Happy Sunday loves!

Happy Sunday loves! This weekend welcomed in the first New Moon of 2020. Its in the sign of Aquarius & here we are, in the thick of the Aquarian Age!

I feel its no coincidence that during this time, I also completed a pre & post natal YTT thepracticebaliyoga.

Besides learning about how to guide a pregnant woman andor a recent mother through a practice, we also went deep on the topics of birth & connecting with the powerful energy of the wombspace.

The space of creation. Where the seed is first planted on fertile ground & begins to grow & be nourished. We can be talking about a baby here, or perhaps a new project or adventure.

What seed are you planting with this New Moon? What intention are you setting not only for this moon cycle, but for this power year in general?

For myself, this cycle is about reconnecting with my individual sovereignty & inner wisdom. This year is about allowing myself to peel back the layers & really be seen.

I’m showing UPPP this year fam. Its time.

You may have already noticed that Im posting a lot more frequently on IG. So much more to come. I vow to show up in my authentic truth, always.

Truth, freedom, growth & service are some of my most important values.

In Numerology, my life path number is 4 (Sept 22nd, 1989) and 2020 just happens to also be a 4 Universal year.

This decade also kicks off my journey into my 30s. There are so many exciting projects being birthed through me & I’m so excited to share more in the weeks to come.

For now, I will share that my time in Bali, for the time being, is coming to a close. Ill be flying to Singapore in midFeb for a few days & then Ill get on a one way flight to India!

It feels so symbolic for this deepening & emerging thats coming through, to be taking place in the motherland, with the blessing & direct energy of my ancestral line.

Trust & surrender are my anchor words this year and I’m completely at peace and in full acceptance with the Universes plan. I’m deeply grateful for this true integration & harmony in my system.

Happy New Moon fam! Here’s to the adventure that is this human experience.