Our Balinese home will never ever be forgotten.

Our Balinese home will never ever be forgotten. From April to mid July this magical place held me as I lived and loved and committed free and endless hours of my life to my art. Its where I watched from a safe distance as the world caught fire with disease, social isolation, and political unrest. Its where I spent hours upon hours in quarantine, deeply bonding with my fianc, getting closer than ever before. Its where I got to observe hundreds of butterflies and lizards move through my backyard on the daily. Its where I found out that I had lost my dad. Between my devotion to movement that kept pouring out of me like an endlessly overflowing cup and the experience of losing my father, I feel this location held space for an inalterable shift within my being. Bali was an epic way to end the completely surreal and transformative 18 month adventure I had, traveling around the world with Joshua.