslim not to doing that and drugs to

King_ Spade


A million subs without video

They lowkey fucked after the video

Jimmy John

I am Indonesian, I suggest you for try to visit another place in Indonesia.
There is Java, Sumatra, Borneo,Sulawesi, Ambon,Papua Ext.
We have around than 17.000
700 ethnics

Good luck 🙂

Jeff Vader

number one tip, dont go

Sari Sari

Actually the honking is not really a sign to let you know they‘re coming around the edge but a sign for you to get out of their way BECAUSE they‘re coming. And the offerings you were mentioning are meant for the Gods and for our ancients. So you better try to not step on them but if you do once by accident, nothing really happens to you .. that‘s okay because it can happen to all of us. With the monkeys as well, you should hide everything sparkly because they tend to grab that stuff from you. And keep yourself away from monkeys with babies because they‘re very protective animals and tend to react aggressively to people getting to close to their babies.

Elle & Martin

I believed it too. I have been staying here for a while and respected that


Just to be clear, while the monkeys are capable of carrying rabies and transmitting it to you, none of the monkeys have the virus and not a single case of monkey transmitted rabies has been documented in Ubud. If a monkey catches the rabies virus, it will usually die in 10 days or less

I was there 2 weeks ago and one of them scratched me and I was fine. No need to worry about rabies shots for the monkeys. What you should be worried about however, is the many dogs around the island that could be carrying the virus

Narwastu Nagoro

Almost everyday ppl in Indonesia especially Surabaya drunk “Arak”

Makenzie Best


Dawn Buckley

Wont be going to bali seems if you evem fart youll get the death sentece


That too many zeros you will encounter in Vietnam as well, I accidentally paid 500,000 when it was supposed to be 50,000. I returned later to get money back and the seller knew and she gave some money back but just half.. Yeah like it was literally wtf experience.

Joe Gray

great video guys very helpful


Who did the Indonesian subs? It like “traffic jam” = macet. Not selai

Wahyudi Antara

DON’T DO THIS IN BALI (WHEN YOU RIDE A SCOOTER): Don’t put your phone in the front bag of your scooter. The tourists sometimes forget and leave it when they’ve reached the destination.

Megumi & Tamika’s WILD WORLD

I live in Indonesia


Two small things I may add. First, don’t be easily attracted to apparently good exchange rate! Be careful when you change money. Be sure to check out the hidden charges involved. A published good exchange rate may not turn out to be the best rate you can get after they have deducted the service charge and all that. Also check your money very well before leaving the counter. I was given 50,000 rupiah less when I changed my money once. Second, don’t take a taxi without clarifying how they would charge you! When taking a taxi, ask first if they charge a fixed or a minimum rate. It has happened to me twice that I took a taxi in Bali and when paying time came, the driver asked me to pay more than what the meter indicated, saying that they charge a minimum fare for every ride. For all the rest, enjoy Bali! 😀

Neville Hattersley

I’m going to Nusa Dua for 9 days. How much spending money would your recommend to have a good and comfortable time (planning on heading into Ubud and Seminyak )


Great video! Keep it up! Also, make sure to check to browse the best travel activities and find the cheapest tours and tickets!

Sanad Tag

I think I’m going Thailand after watching this video 😛😂

Maulida Siti Rahayu

Well if you want the real relaxing place for travel, you can go to Lombok, Bangka Belitung, because it’s less crowded and really beautiful.

arjuna FUJIZAKI藤崎

I love bali&hindu, from japan

Imran Sharif

Also, don’t drive without helmet or without international license.

Raymond Espedido

oh no bali is not disabled friendly because you have to be in a scooter 🙁 I’ve never been to Bali and it’s in my bucket list but im disabled i cannot ride on a scooter because of balance issues because im disabled. oh well…

Novi Pcy

I love bali

Goran Svraka

Regarding the monkeys you do know. They are just like humans. Do you know when another human is aggressive or calm towards you.? You do… How? Eye contact and body language. There is something about them that doesn’t feel right…trust your primal instincts your long long distant monkey cousins are displaying them.


Not just bali, no drugs are allowed here in indonesia

Agus Darmayana

As Balinese, watching this video is heart warming, it such a genuine commentary yet so considerate and respectful toward Balinese in manner. All in all, I love to watch it!

Deadlyft Machine

My name is Anto 😂😂😂


Nice video. Great advice.

Its Ehhd

Banana and nuts

Ricky Armour

sounds like you’ve had to much arak lol

Julia Ekström

Also, when being in less touristy areas in Indonesia, remember to cover your shoulders and knees if you are a woman 🙂 and especially if you need to do visa stuff, it’s disrespectful to go without shoes (not flip flops) and not covering your knees and shoulders if you are a woman. In some areas in Bali it is more accepted because there are a lot of tourists but in other areas they might not be so happy. If you are in their country, follow their rules and culture 🙂 (even if you are sweating haha)

Tourist From Earth

sometimes they use rubbing alcohol to make cocktails

Metal Boy Music

tips: if you have Indonesian friends, go with them, foreigners tend to be charged exorbitant prices for things that aint worth the price, also, BARGAIN HARD if you are going to buy stuff / hire recreational services

Halo Bule

It’s nice to see kids out experiencing life by exploring the world rather than living with their mommy playing video games. Awesome 👏

dai sabil _

17.000 island

anjali sandiarta

I live in Bali 😁
For almost 12 years

Stephen Harvey – Plan to Profit

It should be made clear that there is NO established evidence that any monkey on the island of Bali has ever transmitted a Rabies infection to a human.

Monkeys are just not in the current disease vector on Bali. However dogs are.

Some people feel understandable concern that the disease vector may change and that monkeys may become infective.

This no doubt stimulates the concern to administer post-exposure treatment for potential Rabies infection in the event of a monkey bite from a non-captive Balinese monkey, such as in the Ubud ‘Monkey Forest’.

A monkey bite is very unlikely to give rise to a Rabies infection.

Karyna M

Seriously, not only was this video helpful…you two are just too cute for words .

mian said

I need visit viaza Indonesia

Keith Douglas

well don’t put your offerings on the footpath and maybe I won’t step on them


I watched this because I am going to Bali very soon I am only a child so I don’t think I would drink alcohol lol

Purwadi Edi

Awesome,you both needs to come to see orangutan in borneo,your reviews could posibly save and protect more rain forest of borneo. See you…


Call me at bali


I have maybe a difficult question i hope could be answered here. My wife and i would love to visit bali, with our kids. My wife works for a marijuanna company and hold a medical card. We would not be bringing any marijuanna or trying to buy it, however can we face a possible difficult time if they see where she is employed. I mean would it be possible that she could get arrested or acused of something even though we have no drugs? We would love to visit this place but i certainly dont want to take any risk of something bad happening just because of where she works. Thanks in advance if anyone can advise!



Ben Voronov

She is so cute and charming. You lucky guy!

Adoring Fan

What is bali? Bali is where my local indos looking for foreign girlfriend/boyfriend

No joke

Pamela Corona

I def believe in karma

Pavel Lesnevskij

fall asleep while listening that guy 😴


Thank you! Headed to Bali soon and this will definitely help!!

Nikita Khrushchev

You will die if you trade drugs in Bali. Don’t damage the Indonesia nation.

Jack James

Pergi berlibur di Bali dan membeli rumput, merokok bersama dengan pemandangan gunung berapi – itu semua hal yang bulat, tetapi sebenarnya cukup berbahaya. Potheads yang dipertanyakan diletakkan di balik tirai Swedia selama bertahun-tahun dan tidak berarti orang asing dikecualikan. Khususnya ketat di sini adalah kontrol pada entri, tampaknya memiliki negara Muslim terbesar di dunia, takut relaksasi dan orang-orang santai, jadi Anda tidak boleh memperkenalkan ganja di sini.

Alberta Dionny

the tip about monkeys in Bali is very true XDD not just food or shiny things, they literally would grab or even take your things! last time I went to Bali with my family and visited a temple, a monkey stole one of my 3yo cousin’s shoe right off her feet XD


The Balinese are beautiful people inside and out. The Javanese on the other hand.

Januardi Goh

Hei girl… Are you from vietnam?


whats wrong with his big eyes ? he says no drugs in bali

numa janvier

I live in Vietnam

Hans Usko

when they say no drugs they mean no drugs. even a wide range of pills even with doctors prescription are forbidden. check first to avoid being sorry later.

Zach Levi

Don’t go to cheap bars around kuta area that offers cheap drinks or cocktails, only broke tourists go there most of them are surfers from Australia that could stay for months living in Bali renting a really cheap room near poppys area. additional information 1 US dollar equals to 14.600 rupiah :), there you go. now you know how worthless rupiah is :). we should get denomination ASAP.

1 1

I am going with my 10 month old baby. I want a family friendly place away from clubing and nightlife. More nature. Is kuta good?


Ubud is not the quiet, Balinese place it used to be. The city itself is very crowded and very international oriented. Still has a bit of that unique alternative vibe but it’s decreasing. So be ready for that. The area arround it is nice though.


The Arak thing is not true, they don’t randomly mix Arak with anything with happy hour and Arak itself is NOT unsafe. It’s just a strong spirit. There are cases were bad Arak was sold to tourist and they got sick from it but if you know the source it is perfectly drinkable. There are also Arak factories who sell legit Arak in normal glas bottles, those are more expensive but 100% legit.


good information


These tips are helpful! Thank you for sharing these!

Henry Everhart- Martinez

Great vlog 🤗🤣😀

ayu leony

Hi! I’m balinesse people. Feel free if you want to ask somthing more about bali 😊

Kariana Bakuradze

Actually there is one more. Especially for women. When you are in period (menstruation), PLEASE DO NOT ENTER the temple. Please respect the local rules cz when you are not obeying it, its not only you but also the entire people in that area would get the karma of what you done. Also, the local people have to do a big ceremony to “re-clean” the temple which mean many cash out just because you are not obeying the rule. 🙂


Dislike for fake info about arak, also they make good tuak and other Balinese wine, natural ones, it’s much better and real natural stuff, than chemical bintang pee and other more expensive marketing alcohol sh*t that sells for crazy price. My head and body always felt good after araq and bad after Capitan Morgan or Famous Plaga Wine

kadek gowinda

Yes seriously do not ride a motorbike if you are not used to it. I’ve seen more foreigner having an accident than a local in my life. Even if its easy and cheap to rent a motorbike in bali, just think twice. You dont want to ruin your trip with a serious injury.

felicity nincha

Hallo please in The time 0,28 that’s lombok not balii, please give the correct picture in Bali, not the beauty of our island, Lombok island thank

Hannah Harris

we are going on Sunday 13th of jan 2019 we stay at Kuta febris we go their so many times cause we live in Australia so we’re really close this is like my 60th times and I am only 11

Guntars Plūme

Guys, You’ve done great job! I believe You love travelling and report most important info for people. Thank You very much! I’ve been in Bali and confirm all You’ve told. Well Done!

Jodie 2nd

Lol.. Why will you bring or use drugs!? That is so ugh.. Common sense lol..

Dennis G D

Thanks for posting.

Rainbow Dash

I AM from bali

Tim Salameh

I’m going to Bali next week

Elias Lockne

Should I be worried about someone smuggling drugs through my backpack without me knowing? I mean through flight or anything. Because the life sentence thingy would really be a downer…



Elsha Graciela

Bijhhh.. bali’s honking is suupppeess tame. TRY JAKARTA

Budiman Bulhanisaad

wow bule


And last but not least … we should protect Bali from any cause that disintegrated what has been there for centuries …


And if you are driving a car, please be careful for a sudden pop up motor bike from small lanes along the tight roads … some motorist careless not looks left right nor stop before entering the road, just ride in to it … I had a bad accident and causing a life but fortunate that some one step in as a witness, a motorist was rode behind the unfortuned person … so please be careful and never ride while you are intoxicated …

Fredy John

Hi.. So is motorbike the easiest n cheapest mode of transportation. If i want to cover all th major islands in bali, is it convenient to rent a motorbike for 6 days

Mahesa Fidelio

I balinese people i love this video

Shakunta Langi

Hi im balinese! Love and like yur video! Very informative

Iwayan Candra

Good is bautyful

Sup Dude

Its fucked up where in indonesia if you got weed, you get death sentence and if you murdered some, only 10 years min in jail, or you can pay the police for corruption


don’t what ever you do drink water from the tap

A Williams

both of you are DORKS


If you guys ever visit Bali again pleaseeeeeeee visit my aunts cafe “The Fat Turtle” it’s soooo good

Rizki Fajri Pradhananta

Please it’s true…DO NOT RIDE A MOTORBIKE UNLESS YOU GOT LICENSE, EVEN THO YOU GET ONE YOU GONNA HAVE TO RECONSIDER IT…..I’m local and my girlfriend got hit and run situation by a motorbike that are ridden by a foreigner…Make her can’t walk for like a month…Glad she’s not dead…PLUS there’s gonna be random police raid that can give you ticket for breaking some traffic violation…Be careful guys…

Mathias Fröhling

Sorry, I know, everybody is a fan here and all bali people always just smile about everything…

But some things really fucked up in bali:

1. TRAFFIC (try walking!)
3. SMOG (from scooters and garbage burning)
4. Drug selling in kuta (they bring the life of tourists in danger!).
5. Voodoo and black magic bullshit talk about the future of my life from strangers
6. Other esoteric nonsense (Disclaimer: I mean not the religion or spirituality – I mean touristic-eso scene).
7. Hello massage, hello taxi, hello, where are you going (can I please just walk 5 minutes in silence, without always been asked?).

I feel like, nobody is telling about those things, so I wanted to. If I am now the bad guy, it is okay.

But better say the truth and not hype everything in Bali.

This video is a good first step.

Mathias Fröhling

In Kuta they offer you drugs everywhere.

Mathias Fröhling

Home of amazing rich culture, endless rice fields, jungles, rivers, vulcanos…

AND ALOT of garbage.


So happy I came across this video. Such lovely people with good tips. Thanks guy.

aku siapa :v

Hallo terimakasih anda mau berkunjung ke bali


Meh a Thai complaining about motorbikes in Bali? 😂😂😂😂 have you ever SEEN how motorcyclists in Bangkok drive? Like they have 9 lives! Or 9 buddha pendants to protect them!

Vikbarz Migo

I am from Port Barton Palawan, hoping to see you there someday. Please subscribe back, thank you.

de’ arya

Bali is real paradise, 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Hi, im a balinese person and i am an hinduism as well. You are curious about the offerings that we give to monks and to the shrine?. Well, it is our symbol of thank you, everyday we offers it to the shrine and to some specific location that is located in our houses / places. It is a symbol of thanks that we give to our God because The God always give us a peaceful life without war, criminals and everything. We also thank The God to let us life and breath everyday. As you said we are all very spritiual, we always keep this tradition since our ancestors. We always wanted to keep that legacy because it is our own beliefs and that what makes Bali becomes a really friendly, generous, and peaceful land to visit.

Vikbarz Migo

Try to visit Port Barton, Palawan, Philippines

john tuckwood

the reason we put out a warning for drinking is they mix it with methanol and going blind is the first sign that your drinks have been watered down with it.. can cause death to.

A View Bot

It’s cheap because of inflation and our shitty currency, it’s probably because your currency is better then our’s also they probably use cheap glass and mid cheap equipment

A View Bot

**cough** **cough** 18.800+ island **cough**

Bc Buddy

is it just me or is this white dude hella faded?

Moment ID

Tuak Ter0000o$

Baby and Mom Care

The women is not from Bali or indonenesia so she can not understand exactly

Gareth Coxhead

Nice guys, good effort


Great Video and Tips Guys! We will be in Bali in 10 days.


This must be an American thing. Most Kiwis travel overseas for several years after getting out of school. Seems Americans don’t like to leave their little bubbles and when they do they make vlogs about it.

Humberto Gonzalez

Was that monkey eating ass at :20

Made Santha

Im balinese, thanks for creating this vlog. Those flower and coconut leaves on the floor or everywhere else are like gifts/food for god/spirits, eventhough you can’t see it through normal eyes. Imagine your meals is hit or thrown while you’re eating that, u must be mad. The “bad luck” is somehow can be experienced after all in anyway such as bad dream or sometime bad vision with some traditional spirit looking on it.

Adrian Wijaya

Hello, I Am from Balinese


This is really nice of you guys! I respect what you guys did

Dusty Isuzu

Recently got back from Bali, definitely would recommend having a watch before you go

IVO BooKelmann

Every where in Indonesia your not allowed to use drugs I live in Bali and ur video is Missing alot


comment to the drug thing:
other drugs than alcohol like Marihuana are banned with long year prison or death penalty.
Marihuana causes 0 death (all over the world) , alcohol = 70.000 death (only in my small country each year). the one who can count and think by themselfs is in advantage..
Looks like Indonesian government are idiots and not the right people on this job!!

randy djajaseputra

Im from indenesia

Vivian Ladyboy Bali

Kangen bali .. Emuachhh

Shabby_ Angel

Actually it’s 17.500 islands

arvid gunardi

Trust me there is road rage in Bali, or Indonesia for that matter. The difference is, Indonesians have very high threshold of tolerance for road rage, but once you pass the threshold, its quite dangerous. Wouldnt be surprise if a knife is pulled out

Jimmie Lim

Out of all vlogs about bali, this is the one I like the most, haha, I live in bali anwy and I should say you guys know a lot.


The translation text in bahasa really SUCKS!!! Totally inaccurate, full of weird sentences, odd phrases and words cz it seems to be a translation with machine!! It is distracting, too. Way better without it.

Sarah Loffler

You’re so sweet.

Dedi Darmawan

very beautiful Bali, Indonesia is still a lot of beauty besides this friend

Mario.B Alegria.jr. Alegria

This is good for the racist ignant and retarded materialistic white man that not everything you can buy with dollar duude you got a hottie for a girlfriend nice .but my house where i go is my loving philippines i wont never dare travel to indonesia.


Things you shouldn’t do in Bali
1. Do not bring bombs
2. Do not make fun of Bali (especially when you’re in Bali)
3. Do not kill people
4. Do not bring drugs
5. Do not bring weapons (especially in sacred places like Tanah Lot, Pura Luhur Uluwatu, Besakih Temple, and many more)
(and also public places like the Airport, zoo, waterpark, and many more)
6. Don’t vandalize (especially in sacred places and public places)

kartika tika

the rabies vaccine is free at indonesian government health center

Mika Kusuma

Just a few tips for anyone planning to drive or ride:
1. People rarely use indicators. Be careful.
3. Be careful when it rains, when riding and driving. Slow down.
4. When riding, be careful in twisty roads because dirt might cause an oopsie for you. People might also overstep the traffic lines in twisties.
5. Don’t bribe the policemen. Just act civilised. Even if they might act *racist (?). Keep your insults to yourself. Dont make it hard for yall
6. Make sure you use a SNI certified helmet.
7. Just because you see a local driving like bloody idiot doesnt mean that you should follow in suit. People act differently to foreigners.
8. Please dont ride scooters with sandals. When you fall/crash, it will hurt like a mothertrucker.
9. Be patient in traffic jams.
There are probably a dozen other tips but they are redundant, you should be fine as long as you stay careful.
Stay safe, stay smart

Shoshanna Schoeman

Great video guys, I’m so glad it popped up on my recommend. #subscribed

Listya Anggra

Im balinese n your video is interesting. If u really love beach, i recommend u to go tu jimbaran

Sari Trans

Yea, u can become a millionaire in indonesia instantly 😎

Asteria Sukma

I’m from bali and I still find this very informative

Zachariya Dutyulwayo

Thank for the tip. its very helpful… as i plan my trip next year… can i at least have one shot of arrak???

Zachariya Dutyulwayo

The lady who corrected you on currency is very considerate and very sweet…

Mery Mal3r

great one guys, and yes please don’t ride a scooter unless ur valentino rossi…i am local and i only use gojek…people got into accident on daily basis and some even died from their own stupidity of not wearing helmet and such so please be safe


Bali 9 are drug traffickers and they deserve nothing less than death. Aussie’s media tried to portray them as victims while they themselves have admitted that they are the ring leaders.


The offerings placed on the ground, as long as they have finished burning are fine to step on. The ones placed on offering temples or off the ground would be considered rude. Both are offered to different gods.

Robert Drake

Sure looks a lot busier than when I was there in 1993.

Natasha Chillaxing Melts, Candles & Body Products

I am Australian and what the Bali government was wrong in their decision, one of the men was a painter and then sold his art work so more money would go into their government.
And before anyone comments – I know Schapelle Corby was innocent and set up at our airport as I gre up with her and I was with her when she was packing n I went to the airport with her.

Princess Aurora

Thank you for the video ,,, 😍 thumbs up

agnas aditya

warning if you go to Bali must respect culture do not violate if there is violation there will be a disaster you must be polite!!!


Ok why am i even watching this, i live here😂

Luci Fior

And don’t steal candy on canang sari thing

Edit:Not only candy but food

Gamal Madrid

Hi guys iam going to Bali this week who wants join with me?

Darma Duamata

nice video man.. so informative…like it…keep it up..!

Richard Michael

For point no.4, it is true for all Indonesia’s city. If you no good at operating vehicle (like really “good”—a “good” in which you got 3cm error in vehicle-to-vehicle distancing) don’t drive yourself. Please. Just use the transportation services


70% people indonesian like idiot or stupid and only 30% people smart.

Bagus Pradnya

Make sure you exchange your money at authorized money changer too. It wiil cost a lot of money if you not obey it. I mean they can cheat on you

Yuyun Rachman

Hi! I live in Sanur, Bali.. and i’m aware of how many tourist riding a motorcycle carelessly and yes they even ride on the pedestrian to avoid traffic which is so annoying and danger. So it is nice to know that you guys stated to not ride a motorcycle when u’r not used to and even more to not ride on the pedestrian. Thanks!!! 😊🙏

ruthchess 24

Did you visit joy the joy salon and asking for how much Manipidi??? I’m just ask if that’s you???

Бог величайший

She so good at what do

fadia lev

8:05 what just happened?

Sastra Abi

Thank you for your holiday in Bali, i hope you enjoy every place in Bali👌👌

heru kecu

In Indonesian is many traditional drink, for example ciu, cukrik, cap tikus, sopi, etc
But this is a traditional drink and original drink from Indonesia


How do you guys deal with the misquotes there in Bali ? Is it an issue in January/Funerary? I heard they could carry disease … scary!

I. C.

I don’t get it with the money & the woman in the video


Haha about the bike traffic, aren’t Thai the same too? I get the same experience in Phuket riding bike 😂

Misaka Mikoto

Very Nice info and all of them are true…

ezny La Tambuasa

#5.. 😂😂

Mustafa Baris

Great video guys ! I am in Bali now , for the second time .. Will definitely consider your tips .. how about avoid eating and drinking anything ? Maybe stay away from any meat that’s been sitting out for a while ? Or any drinks weather it’s water or a cocktail , that have ice cubes in it ? There is a big chance that these ice cubes are made out of tap water ..


Rule #1 – don’t come with your fat wife or girlfriend. Many cute Indo girls will smile at you and legitimately want to get with you because you are a handsome American, and the ball and chain will only keep yo from experiencing it.

John Martin

stop the genocide in Papua New Guinea


Had an online thing with an indonesian guy that rode a motorbike and dressed like a punk years ago

Pratiwi Mayasari

Uber is no longer operated in Indonesia (maybe all over southeast asia). Only grab and gojek. At some tourism objects, online transport drivers are prohibited take passengers.

Oh, no bad luck occurs when you step on the offering on the street. Don’t step on it when it is freshly put. Just for some respects. Rather than stepping the offering, I’d suggest you not to climb or step on to the statue of the temple. At some cases, it takes ritual to ‘clean’ it up.

Also, do not touch someone’s head and point/give/receive something with your left hand.

FLoat Sam

damn bali is a shit hole authoritarian regime


The presence of the People of color beside the whites is in a way an insurance policy on humanness. When the Whites feel that they have become too mechanized, they turn to the men of color and ask them for a little human sustenance.

Shammus Parker

I’ll divert for shor

Shammus Parker

Aye you got a black eye please explain

Shammus Parker

Drug mules, drug users themself

Tom Finland

Shit …. I’ll visit the ghettos of Chicago before that cess pool… thanks for your honesty… subscribed


can you be millionaire in malaysia…. 🤔🤣


1:36 even the cat is drunk

tompel ireng

Nice video, come to jogjakarta. 59 minute use plane from ngurah rai airport

Daley Jansen

We drove scooters all the time 😅😅 didnt seem very dangerous at all. May depend on the place. Did it in Hanoi too.. that said i come from a country where bike/motorbike is used everywhere always and in Amsterdam can be crazy too🤣.. also when we travel to more developing countries we are always prepared to pay tips everywhere. Seems normal to me. You know that when you go to certain countries. My 50 cts make them a lot happier than me and I dont miss it!!

Mohamad Rois

dont step the ofering
you wil get cursed

Untied Shoe

even 12 yo kids in Indonesia is a millionaire

Zsolt Szántó

Guys your are very good at advices. For me who’s just preparing to go there in januray this video is very useful. Thanks

Nobi Mathew

If a psychiatry patients carry drugs they also get death penalty???


This guy looks like eminem …like if u agree…

Jaco Delport

Love the tips you gave us, really helpfull as I am planning a trip for next month. Let me know if you ever want to come to South Africa

Screw The Net

I dont get how a traditional drink with only up to 50% alcohol can be dangerous without something like antifreeze or chemical also being added. IN many countries, many where white people live, there are drinks in excess of 75% alcohol(150 proof in usa) or higher.

Fernanda ‘s

In bigger cities in Indonesia like Jakarta and Surabaya honking can mean a few things:
1. Excuese me (like: excuse me i’m going to go)
3. Move.. (hey… the light is green… you can move now…)
5. What did you just do?
6. C ya!! (Bye! I’m off to work now)

Kusuma Wijaya

after i watch this,, and really accurate you describe bali, so i subscribe

Kusuma Wijaya

honk is polite way to say.. like the light is already green, so you must start the car/bike etc…

Excuse Me Bro

BROOOO I met you and your girlfriend on the bus coming from Pai to Chiang Mai! remember me? From Portugal! Check my youtube channel! See you broooooooooooooooo

chris Bryson

3:13 Number 7 is damn near impossible in some places. I stepped on a couple, it made me feel awful. They’re everywhere though and is hard to constantly look at your feet when theres so many cool things to look at.

lICityHunterIl _

Thank you very much for the tips!!


*Do. Not. Ever. Ever. EVER! Touch. DRUGS. In Indonesia. Or. You. Will. Die. In the name of Justice.*

Hori Hore

Hi I’m from bali origin. If have a question feel free to ask me…😀

hero garda

Hi i’m from Bali, the monkey forest you’re visit is Sangeh Monkey Forest, we have 3 others monkey forest in Bali (Uluwatu Temple, Monkey Forest Ubud, Alas Kedaton).
Thanks For your information, let try another destination in Bali

Gimzo Holistics

Eminem married a Bali girl.💖

Joseph Kennedy

You’re right about Kuta, but you left out that it also is great surf spot. Kuta= surf, party, chill

Simon Klein

11:04 where? ty

Gorga Simbolon

You look so incredulously cute together ! I don’t use this word too often, but the lady is very beautiful. You have beautiful eyes, and magical gaze 🙂 Initially I assumed that the you were Indonesian, somehow not anymore after watching the video further. So I’m guessing, from the Philipines ?

To the nice and respectful bule gentleman : You’re a very lucky man mister. Hehe. You’re both awesome, really. Thanks for visiting Indonesia. Please come back next time.

Gorga , from Jakarta.

Nekokami Creamychan

I’m Indonesian, but I never go to Bali.. 😭😭

Dayu Megha

That is true… all your explain for don’t do this is good👍 I’m Balinese…

Thedaley Meelee

Now this is what i call a don’t do this video. Thanks for the upload really useful.


Why do they have to put these offerings right in the doorway of their businesses?? I keep stepping on them to avoid being mowed down by bikes & dogs. Why can’t they just move them to the side a little…..
You didn’t mention the best place Nusa Dua.

Gym S

I gave the like that changed it from 3.9k to 4k

Kilang Bara

Welcome to Bali. Paradise for good people and Hell for bad people like Drug Trader and another criminals. Welcome

danny velvet

Selamat sore everyone, apa kabar!

Nice video on the simple and obvious things when arriving to Bali for the first time! Can I just emphasis on some things a little further just to give a little more definition and perspective, again on a video well done!

The drugs – sellers are frequently working in partnership with someone in the police. If you choose to buy, their partner in the police force will be waiting for you near by as they are watching you, and this could get messy. Bribes were more common once, though corruption is being nailed by the Government, so these days it’s a real gamble. Remember, unfortunately this is a way of income for some locals. Just simply reply ‘ Tidak’ (meaning – no) and keep walking. Never ever accept anything, no matter how friendly they come at you.

Canang Sari – daily offerings made for the Gods. These little offering (baskets) are everywhere. It isn’t necessarily bad luck or bad Karma to step on them, but just simply don’t! They do serve an important purpose in this culture and stepping on them may not be an option, but don’t feel too bad if you do. Just be respectful and try and avoid trodding on them if you can! It’s nice to see ‘Divert Living” being conscious of this!

Oh.. Also, if there is a public ceremony taking place in public (masses of locals walking together towards temple), please don’t walk in front of them or ride through them! It will pass shortly so just be respectful!

Guides – being people that approach you to take you on a tour and to explain and walk along with you. These are locals there trying to make a living. I’ve found that at times this can be a benefit, or a hassle. You can certainly get more insight to whats going on with a more ‘customed’ experience. Though this isn’t mandatory to accept. Your a tourist, and they are there to try and earn some money. If you choose to accept their service, kindly offer 2 dollars, or 5 dollars, depending on how long they spend with you. Remember, it’s not mandatory, but it’s the little things you can do for someone and to be nice is always good Karma, at such little cost!

Bars – the drinks can often differ from what you think your drinking, and yes, happy hours are when it can interesting, typically in places like Kuta. I suggest to be safe, never leave your drink out of your sight even for a second and keep your hand over the top of the glass whilst standing around in crowded places. Keep your drink on you and covered especially in clubs.There has been an influx of drink spiking lately, especially in Canggu, during busy tourist periods. Unfortunately, it has been the western tourists doing this ‘spiking’ for the most part. The Balinese would certainly see this as being bad Karma, and would likely not do such things.

Motor bikes – It is well known that the worst riders in Bali, are in fact the tourists, hands down! Often, people spend a week on a bike and become very over confident and speed all around the place as if they own it. Please – a massive shout out to all visiting there, don’t try and do what the locals do on bikes. The locals have literally, had a life time of experience on bikes. It is their place, they know the roads and they are much more accustomed to the ruthless flow of non existent rules. If your a tourist and decide to ride in Bali, slow down and cruise, just take it easy! It doesn’t matter if you need to sit behind a car or truck with all the others, just relax and take it all in, there’s no rush – your on Bali time remember! Not only do you look completely stupid riding like an idiot, but if you come off or have an accident – your holiday will become your worst nightmare, both medically, financially and physically. Unfortunately, I have seen dead bodies there on many occasions resulting in traffic accidents, and the reality is, it’s so not worth it.. Just relax!
Also, if your not Balinese, always wear a helmet. The police will (certainly be looking for you) and WILL pull you over if you are not wearing them. Don’t worry if the locals aren’t wearing them, just make sure you are!
Also – You MUST have an International drivers license on hand, also with the bikes registration paper. You should get an International drivers license before you leave home to go, and this will apply if you travel to any country outside your own. Just trust me on this..! When hiring, make sure the registration paper for the bike is on hand in the seat somewhere, etc. If you don’t have a normal motorbike license at home, then on your International license it will state ‘motor vehicle’ on the stamp. This means you are free to hire a motor bike on this license from a 125CC motor, and lower. Anything higher in CC (motor size), then it gets a little more tricky, depending on the police person.

Clothing – It is considered disrespectful to wear next to nothing on a bike or in public places in Bali. Put simply, guys, shorts and a t shirt – all good. Girls, bikini’s down the beach are fine, but put on a t shirt and a sarong when you hop on the bike to leave the beach etc. It’s just more respectful when your in someone else’s home. Also- just a quick important note – all females are strictly prohibited to enter temples or spiritual places whilst menstruating. It is considered impure when in the presence of the gods and it is forbidden. This is simply their Hindu custom, so please respect that whilst in Bali.

Money – being Australian, we have the AUS dollar. For me in AUS currency being converted, if it’s a million Rupia – its around $100 dollars. If it’s 100 thousand Rupia – I call it $10 dollars. If its 50 thousand Rupia – I call it $5 dollars, and so on. There’s simply more zeros in Rupia, though just focus on the first couple of digits on the note, because the local currency will see you only dealing in 2 dollars, 5 dollars, 10 dollars, 20 dollars, 50 dollars, and one hundred dollars- being a million Rupia, in general. After a short time, you’ll get used to knowing what to hand over, and the locals will always help you get it right!

Bartering / negotiating prices – Some tourists get a kick out of bartering. They feel empowered if they can manage to squeeze the life out on a price. In my personal opinion, I find this a little rude and somewhat embarrassing / overindulgent on the part of the tourist. It’s ok to bargain a price don’t get me wrong, but don’t get too carried away. The items they are selling is a direct life line of income for them, and for their families, and if you are in the business of screwing them down to nothing, your a thief and karma will come back on you! Simply be nice and respectful always, and if you pay a little less than the first suggested asking price, then you have a good deal anyways, and so do they. As a basic example – you wish to buy a Tshirt. They might say 100.000 (being 10 dollars). You can suggest 80.000. Thats $8 dollars. More often than not, you will settle somewhere cheaper. Its a win win. Gone are the day’s of bartering in Bali as it were 20 – 30 years ago. Market places are common in bartering, though most retail shops now have a fixed price – no bargaining, just like the shops back home. Most currencies enjoy the exchange rate in Bali, so try and not be pompous, as much as the Balinese want to look after you, you should be equally as considerate in return. It wont hurt to be a little generous with money because it’s still likely much cheaper than where you came from! Remember, good Karma is always the better choice to play in Karma.

Lastly – the island of Bali is one of a kind.. It’s a special place, and the people are beautiful. The people are genuine, spiritual, proud, charismatic and quite humble. They don’t get sarcasm. I strongly suggest that you maintain your respect and courtesy always! Even if your massage wasn’t that great, just tell them it was! Just be nice and be grateful because it’s really nice to see people smile!!
Bali is a big island, and there is so much to it! Get out and explore it beyond the main crowded ‘hubs’. Be careful, ride safe and enjoy! Take it all in!

Suksama 🙂

Siomay Jaja

Saya besok mo pergi ke Pantai Pandawa geis kwkwkw


Bali is a haunted town. Many crazy things happened to me. Not going there again.

Zaki Ahmad Munawwar

curious why she laugh at banana and nuts 😏

Thomas Roundtree

don’t try mushroom juice in bali ,or lombok. ‘coz that effect more than alcohol, and weed. did u know where that mushroom from? that mushroom from horse shit or cows shit

mit kooc

Canang sari….As a basic understanding, the offering contains items representing and giving thanks to the life giving elements of Earth/Fire/Wind/Water. Certainly an improvement over the bread, wine, body and blood offering I was brought up with.

Agus Riyanto

Both of you guy’s being a milioner when withdrawal 100usd or more to IDR damn could you imagine what I felt when going to another country for traveling and doing the same thing….I feel so fuckin’ POOOOOORRRRRR 🤣🤣😂😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

Aiman TV

Nice video💕, I also uploaded a Bali Vlog on my channel, it would be so cool if you guys also check it out ! Thank youu lots of love !

Tiramisu Aja

I’m Balinese, well it’s not like you accidentally step on the offering and then you get bad luck or sth. The offerings which are put on the ground are usually for ‘bhutakala’ which are like lower level from us, but we are taught to maintain good harmony with them and we are respecting each other. It is on the Tri Hita Karana, good harmony and relationship with God, with humans and with the nature. Bhutakala is part of our nature, they are there, we live side by side with them in harmony. So, if you are step on the offering in purpose, it’s not we curse you or mad at you, it’s just that what you do will eventually come back at you (karma), but if it is not on purpose, well then it is okay. But please try not to do anything with the offering which are put on the shrine, or else on the upper level above the ground…

Janine Tierney


yessy wandasari

Thankyou for promoting Bali,Sir! iam a balinese and i love what you do! Enjoyyy your dayyy!!

sarah fiona

I’m planning a trip to Bali in November 2018. Is it safe to travel at that time as the Mount Agung has started erupting?


arak is good u pussy

Karen Jones

Just don’t go there

Thomas Cool

I have a few place where the local eat : pak malen, dobil, mak beng, bebek garis restaurant, warungB’JO

Thomas Cool

I’m Indonesian why I’m watching this XD you make me home sick dude…


Here is a good idea why not just avoid this shit hole of a country and it’s scummy people …


Yup drug is big no no in indonesia. The fact is death penalty are mostly reserved to dealer and/or smuggler while user are mostly institutionalized.

John Patrick Amacio

In Cambodia I was in Bayon Temple then this guy keeps on following me and explaining me everything then at the end he asked for a donation. Hahahahaha


Arak is moonshine


Kuta was full of Australian and Chinese. Ubud was more about European/Japanese tourist..

if you wanna go for clubbing, go to Kuta. but.. Kuta was very crowded at night.

If you wanna to relax.. Gianyar Ubud, Buleleng, Tabanan was the best choice.

If you got a lot of money, Nusa Dua was the best place. There is five stars hotel environment. Many Internasional conferences was held in Nusa Dua area.

If you love camping/hiking/mountaineering.. goes to Bangli or Karangasem.

how about Denpasar? many tourist come to Denpasar by accidentally. Come without a purpose, just get lost with their motorbike LOL

Jas Ap

People whos driving motorbikes or cars dont even do their test to get their LICENSE, all you need to do is just pay around RP,50k to RP100k, done you get your License,,,No need test thats why they drive without thinking for others, they think for their selfs,

Jas Ap

Sir, im balinese and i just wanna say that u cant walk over canang sari or any canangs, cause thats disrespecting Thank you
Hope you have a great day

Gumbiro Aji Saputro

nice broy . i love Bali in Indonesia

Laurin Schädle

the first one doesn’t bother me, in my country we have an alcohol with 85 percent pure alcohol, and we drink it like water…


Traffic jams only applies for southern part of bali, I’ve been for 8 days on scooter in mid, upper, east and west of Bali , literally zero traffic and that too in peak season

Kevin Tiger

I’m going to Bali next week can’t wait 😊

Hoang Anh Nguyen

I like your video, very helpfully. But I still have a question: If their religion or the offerings what they believe bringing luck, why Balinese/indonese still acting like they are broke and want to make money from the tourists? And they are nice to you and asking you questions before you buy something, if not, they talking bad things behind your back and I was like .. oh k …They are not real what I think about them. I went there for one month and they seems like nice but they wanna cheating you, what they did to us. I thought about karma, if they believe in karma, why they are doing bad things? I am not saying to all Balinese. I also met very good people there with open-minded, we still have contact.

Don’t think bad about me, I am not judging, I came back just with the memories from the beautiful beaches and the nature but not the people. I have Good memories from people in Australia or latin Amerika and Denmark.

I hope for a response from you guys soon, I love all your videos. Keep going.

Aswin A

Yes Bali is super crowded but not everywhere. You can enjoy it without encountering too many tourists. You just have to know where to go. Plus since it’s well developed (or too much) there’s plenty of options for accommodation and transport.

Flaminia Buda

Very helpful! Thank you so much 🙂 I’ll be moving to Bali in January and this was so lovely!

Kiki nurvana

I think I’m feeling scary want travelling to bali

i. rob

I am saddened by the garbage everywhere in Bali. People just throw garbage in any bush, forest or waste ground. Its on the beaches and in the sea. Please Bali people, take care of your garbage responsibly. Keep Bali clean and beautiful, please.


I went to Bali in 1984 and the traffic was bad even then. Been there several times and never hopped on a motorbike.

Trance Classics.

Bali is a massive tourist trap Go explore the other islands and don’t listen to this clown!!

Zahra Redfearn

get go jek


Ozil brother 😁😁

Ron Cooper

You guys are both so cute! I have no plans to visit Bali or Southeast Asia anytime soon but I really enjoyed watching your video. All the best to you two from an old guy in California. Cheers, mates!

Laurits Brok

I went to the monkey forrest and got bit. I asked a guy who worked there, but he told me they were clean. Hm, probably shouldn’t have trusted him lol. However i haven’t experienced any issues

[Narendrputra] Gaming Channel

I am balinese

Strill Life

Hey guys it’s VStrill. Just checking in from my new channel. I just liked and subbed. Make sure you check out my 1st travel vlog please. Thanks in advance. Can’t wait to see your adventures in Mexico.

Travellers Relish

Monkeys are really cheeky so all that is expected haha. The alcohol bit is something I take note of so much. We once had organic wine in Israel. One tot was enough to get us so high it was unreal

Just Know Limit

I Love Bali 😍

cheeki breeki

Never do drugs in bali but do it in aceh, we have finest weed in the world


If you have never been, Maybe you can visiting tourist attraction in my area at Amed on east of Bali. Thank you.

Yusuf Bates

You guys are awesome! I live and work in Canggu and your points are on the money



Sharon Jones

The monkeys are trained to take from you they know your bags they know where to look and how to take 🙂

KC. Han

When i was in Bali.i never tried cheap alcohol u’ve been info, ride a motorbike is really make us enjoy in Bali…..easy for us going to some hidden exotic places..traffic ?? Not really if you can avoid the Denpasar City area (.i asked the hotel staff to show the right way to go, the day before).. Cant wait for the next trip on November.

John Riddick

Dude, this is hands down the best (and most sober) video I’ve seen on Bali yet. Great information!

Bali baliku otomotif

awesome video,enjoy bali everyone

reee eee

There are more balinese watching this video than the foreigner, lul

Arumina Takahashi

Hi this video is really helpful I’m going to Bali next week for first time so I was pretty panicking that what if I disrespected there culture…. I hope I will enjoy it! Thank you so much!(sorry for bad English it’s not my first language)

leah yuk low rattan

Dude you look and speak like toby mc guire

Eugene Yeong

Does anyone ever tell you that you look like Blake Lively? 😏

Doreen As

Wow thnx u video about bali, im from Indonesia I don’t drink arak either…


I have been to Bali many times. This is all just common sense.


Hey guys I found your videos very informative and entertaining and especially like your use of drones images not too overwhelming but just a right amount to enhanced the content …Well done…

Bari M.N.

But be careful when riding online motor bike because some area in Bali such as Canggu, the local motor bike driver won’t allowed the online driver to go to their area


An easy way to tell the differance between the 10 000 and 100 000 rupia note is the 100 000 note has 2 heads on it, not 1 like the 10 000 note.
Dont get into cabs unless they have a meter and make sure they turn it on when you get in the car. Bluebird and Garuda are the main cabs in Bali. Dont get your money changed at any money changes that are in dodgy looking stalls, or down ally ways, always get them changed at the ATM or Kodak money exchange. Some hotels will change it for you as well.
When you do get your money changed, dont mess around with it in public so it its obvious youve got money, just keep a small amount in your wallet and have the rest hidden….and always check you get the right amount in exchange. Dont feel guilty checking it in front of them, they expect you to do.
Pay attention to how much you pay in tax when you buy a meal as it can vary quite a bit.
Dont get so drunk you pass out…things can and do turn bad in a split second and you wont be aware of it. Be very aware of how you talk and behave to the Balinese when you are in a bad state because shit will happen to you.
I have seen a few times in Legion and it happened to me, that groups of kids will surround you doing the begging business, as harsh as it sounds, dont give them anything because in 2 seconds flat, you will have many MANY kids surround you wanting money. The kids can be quite tricky as they will get your attention one way, while another kid will try and pick-pocket you.
There are many things to watch for as in other countries, just use your common sense. Having said those warnings, Ive been to Bali maybe 14-15 times and I love it. The people are the nicest people Ive come across. They will go out of their way to help you and get you what you want if its possible. Just enjoy your time, dont be rude, dont get pissed and abusive, be respectful and enjoy yourselves.

krishna diatmika

Hey there, balinese here, you explain it very good and you help another people who want to visit Bali. Thank you so much!

Win Channel

I am one of the Balinese people and I just recently watched this video but I’m gonna tell you little bit about an offering that you said exactly in the front of ours house or shop, the offering which is we put on the floor that we dedicate to the evil or bad spirit because we have to make a harmony life but even though you step on it, that’s fine because it’s done


Om swastiyastu 🙏 wellcome to bali❤️🙏


Most of this can be translated generally for anywhere. As someone who has travelled all around the basic rules are:
1/ Be humble, don’t consider yourself better than the locals.
2/ Listen to advise from a wide variety of people.
3/ Expect to be ripped off occasionally, as a tourist you will be and in Bali I was (nearly by $A30) but they aren’t wealthy people. try to gauge the person and ask others (in general women are more trustworthy than men whether that be in Bali, Rio, London or my home town of Melbourne).
On the Bali Nine – yes they did the wrong thing BUT I am still annoyed at how the AFP (Australian Federal Police) handled the case. THEY were the ones that tipped off the Indonesians rather than wait until the Bali Nine got back to Australia and arrested them here.
Great tips though so Thanks (even from this sixty year old). Travel is a fun way to feel others cultures and people and my wife and I loved Bali (we kept away from Kuta staying mainly in Seminyak), as now residents of Ulverstone, Tasmania the Balinese were more like our locals than our fellow countrymen in a big city (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, etc.), you smile at them in the street and they smile back. 😀


Can’t agree more 👌

Angie Smith

Monkey Forest tip ~ they have lockers at the entrance. Put your belongings there. Do not even walk around with lovely essential oils in your bag. You will get attacked and bit. Yes, I am speaking from experience. Left the forest and got a round of shots. The had to do a whole new round when I returned home.

Wonderful place to visit in Ubud (right by Monkey Forest) is Yayasan Bumi Sehat. This is a clinic that gives free prenatal care to Balinese. They can also have their babies there for free. As a foreigner, you pay a fraction of what you would in the States. The founder of Bumi is Ibu Robin Lim. She was CNN’s Hero of the Year in 2011 for all of her birth work. She is a beautiful woman with a big heart. Visit and donate.. Give Ibu a hug from me! https://bumisehat . org

Max Dagø

I was also in Bali


I’m from bali…

I know no one cares

craig me

Dont hire a car! Dont!


Worth the watch ! Thank you two 🤗

Dhaniel Arya

Indonesia Is Very Strict. any drug is told to be thrown away (sent to police) and a huge fine, around 1000-30000$. if not, prison


Thai and Bali culture had a connection with old empire especially Srivijaya in Palembang, old Mataram (who built Borobudur and Prambanan) and Majapahit in Java. Hindu was religion for kings and Mahayana Buddha was the main religion that era and have strong ties with Khmer Empire. Majapahit is blueprint of Indonesia and when Islamic influence grew they moved the religion to Bali.


I’m Balinese, if you guys have any question, feel free to ask, I’ll try to answer them as clear as possible 😀

4:51 it is the same, we consider it “bad luck” and showing disrespect to god if we do that things like stepping on canang, sitting right in front of padmasana (14:58). what unique about Hinduism in Bali is that it’s not the same as Hinduism in general like in India for example where Hinduism originated, so some people refer it as Hindu Bali (Hinduism unique to Bali because of the culture and everything) than just Hindu

Linz Earth

Great video. Hello to lovely people of Bali. One thing to put on a dont do list. Dont go without travel insurance. Medical treatment is very expensive for tourists. Insurance
before Travel is cheap but have an accident or illness and you could end up bankrupt.

gary Affinand

High guys can anyone please tell me whats the correct amount of tip to give a waitor or anyone who did a good job catering to your needs?

Rejun Dewangga

Did you go to seminyak , tabanan , klungkung , singaraja , gianyar and many more there also a balinese culture different different bali culture it’s really nice you should go to an adventure
Because i’m a balinese so yeah 👌🏻

Rejun Dewangga

Did you already go to denpasar? The city pf bali

Rejun Dewangga

ARAK i love arak


Bagus sekali xD selamat pagiiii !!!!!


Another tip to not get bitten or scratched by the monkeys is to not making eye contact with them and dont get close to their babies

Great Chief

100,000 is just 10 bucks not that crazy

Motti Bembaron

My grandfather (from Turkey) used to make Arak from dates. It is a Turkish/Greek alcoholic beverage made usually from Anis but can be made from other fruits. It is EXTREMLY high percentage and need to be consumed carefully. If you binge on any alcoholic drink you put your health at risk.


Don’t go there at all.


I want to add some more on your list.
1. When you want to go to Pura or Temple in Bali, please, wearing formal clothes (they also prepare sarong so you can wear it before going inside the temple).

2. Bali has an important day, it’s called Nyepi Day, Nyepi means Silence, then anyone should not to do activity outside.

aurele tourres

I personally live in Bali and I’m 15 and I’m driving in a motorbike.

Carrick A. Thring

How long have you lived in Bali?

Vanya Safitri

VERY VERY IMPORTANT RULE YOU SHOULD ADD 11:49 Don’t walk around scantily dressed. Just because it is hot, doesn’t mean it is socially acceptable to walk the streets of Bali in a bikini or without a shirt. The Balinese are modest people and tourists parading around half naked is not appreciated.

Meme Boy

0:20 wtf

Kadek Agus Leo Rastafara

Love this channel. The facts mentioned are true. Anyway, try to visit North Bali because you’ll see the differences between Denpasar, Canggu, Kuta, or Ubud (South Bali) with North Bali.

j jenko

that girl is pretty, i couldn’t tell she is Thai.

Mike Curley

Bali is paradise lost.

Douglas Crets

I couldn’t finish watching this because the guy talks too slow.

Just A Normal -YT Channel

That’s cool…

bhaga sasi

Soo many bar in bali it destroys our cultures here..

Agya Merah

i was just wondering. were you in bangkok (khao san road) on last end of july LOL.

Kng Mlk

Love Bali. Learned driving motobike there ❤😂

Victor Wei

I just got bite by one of those guys

Frank Maergner

The TOP 9 not to do in Bali and everything which will hurt or kill you is spot 8 or 9 (drugs & alcohol)? Glad u got your preferences set out right. Not taking a motorbike? Best way to get around!! Doing this on a push bike 🚲 every year.

Bali is absolutely beautiful with beautiful people, except for the beaches. Better beaches in Asia than on Bali. Balinese I find amongst the most friendly and less aggressive people, also in traffic. Make sure u smile and communicate – also in traffic and I will be fine!
Sorry didn’t like the video as I don’t think it reflects Bali well in some areas. It is also not a crowded island.

Mike W

Go to Thailand, it’s way better

Irnah O

Does this include prescription medications?or just focusing on illegal drugs like heroin etc?

Dedi Setyadi

If You Step on Offerings arrangement mean You don’t respect the people and the culture specially if there is Dupa ( incense) still light on, But if you can’t escape from it just say “Nunas Lugra” or excuse us and bless us, this also for the people who live in Bali . God Bless Us All ,Happy Holidays , Nice Video. THANK YOU

Paman Rama

check my channel to know West Bali attraction

Sahabat Wayan

Thank you for making a video about Bali Island. If you return to Bali, you must order the right legal guide, or make friends with one of the Balinese you can trust. because there are many illegal guides, and he said that he was a Balinese. illegal guides that roam a lot in Bali. and it has damaged Bali. and also illegal guides who ask tourists for money.

Unknown Brotha

Bali is a shitty place. Fuck them


Hey, so is it acceptable to tip in US Dollars? Like, drivers, guides, etc? Just curious. Some countries actually prefer it, some are insulted.


also try not to be a ”Bule” in Indonesia as the Malay Mongoloids hate the foreigners..

Syed Fazril Al-Yahya

DONT DO THIS IN BALI – white men shouldn’t come to Bali merely to party in Kuta and play spiritual wankership identity games, corroding the traditional culture and mysticism of Bali especially with these ideas of exoticism

Kayla Marie Raby

Number 6: just like in the USA, nothing ever is free!

seng dara

Will u come to Cambodia?

Look at My picture

Nice video im from bali

‘Hello from the other side’

Reverse Universe

Women visiting Bali should also be very aware of these skooter scenery by chauffeur as they get taken to a secluded spot and raped and dumped it is more dangerous for the women

Micheal Gao

Hey, I’m going to bali in December and I’m only 18, will I still be able to get into the club’s and stuff?


Thanks for the helpful video. We have been to Bali a couple of times but this year December, we bring our teen kids for the first time. This video is their mandatory homework assignment. 😃


Nice . Love from bali🌴

Zome One

Next do a video about Lombok! 🇮🇩

Krisna Jaya

Hello guys 🙂 im from bali, nice video btw. First let me tell u guys, the canang sari thing, it is true that is one of our way to say thank u and pray to god and his manifest, (u will see some of the canang sari in front of a restaurant, a house, or anyplace and they laying on the ground, thats specially for the “guardians” sometime u will see some candy or cigar or cup of coffee in the canang) but its not 100% true if u step on it u will have a bad luck😂, just becareful if u accidently step on it, remember to say sorry in ur head, because some of the “guardian” are not friendly, maybe they sitting there eating the offer and they will get mad at u, u will got sick out of nowhere, and yes you will have a bad luck 🙂 but its better not to step on it, go around it and say “excuse me” especially in a spritual places.
And for the street, im personally have to say sorry, because our people here so savage😂 they dont care about the pedestrian and ride the scooter on it and they even dont feel sorry about that 🙁 for all of u who reading this, please dont be like us, it is sad to see u guys like that sometimes 🙁
And thats it from, enjoy your vacation here.
Ps: sorry if my english not really good 🙂

Gede Giri

hello i’m from bali

Z I N A • T A R A

Very helpful video! I’ll be heading to Bali in 2 days. Super excited 😝

Astrel Slater

Im British indonesian and yes th 9’s are real so no drugs here 😛

Astrel Slater

Yep peeps NEVER do these here in Bali i lived here for 15 years and somethings here are not to do

nazaruddin abu zaharin

Amazing & good info.

Aji Diansyah

Talking about food, Bali or Bangkok?


Senang bisa mendengar pendapat orang luar tentang pulau kita 😊 terimakasih telah membuat video ini

linn h

My home 🙁 i miss it sm

andolu ratna kumar

Thanks guys you are such a nice couple. I wish you all the best

Instagram BaliPedia

07:49 a good karma will come to her

Arif Wijaya

Not just Bali, don’t do drugs in Indonesia, you’ll get death penalties especially if you are foreigner.

Nofa Budiarsana

Good advice, i like it!. Im from bali and you ask for meaning of canang sari right? Well you are right, canang sari is a ritual in balinese culture to thank god, thing that don’t step on any canang sari you may look on street is correct too, but not all just the new one and the incense still on and if you step it, it’s not will bring a bad luck to you

its nyancy

i dont like bali….i love lombok and flores island…it more beautifull

Kelsea Michael

If you’re headed to Costa Rica you should check out the Beach & Pool Crawl in Tamarindo.

Alicia Millennium

These are all so true!! Thanks for sharing the information! <3

Gab Harrison

I have been to so many weddings in Bali and it is so beautiful💖💖

Tracy Walker

Is it safe to swim at the water falls ?

Lilia Tsuda

That’s why they put” K” in the end of a number, like 30K means 30.000 rupiah

Sukma Raharja

11:34 oh wow that statue is close to my house

Henz Arpan

Info yang bermanfaat sekali.

Milan Novita

One more, if u are a girl and menstruation, please dont come in main tamples area, because in hinduism menstruation is “dirty”, and please dont climb our tample, because some idiot foreigner do this ….😬😬😬


ي قلبي


I hope you were happy in Bali!

Ngurah Arik

I’m balinese, there are lot of destination that you should visit excet that u said, go to bali utara, then u will be see the other paradise, and for the cost, north bali is cheapher than south bali

Lulu Rokru

Just came back from Bali last week. I saw 3 motorcycles accident in front of my eyes. The best place i visited is Kintamani and Nusa Penida.

Maxim 42

I rent a scooter in Ubud, Lovina, Singaraja and Sidemen and it was great! Theres‘s been some trouble on the Streets but it was still ok..not like in Kuta.

Melanie Daintys

Hai 👋🏻. Balinese here ,thank you so much for make this video😁🙏🏻

Bob Dominic Guadamor


Promila Marndi

Thank you Mam And Sir for the information because me and my friends are going to Bali this October 14th …


Actually all what balinese people do is thats for oferrings to god and the mother of earth


i drove the scooter for the first time in bali and it was pretty easy, just drive slowly, other ppl just take over

Frag Zilla

okay, when are you two having kids? i want to see how beautiful they are

Ary Upadhana

I think i saw you guys at Canggu

agus dika

Thank you so much man!
For Scout our Country 🙏

Adda Ridzduan

This is real in Bali. I went there and they honk all the time and that is for safety purposes. It’s a gesture of telling people that u r coming thru.

Iluh Niki

Thank you guys for your komente

Callum Kitson Parker

Arak is delicious you fucking gay lord

Rendi Nur Septiana


Mr M. Crowley

Nice couple and handy info. Im an aussie with a gorgeous indo wife love the Indonesian culture and people.


Vietnam’s money is even worse

puja sugiantara

Heyyy,,, im from Bali..
Can we meet?


Riding a motorbike in bali is fine, that was normal, in jakarta…. —i cant even


Yeah, as an indonesian, i remembered the colors of the money and ignoring the zeros 😂

Sultanate of Sulu

Thank you..

Vview Triple’P

Is she a Filipino?


the canang on the ground is ment for demons, only the ones placed higher on the temple are for the god. As far as I know, it is ok to step on the canang especially when the insence stick burnt down, becsaue the spirit of the offering is already gone 😉


For number 7, it’s okay if you step on it as long as it’s unintentional. I’ve been to Bali once and i accidentally stepped on it, the tour guide said it’s okay if you didn’t mean to step on it.

fyi, my senior deliberately kicked those things and she got really sick the next day and couldn’t continue the trip. People say it’s because she kicked the things.

Well idk, maybe true…one thing for sure i don’t wanna mess with it, I just wanna enjoy Bali.

Jontra Volta

Come to Malaysia 🙈

Chaka Doll

You need to replace your mic.

Andy Wirawan

Hi, I’m Balinese and I was wacthing your youtube. I’ll tell you about some traditions in Bali. The first is don’t climb or sit in the holy area of temple (pelinggih). it’s forbidden because when you climb or sit in it you will get big problem. Balinese people especially Hindusm will clean it ritually and that requires a lot of money. there were a lot of case about it and someone who did it must pay for the ritual. the most important thing is if you go to Bali and use the travel guide service to the temple, you ask what is permitted and prohibited. if you are traveling alone you have to find out about it on the internet. one more, you are prohibited to enter the sacred area or temple when you are during menstruation. So I hope you respect with our traditions and enjoy in Bali.

Ben Carpenter

Better as a Hindu island..not Muslim as it is now becoming

Hiro Matsune

thanks for the tip. planning to go to bali in the next 3 weeks

I Gede Amartya Param

As to what does it mean, well canang has so many meanings and purpose around it, too much to cover but basically it is a form of offering for ceremonies

Hanna Mejia Beaton

Great video! Are you going to Mexico for day of the dead 💀?


*_Last Tip: dont go there right now…. mf Earthquakes n shit i dont wanna die homie_*


I’m a Bali person and I love how you made this video! It’s very beautiful and interesting… it shows the beauty and dangers of Bali without causing harm… Thanks

Kaylah Kaiya

Thank you for sharing! Me and my fiancé were worried to go because of rabies but it really helps us to know that they do have people there working with them and helping people and monkeys out, and hopefully checked for rabies. I know it’s impossible to have every single one checked if we want them to live freely and naturally, but I hope they put some effort into it so it reduces both people and monkeys from getting serious illnesses

Pak De

really great that you guys try to teach about the places you visit. I just really wish that people think about the impact when they share on YouTube their “discovery” of the last hidden place in Bali (seems like a new one is “discovered” every day ). For example just 5 years ago Nusa Penida used to actually be a great place to get away from the madness of South Bali until it became the must see hidden gem of Bali heavily touted on YouTube. Now hordes of tourist crash and trash the island on day tours. A fisherman would never share the exact location of a favorite fishing spot and it would be helpful if collectors of interesting places didn’t go public with places that will be destroyed due to publicity. thanks

Matthew Terry

This is a great video guys! I have been to Bali 3 times and this is one of the better videos I have seen! Some of the tips you mention are great especially for first timers.


im balinese boy and i apreciate your blog,,thx you for visiting ang give information for all

Nell Lunnon

I went to Bali this summer


My sister got tuberculosis from monkeys in bali. Not worth that shit.

Trihano Olvin

What about drone laws ?

Joe soap jnr

Last but not least no 10 – stay away from Deejay cafe!


This video is an eye opener. Whenever I hear Bali, images of beaches and resorts floated into my mind


I thought you are that backpack boy

Archie Jackman

I live in bali. My dog always eats the offerings. Especially the biscuits😂

I also had to get 4 rabies shots after getting bit by a stray dog. I dont know why but i think i got to close too her baby.😑


🤣 i will honk you

Izzat Khan

Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one’s view’s and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one’s valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.

I Gede Amartya Param

Well im balinese my self, and those things are called “canang” and steping on a canang is not only bad luck but also a sign of disrespect to the family that placed it, the ancestors, they spirits around that area and to god. What I suggest you to do if u do accidentally step on this and a local see u step on it, u should stop and say sorry in your heart as sight of ur respect because people in bali will NEVER tolerate disrespectful act towards believes and culture (if u intentionally do it). Fun fact, in bali black magic is still a thing so if u piss the locals hard enough, i can assure you they will “cetik” you (curse u witch usually leads to death)

Liam Maule

Number 7 on the list is false. I have just got back from Bali and can tell you that they aren’t bothered if you step on those offerings.

Erik k jaya

Thank you guys for promoting bali and being nice tourist.. i hope you enjoy bali island.. so sorry if you get some bad experience when you in bali.. 🙏🏻😇

Jerry M.

Just subscribed! Thanks for sharing 👍

Liebia Narzary

are u husband n wife?

a hoe neva gets cold

i watched this in 33k with 33k subscribers and 333 comments but now should be 334.

stee vo

From what I concluded, Arak is not the problem as such, it’s the fact that methanol is cheaper so used to adulter the drinks by unscrupulous greedy dirtbags. Methanol is the problem. when distilling for arak, the first fraction of the distillate should be discarded as this may contain methanol produced by fermentation, after that mostly ethanol spirit/aclohol.
You know how you can buy a litre of metho for a fraction of the cost of say vodka.
Just stating this as the media are often misleading, blaming unlicensed producers of Arak for methanol poisoning, when it’s more the fact of crooks using industrial solvent methanol to cut their drinks.

Shin chan

I’m Balinese, the small offerings that you see on the ground or on the shrine is called “Canang sari”.
it is offered every day at morning to the God or Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa as a form of thanking for the peace given to the world, it is the simplest daily household offering. The philosophy behind the offering is self sacrifice in that they take time and effort to prepare. 
and there is also smaller offering that you will see around evening it’s called “segehan”. if Canang Sari mostly made of flower and fresh palm leaf, Segehan is made from old palm leaf and colored rice. segehan is offered to the “Bhuta Kalla” or the rest of the world call it Demon. so basically this two daily offering means to keep human life in harmony with God and Demon.



deny larasdiputra

You should try candidasa and tenganan village,

Ikes Vida

Someone just say Indonesia and Bali…what the ****
Come on dude,just say Bali Indonesia!
Bali is Indonesia!!!

Agus Sururi

Bali no drugs……
Drugs is devil
U do drugs u die
Say no to drugs

Let it rain I clear it out

I’m balinese and thanks for visiting Bali

aymen ben haj salem

Actually guys with regards to the offering you actually step on it after the essence is gone ( the smoke ) i’ve been recently there and i was told this by locals

Wati Ozukum

Never go to indonesia,,,,,,people are heartless….curse be upon indonesia

W. Suryaningpraja

Stepping on offering to the God is disrespect

Shreyash Singh

Really loved your videos, would love if you visit india next.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Junia Sarli Kurita

Omg guys if you wanna comeback to bali, just hit me up.
I own hotels and villas , i can give free to you both coz im a big fan ❤❤❤

putu pande

And in your video its’n how Balinese Arak made, that is Philipines rice wine actualy. So why Arak can make you blind? it’s depend on how and what are you mix it up, and please buy arak from the local balinese store, not from your drunk mate. Nice Video Dude, Thanks.

putu pande

what? i drink arak Bali since 15yo and i didn’t get blind yet

grow in spirit

Thank you for this video guys! I didn’t know about some of these things, especially the arak.
It’s SO important to know what not to do and how to behave in a country.

B. Kumar S.

You guys are very cool. Thanks for sharing informations. Bali is my favorite destination.


11:07 red light in the mouth of statue?

Hidden Hazard

The traffic so bad. No improvement. Too slow to develop

Putu Darma

The place with arak things is not in Bali I think…that’s gili


What do you feed the monkey sitting next to you…?

Jolena Baleleng

Hi..Are transwomen legal in Bali?

Agus Gunawan

5:24 @divert living i am a Balinese and i would answer your question. all the “offering” or we balinese called it “banten” that you see whether on the street, big trees, or even in front of house door is our way to express thank you to god. it can be simply said like that because we balinese believe that we’re blessed, so all things we have, we share it with god. we share it with full of honor, love and sacrifice. thus, you must not step on the offer that you find on the street. because we balinese sacrified for it and we honor it. btw i love your video, thank you for sharing it. enjoy your time in Bali ^^

Surya Darmawan

stop drive if you drunk in bali!!! safe drive!!

Damara Juarez

hi, im a Balinese, i love your video, all the tips you said in this video are true. Here is another tips for those whom who read this comments, if you really love the Bali fresh air, rice paddy view, and peacefull atmosphere, try visiting Karangasem.
Keep making usefull video like this, Matur Suksma

Brett Stanton

You know dude, you look like a young Bobby Darin.

Refnhaldy Kristian

You guys made a very nice and helpful video!!! One more thing about indonesian traffic. If you can drive there, you definitely can drive anywhere in this world 😂

Rheen tho

respect any cultures and rules wherever you went in.

Arista Jaya

Dont enter holy area a temple when you got period for women, and dont climb up a temple. Please be polite when you visit a temple in Bali. Your attitude will bring Good Karma or Bad Karma. Thank you. 🙏🙏

Raze playz

I thought Bali was in Thailand…


So you’ve been to Vietnam yet you said rupiah has the most zeroes? Strange.

princess Luna kusuma

ooh i have something more, TO ALL WHITE PEOPLE please dont do something like planking or stretching on the very old gate made of stone or any old side of any buildings theyre ancient for god sake lmfao not all things is for u to work out yer steroid infused muscle , and having sex outdoors on spiritual places in Bali lmfao, u disgraced the gods with your spilled cum

princess Luna kusuma

pfftttt australian, of course australia always be and always will tell some bad rumours anything about indonesia

putu mare

best time to visit bali ? back in the 90s where less traffic and pollution

trust the universe

Funny. The first balines woman you can see is the owner of the warung i shoping each day. Desa tengkulak ubud.

Power Couple Life

Love your videos! Subscribed! <3

Adi Adie


search 4 truth

I love Bali. Hey bro the word is especially, not expecially. Been their twice and gonna go again. I rent a motorcycle every time I go. Gojek and grab are great though. Stay away from cabs. Thanks for the video

Birdie Asteria

Hi we are Balinese, we travel to Bangkok few times a year, and we visit many of Thai provinces. Yes, we kind of agree that Thai and Bali have so many similar culture. We do Banten, Thai also do pray with flower things, you have pork sausages the one that they sell as a street food is really similar with “urutan” — bali sausages, and with rujak or fruit salad, in Thai they used crap or whatever so the taste is almost similar with “rujak kuah pindang ( made from fish soup”, hahaha and they give pork skin on top of it , Budhis believes in Karma, here is “Karma Pala”, also with the appearance, when we were in Thai, Thai always talk their languages to us hahaha they thought that we were Thai. Soo many things that we found while we were in Thai hahaha “we have this in Bali”

Azmeen Afandi

The motorbike situation is not just a Bali thing. I’ve seen similar situations in Jakarta and Medan as well. Indonesian traffic is just bonkers! Traffic light laws aren’t followed and I wonder why they bothered building them in the first place.

I don’t even know what’s the function of their traffic police… I only see them wave hands and accepting cash from helmetless motorcyclists.



B Lam

My thoughts on this is there is only one true God, and i don’t believe in luck or superstitions. My thing is as long as someone doesn’t push their beliefs on me than to each his own. When I’ve been in southeast asia the people have never tried to push any beliefs on me or my family and most are very friendly and helpful. At least thats been our experience.

pranata natha

I really say thanks to my God because i born in this Paradise Island, i’m so proud to know alot of people they know Bali and Indonesia 🇮🇩, love your video

rishi pradhan

Good info ….nice and genuine couple 👍🏻

mahatma adi

you have to see zimbabwean dollar

r3driver shadow

I remembered when I step canang sari, a lot of people angry to me…they saw me like a stupid people

Sani Laomahei

Very helpful tips. Can’t wait for my first trip Jan 2019 😊


Dirty mind banana and nuts

Steve Popple

Just have common sense really.



Yefri Yanto Ndaumanu

If you want to see the real Bali is in the eastern part of Bali. Kuta the south is not Bali. Eastern part is the real Bali

Project Pending

Bali was such an amazing destination but was unfortunately ruined by corrupt police , other then that our 3 months in Bali was an amazing time and I’d fully recommend it to anyone

Edward Stevens

Great video guys! I’ll be going in October, your tips helped very much ☺️

Shazril Shukri

#6 Happen to me as well, while in Goa Gajah. Very subtle ‘scam’ though, you won’t notice it, till they asked for money at the ed of the ‘tour’.


The Cat goes drunk

Rachel Adnyana

You’re wrong about number 7 – totally fine to step on offerings when they’v already been placed!

kim starling


Abubakhar bin Albar

the real question is why the fuck you must bring drug on your vacation???


After spending a month in Bali iv come to a conclusion that probably won’t be to popular , we have always been told that the people are laid back and friendly , wouldn’t hurt a a fly but I think the truth is that they don’t give a fuck , they don’t give a fuck for you’re safety based on how they drive and park , they don’t give a fuck on how they leave walkways/pavements with holes that could swallow an adult , they don’t give a fuck for the safety of children with railing that is in no way adequate to stop children falling .
Don’t get me started on offerings to the gods placed where you’re potential income need to walk in order to buy you’re goods then you get bent out of shape if someone stands on it .

Yova Indrajaya

I love your video…. 🙂

Mohammad Priaji



Thank you…


enjoying every second of this video.

Michael Federman

30 years ago no traffic in Bali

Michael Federman

I do not drink only fools drink I enjoy living

Ray Mak

There are certain places in Bali that you should not go as a couple. Most will break up

Ray Mak

Really learn a lot from your videos each and every time

Hedy Risman

I love your videos so much and enjoy it. Thanks alot for your effort and information

Hedy Risman

U can go bangka belitung, gili labak, or in lombok if you like beach. Not just bali

Hedy Risman

Awesome dude

Papaya over Mango

Nicely summarized guys! We live here in Bali and agree with you 🙂

Yansen Chanel official

Welcome to Indonesian 🇲🇨🎅


Hey great video. Good info. Travel is common sense too. Have fun guys

Bali Traveller


Syifa Adriana

Jimmy and Tah, the last time I stumbled upon your channel, it had 11k. Now you are 32k! What a growth in a short period of time. Keep it up you both! Enjoy my home country!

Shane Cashman

Again good information

Aus penang


Francis Inghels

Arak…so don’t go to Sri Lanka…they drinking that all days…and anyway Bali is dirty and for sure not the best food in Asia….

Deny Lesmana

maybe Bali need monorail

Luthfi Saleh

I’m Indonesian
I love no 2 we kill all DRUG DEALER…

jose galang

you guys rock…✌✌✌🤙🤙🤙

marmvb mulder

My husband and I were so very much looking forward to our first time to Bali this september.
After 6 days I broke my ankle when I fall and got operated the same night there. Then we spend also 6 days in the hospital. We booked 16 nights and only got to spend 6.
The accident happened on Nusa Lembongan (not Bali) where they only hire motors. They tell you that the’re scooters but the’re not! So you’re not insurance if something happens. If something happens you need to pay directly. Only if you have a motorlicense you’re insurance.
My advice even though it looks so handy to not hire a scooter on Bali or on the islands around them! In my case I would not even hire a bicycle. Taxi’s are the safest.

Why are you saying not to hire a scooter when you did it?

Thanks for the warning for rabies. I think the best is to get the shots at home before we leave. Don’t you think?
Bali is a great/beautiful destination and I definitely want to come back, but probably not next year because of this accident wich I know can happen everywhere.
I think we will go to Mexico next year, we’ve been there 5 times and it’s great there!

The plan was to visiting in this order this places where we booked our hotels. Sanur, Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Dua and Jimbaran.
I was looking forward to the last 2 because they don’t have rocks in the ocean and there’s not low tide wich we had in the first 2 wich kind of sucks.

giri nata

actually , there is one of important thing u extremely forget that is u CAN’T flying a drone above temple area.

Philippines Fun With JLB & Friends

Ha ha I liked Jimmy’s ”yeah sure sure” look at 5 minutes 11 seconds lol.

I Wayan Gandita

Hello happy couple.. You in bali right now…. I like your all vidio spicialy about bali… Thank you so much..

Kevin 080592

Lol ALAK actually means alcoholic drinks in tagalog philippines, so that ARAK thing?…im not surprised.. have you heard about a pinoy urban legend called “Gin bulag”?…a guy from indonesia, I think a filipino got blinded by drinking an alcoholic drink

Keith Hogg


noe dorough

Of all vlogger or travel blogger coming to Bali. You are the one who telling the ‘truth’ (mostly).. Laugh so hard when you mention canggu is for hippies 😂😂😂😂😂.. You should mention riding around in public street (non beach area) with bikini or top less is eye sore for Indonesian in general. look around people all dress up on the street, then why you get “naked”..

Yoga Adhitya

Hi, baliness here. Your video is very nice and informative, love it. Yup.. all of your tips are true. Anyway the canang sari will not give you a bad luck, and the function of canang sari is the moment when we offer it to thank the god from our heart. After the ritual finish then the function of canang sari is done. So if you accidently step on it then nothing will happen, youll be ok but still pls dont do that in purpose

Doug Bergman

When I was in Bali I stopped to take picture of some Monkeys on the side of the road. Guy come over to chat and I tell him we don’t have monkeys in Canada. He asked me why not, had we eaten them all? I laughed so hard…but it made me suspicious of cheap Warung food.

Manuel Degamo

I’m late. ☺️

Time to Fly

Well Tah great job like really cool stuff I’m trying my best to teach myself and as times goes by I’m learning but it’s slow but I love it

Erik Ludwig

‘Til 50K…

ayad alzahron

Great vlog

Adam Greenfield

I always remember getting jumped by the monkeys in Bali lol

mohd sanir

I was in Bali about 3 years back but oh heck…I missed the waterfalls.NOBODY told me

Philippine Travel

Great video

Kiwi John

Great vlog guys. Really good info for newbies. I love to see you laughing and having fun making this. Keep up the good work

Belus Traveller Foreign Once

Thanks so much for the pointers, It was nice for the lady to be so honest, No motorbike check,😂😂😂😂, Be Safe in Mexico, Peace Belus Traveller

Svend Phimdi

Hi You 2. Good video and information. Thanks.


Best advise I ever got about Bali was don’t drive!  Sure the roads are crazy, but the real hassle comes if you get in an accident.  That can turn into a nightmare.  Still, it’s an awesome place – well, except for Kuta, which I like to think of as Australia’s version of Tiajuana.  I don’t think I ever met an Aussie that hadn’t been to Bali for a drunken vacation.  But the rest of Bali is well worth it!  Such wonderful and genuinely kind people, beautiful scenery, good food and INEXPENSIVE!  I loved it.

Traveling with Jose

Helpful video you two!

Time to Fly

Great video once again man I love your vlogs where are you two now ?

Time to Fly

I loved Bali it’s one of my fav destinations

rheyzon algordo

Hi tha and jimmy when you plant to comeback here in the philippines if you comback pls try to go in northern part of the ohilippines especially in baguio city the summer capital of the ph….

Jurian F. Kaunang

Thank you. Tips #4 I agree you have to be good at driving a motorbike/scooter and please always wear a helmet with a strap on. Not wearing helmet is very dangerous (can ruined your vacation or even cost your life!) and is one of the reason the police will give you fine. The last tips about rabies, yes monkeys are unpredictable but my additional advice would be act as normal as you can, you can look at them but don’t stare them in the eyes for more than 1 second. And by the way many animals’ bite can transmit rabies but in Bali based on statistics it is caused by dog bites and bats, monkey is a lesser source. Source >>
Again, thank you so much. Very useful video for traveler 🙂

Mark Olwick

Bali is not a “crowded island”. The tourist areas are very crowded, yes, but there is much more to Bali than Kuta, Ubud, Denpasar or Canggu.

Kevin Goldberg

I made the mistake with the 100.000 instead of 10.000 😒😂


If ure need a scooter lesson in canggu just go to

Joshua Chad

Hey Divert Living! Thanks for the heads up on what not to do in Bali. We owe you the world… literally! 😅
Hinduism has been called the oldest religion in the world. Hinduism and Buddhism have common origins in the Ganges culture of northern India during the so-called “second urbanisation” around 500 BC. They have shared parallel beliefs that have existed side by side, but also pronounced differenceses (extract from Wikipedia)… around this time, our readers will be nodding off by my super boring fact based comment. 😴
Monkeys in developing countries are a common source of rabies. Other animals which carries the rabies virus are bats, coyotes, cats, rabbits, dogs, horses, opossums, skunks, wolves & small rodents. The mother of all rabies carrier is but of course Cujo, the rabid dog! 😱
Another unconventional way to treat the dastardly disease is to seek the village druid, Getafix and get hold of the potion that restores a person to full health after injury (although this potion also causes the person who takes it to lose their recent memories while also interacting badly with the magic potion)
Yet another unconventional way is to scare off the monkeys by deploying Cacafonix, the village bard, to sing and play a tune on his lyre. It is so unbearable that it teaches the fearless Normans the meaning of fear. In recent albums his music is so spectacularly horrible that it actually starts thunderstorms (even indoors)! 😂

I’m not making much sense, am I?

dr.Dimas Aryokusumo

Dont pee carelessly bayan tree in bali forest , because every tree on bali have spirit .

marwan latip

love this episode

brebreboo lardoo

Arak is like a lambanog in Philippines. But lambanog has no rice it’s only pure coconut i think,


about 16:30….ya never told you had a twin jimmy

Jacek Wi

THanks for sharing your knowledge! I didnt know that you cant smile to the monkeys 🙂 We will take it under consideration when we will be there in december 🙂


Dear Jimmy & Tah!
Love the content very much. We’re *hopefully* planning for Bali this year end and man, this video is definitely legit before our kick-start. And oh..BINTANG is pronounced as “BIN-TONGUE”. Haha..#speaklikenative

P/s : Arak = Alcohol in our tounge. I believed the one you mentioned in the video is “TUAK” (Too-wark)..Correct me if im wrong mates! 🙂

Unique Bali

The offering that put on the ground in front of the door of a house or the entrance of a business called canang, which done every morning, canang also put in the neibourghood temple (pura), the house shrine (sanggah) and the pelangkiran which is a small worhiping wooden desk that stationed on the wall at each room. The canang is to thank & respect the ancesters and the God, the canang consist of flowers, and other materials that symbolic of Hindu Gods, and for specific business places, the canang is accompanied with things that represent that business such a bottle of soda, cigarette, candy, biscuits, and others. This practice is actually pretty similar to the Thai culture which also have influnce of Hindu Bhramin.

Fadzyin .Y Jantan

i like this video cuz u two so funny sometimes and cute.. keep it up

Deni Mupe


Muhamad Haziq

do u guys love wine..


I’m Indonesian but I never tried Arak. I wonder how it actually taste!

Robert Pippin

All that I’ve ever driven is mopeds and scooters. So if I went to Bali, they would have to watch out for ME, lol. I’m in a wheelchair, but can still drive a scooter.


Great video and advice..I remember the monkey forest and those damn monkeys…haha

Meja Makan

the danger with arak actually the equipment they use…instead of traditionally bamboo tube they now use PBC plastic pipe…. it can be poisonous

Lucas Millen

These “Don’t do” videos are great! Like you guys said, you can look everywhere and find things to do. I’ve been looking into Bali for a while and never heard anything about the alcohol, great information here as always! Thank you Jimmy and Tah!

Bart Lim

Indonesian government is very strict when it comes to drugs, so if you wanna visit Indonesia ( bali, lombok, etc ) leave the thought of anything to do with drugs ( using or selling ) the maximum penalty is death sentence just like the famous Bali nine, thanks for reminding people guys, cheers

Jeff Solomon

Your timing in posting this is so good! I am learning. #2MoreWeeks Thanks Jimmy and Tah

Divert Living

▶︎ Our latest Bali travel guide: What to expect in Bali 2019 : 🇮🇩

zamburi zainal

First….woohoooo.. hei guys.. nice info