This is the boss of Happy Mango Tree Hostel.

This is the boss of Happy Mango Tree Hostel… Looking back on this photo that was taken minutes before I left, I feel its almost like he knew something we didnt… Like life was giving us a sign… I had never concentrated on his hand before this moment, until uploading this photo… This man, that was standing here smiling at us… was straight up giving us the Tap sign from our Tap Dat logo!!! Hes was just missing a sidekick friend pushing another finger through it!

Reflecting now and taking in the photo of him with his overtly looking sexualised shirt, 90s gangsta bling and WTF style, its obvious now… This man is the epitome of Tapness… The Tapfather some even might say… I cant believe I never realised before… The next shots are from the last time I saw Sauly in Bali… One taken just outside the hostel and the other one in our dorm. He would soon ride off into the warm summer night, humid and still, after first slapping hands with the Happy Mango crew and singing an impromptu song. His guitar strapped to his back and his backpack perched at his feet, he motioned one last wave to us and disappeared into the dark down the street… I stood there for a while watching his silhouette merge with the black shadows as the street lights evaporated his last trace… I had no idea when I would see him again or even if the song would ever come to fruition… But what I did know, is that we had had an epic adventure, and that for that time… was all that mattered 🙂