ON GOOD AND EVIL @Composurefitness and I talk a lot.


@Composurefitness and I talk a lot. Like, a lot a lot.

It’s one of the biggest blessings in my life, actually. To be able to talk through every challenge, every worry, every theory, every joy with the person I love. Sometimes, we talk about small things, but often, we talk about really big things, and every once in a while, these conversations feel like they’re actually important. So we’ve started recording our coffee talks for others to join the conversation as well.

This time, we talked about good and evil, and whether those concepts are even useful to our lives. It’s a big topic, and I think, an important one in our work of developing compassion. Have a listen on Spotify: Musings with Megan and Michael, episode 3

Photo by @harmonice, awesome yoga jumpsuit by @boerlinboerds