You didnt incarnate here for a mediocre experience.

You didnt incarnate here for a mediocre experience.

You didnt come here to settle for just good enough.

You are an eternal soul experiencing life on earth for a short period of time in a human body.

Your body is the vehicle through which your souls is able to experience life on earth.

& we dont get much time in this body, in the span of the timeless nature of this Universe.

Yet, many of us waste the little time we do have waiting for life to get better,

Waiting to feel ready,

Waiting for the external excuse to feel joy

Settling for the mundane, over & over.

You didnt come here for mediocre

You came here for adventure,

You came here for love,

You came here for feel of the sand on your feet & the wind on your face,

You came here for the belly laughs, the beauty, the abundance.

& you are divinely worthy of unlimited abundance, by birthright.

But what you experience in your life is a reflection of what you feel worthy of on a subconscious level.

& when you settle for anything less than incredible, you are telling the universe:

this is where Im placing my energy. This is what I feel worthy of. Give me more of this please.

& then we wonder why life isnt improving.

The Universe can only meet you as far as you are willing to meet yourself first.

Every word you speak, action you take, person you give your energy to is sending a vibration out into the Universe,

Setting the standard for what you are open to receiving & attracting into your reality.

This is one of the secrets of the Universe:

When you own your worth & show up for the life you want, no matter how terrified you might feel

The Universe will meet you there. But its up to you to take the first step.

(This is why sitting around meditating all day doesnt result in manifestations falling through the ceiling, theres no reaction without action)

I want you to understand this:

Your dreams are way closer than you think they are.

& they arent as unrealistic as that little voice your head might make it seem.

But you have to give yourself permission to take the first step, BEFORE you feel ready.

Life gets to be supportive of you, but you have to be supportive of yourself first