Roof waterproofing is critical for structural integrity.

Roof waterproofing is critical for structural integrity. Roofs are not just visual features; they fulfill a key role in facility protection. Whether flat or domed, every roof structure has a unique character. As the highest point of a building, roofs are continuously, year after year, bombarded by the elements, frequently giving way to costly leaks. MARIS POLYMERS offers liquid-applied Polyurethane roof coating systems for long-term protection of simple, and/or complex roof structures.

The MARISEAL SYSTEM is the technologically superior roof waterproofing system offering no hassle application, full certification, and guaranteed lasting results for your roof waterproofing needs. Ideal for repair and renewal, new vaulted or flat roofing designs, the MARISEAL SYSTEM polyurethane roof coating (dependent on top coat) can also accommodate daily wear and tear from medium to heavy foot traffic.

The MARISEAL SYSTEM products provide protection from UV exposure, weathering and mechanical damage, bird picking and assist with the fire resistant characteristic of the roof system.In comparison to other coatings used for polyurethane foam protection, the MARISEAL SYSTEM shows no problems at areas with ponding water,frost and UV radiation, thus providing a long lasting result.