Its funny how the universe works.

Its funny how the universe works.
Some days I wake up with this drive that I cant explain, Im ready to face anything thrown at me with a smile on my face. Other days I wake up with no hope, not knowing what my purpose is and feeling like Im wasting everyones time around me. In just one second, the time I open my eyes and take my first awaken breath of the day, my mind is able to decide how my day will be. Why are we giving so much power to our thoughts? The little hamster running up there is controled by our ego, what If we stopped giving so much energy to the mind, and just sat still and tapped into our bodys wisdom? I guess this part is called trust… To trust our body, our path. Not only does my body take care of me and keeps me healthy, it keep me dreaming of big wonderful things, and keeps me on the road to healing. Im still learning to love it and to listen very closely for guidance. She knows a lot. In fact, shes the only one who knows every single thing about me. Those bad days arent there for nothing, its our bodys way to communicate with us, letting you know that its okay to feel the sadness youve been carrying and to lean into the fears instead of placing a patch on them.