YOUR HEART is the only COMPASS you ever need to follow.

YOUR HEART is the only COMPASS you ever need to follow.

When you learn to live in that space, the mind will slowly learn to listen to THAT direction. the practice of yin delivered me to an unexpected and unexplainably deep connection to my heart… to my realest desires I never thought I wanted.

Then started the journey of listening… and the tougher journey of allowing it to take over my mind; my thought process became FEELING.

The decisions that followed when I allowed my heart to guide me, delivered me to the truest happiness Ive ever felt. It delivered me to NOW.

Im forever grateful for that; for yoga.
-Hayley Wenn
YinSide Yoga Director

THIS is what YinSide is all about.

Reconnecting YOU to what we know from our OWN practice and experience.

Yoga and the stillness of Yin is a LIFE CHANGING practice. An authentic and inspiring way to find your Soul Smiles… theyre in there, sometimes we just need help to remember!

Lets start YOUR journey… we have opened our new space in ULUWATU for you to come and experience this practice with us! Check out our yoga schedule on our IG Highlights.

If this is CALLING YOU send us a little hi and we can book you onto our class!

We cant wait to see your SOUL SMILE!