We live in a world where we all talk about manifestation.

We live in a world where we all talk about manifestation.
How do you *get* that thing you want.. as if that thing is outside of you.

Let me share with you the real secret.

You gotta FEEL that shit first darling. If you want to feel abundance, embody it.
If you want to feel joy, embody it.
If you want to feel success, embody it.
If you want to feel radiance, embody it.
If you want to feel fiercely feminine. embody it.
If you want to feel sensual, embody it.
If you want to feel free, embody it.

What I’ve realized is… FUCK we have more than enough information coming at us.

We’ve read a lot of articles, listened to a lot of podcasts, gone to a lot of conferences. Been to enough WOO WOO events.

But are we taking ACTION on it or just going from one podcast, one email, one event to the next without changing anything in our lives?
What we need is more embodiment.

If we took even ONE piece of that information and took ACTION on it.. our world will radically transform.

All it takes is one step. One decision. One move forward, for the domino effect of up-leveling to take place.
And that requires stepping away from the imposter syndrome and stepping into the fact that the ONLY way you’ll realize you’re ready.. is by starting to do it.

Our external world is a reflection of our internal vibration and NO vision board will change your life if you don’t take action. – Sahara Rose
In short